A fearless young hero battles otherworldly challenges on a journey to discover his destiny.
Get ready for Das Rheingold, the first chapter in Richard Wagner’s four-part epic, The Ring of the Nibelung. Travel to a world where gods, giants, and dwarves vie for control over the realms of myths and mortals.
Three one-act operas by Puccini: the first a suspenseful tale of cheating lovers; the second a sentimental tearjerker about a mother yearning to hear from her lost child. The third is a dark comedy of greedy relatives and their inheritance.
アンジェラ・ゲオルギュー(ソプラノ)/ロベルト・アラーニャ(テノール)/ルッジェーロ・ライモンディ(バリトン)/マウリツィオ・ムラーロ(バス) 他/アントニオ・パッパーノ(指揮)/コヴェント・ガーデン王立歌劇場合唱団&管弦楽団/ティフィン少年合唱団