Izumi Kasagi

Izumi Kasagi


Izumi Kasagi


小説家である「私」のもとに、女子大生の久保さんという読者から、1通の手紙が届く。 「今住んでいる部屋で、奇妙な“音”がするんです」好奇心を抑えられず、調査を開始する「私」と久保さん。 すると、そのマンションの過去の住人たちが、引っ越し先で、自殺や心中、殺人など、数々の事件を引き起こしていた事実が浮かび上がる。 彼らはなぜ、“音”のするその「部屋」ではなく、別々の「場所」で、不幸な末路をたどったのか。 「私」と久保さんは、作家の平岡芳明、心霊マニアの青年・三澤徹夫、 そして「私」の夫・直人らの協力を得て、ついに数十年の時を経た、壮大なる戦慄の真相に辿り着く。 だがそれは、新たなる事件の序章に過ぎなかった―。 すべての事件をつなぐ【穢れ】の正体とは?予定調和を許さない驚愕のラストまで、目が離せない。
Automobile Service Shop Employee
A pair of men are picking and repeatedly enter houses here and there to steal. One day, while ransacking the house they have been picking, they find the girl who lives in the house collapsed in the bathroom. She is a college student who has been hurt by a love like a game that is about to end. When she gets up and sees the two thieves, she says, "You came to save me, didn't you? Will you stay with me forever?" For some reason, she interprets this favorably and trusts them. From that point on, a strange interaction between the three begins.
Production Design
A pair of men are picking and repeatedly enter houses here and there to steal. One day, while ransacking the house they have been picking, they find the girl who lives in the house collapsed in the bathroom. She is a college student who has been hurt by a love like a game that is about to end. When she gets up and sees the two thieves, she says, "You came to save me, didn't you? Will you stay with me forever?" For some reason, she interprets this favorably and trusts them. From that point on, a strange interaction between the three begins.
Fuzoku is nothing, so pick up a pick-up. Ken is a university student who refuses to take anything seriously except picking up girls. Shin, a junior student who spends all his time picking up girls with Ken, has a girlfriend called Sakura for the first time. Shin worries about himself in terms of love. Shin gets angry at Ken's attitude of making fun of him, and they finally get into a fistfight. Ken loses out and gets injured, but still goes out into the night downtown to pick up girls again... Conversation between Ken and Shin, who seem to be talking but do not communicate. Ken's pick-up, where he is actually not interested in the other person. Sakura, who doesn't explain anything. The bright emptiness of a generation living with language that does not produce communication is portrayed with a fixed camera like a photo box and night photography.