Alfred Sweeney


Romantic Comedy
Production Design
Jason Carmichael is a popular New York City playwright in desperate need of a new writing partner who can provide him with inspiration. Phoebe Craddock is a small-town teacher who aspires to be a writer.
Production Design
Jack and Caroline are a couple making a decent living when Jack suddenly loses his job. They agree that he should stay at home and look after the house while Caroline works. It's just that he's never done it before, and really doesn't have a clue...
Art Direction
Military cadets take extreme measures to ensure the future of their academy when its existence is threatened by local condo developers.
Stir Crazy
Production Design
New Yorkers Skip Donahue and Harry Monroe have no jobs and no prospects, so they decide to flee the city and find work elsewhere, landing jobs wearing woodpecker costumes to promote the opening of a bank. When their feathery costumes are stolen and used in a bank robbery, they no longer have to worry about employment — they're sent to prison.
The Black Marble
Production Design
When alcoholic homicide investigator Valnikov is transferred to a burglary case that seems to involve a creepy dogcatcher, he's also given a new partner -- the pragmatic Sgt. Natalie Zimmerman, who's experiencing a midlife crisis and does not welcome Valnikov's company. But as these emotionally bruised cops are drawn deeper into the bizarre world of dog shows, animal fanatics and pet cemeteries, they're also drawn to each other.
The Runner Stumbles
Production Design
Dick Van Dyke stars as a priest accused of murdering a nun. Directed by Stanley Kramer, this 1979 drama also features Kathleen Quinlan, Maureen Stapleton, Ray Bolger, Beau Bridges and Tammy Grimes.
North Dallas Forty
Production Design
A semi-fictional account of life as a professional football player. Loosely based on the Dallas Cowboys team of the early 1970s.
Production Design
A Piece of the Action
Production Design
How does retired cop Joshua Burke (James Earl Jones) get two career criminals, Manny Durrell (Sidney Poitier) and Dave Anderson (Bill Cosby), to follow the straight and narrow? Con them into helping juvenile delinquents turn over a new leaf. But how? Burke has never been able to nail the duo, but he uses what he knows of their seedy past to blackmail them into volunteering.
Silver Streak
Production Design
A somewhat daffy book editor on a rail trip from Los Angeles to Chicago thinks that he sees a murdered man thrown from the train. When he can find no one who will believe him, he starts doing some investigating of his own. But all that accomplishes is to get the killer after him.
Let's Do It Again
Production Design
Clyde Williams and Billy Foster are a couple of blue-collar workers in Atlanta who have promised to raise funds for their fraternal order, the Brothers and Sisters of Shaka. However, their method for raising the money involves travelling to New Orleans and rigging a boxing match.
Art Direction
A bush pilot is hired for $250,000 to go to Mexico to free an innocent prisoner.
Uptown Saturday Night
Production Design
Two blue-collar buddies search the underworld for a winning lottery ticket lost in a nightclub holdup.
Oklahoma Crude
Production Design
In 1913, in Oklahoma, oil derrick owner Lena Doyle, aided by her father and a hobo, is stubbornly drilling for oil despite the pressure from major oil companies to sell her land.
The Train Robbers
Art Direction
A gunhand named Lane is hired by a widow, Mrs. Lowe, to find gold stolen by her husband so that she may return it and start fresh.
Cisco Pike
Art Direction
A down on his luck former drug dealer is forced by a corrupt LAPD policeman to sell 100 kilos of confiscated marijuana in one weekend.
Something Big
Art Direction
Joe Baker has a dream. He wants to do 'something big.' When he needs a Gatling gun to accomplish this, he seeks out a black marketeer. The price he wants for the gun? A woman! So Baker kidnaps a woman off of the stagecoach, only to find that she is the wife of the commandant of the local Cavalry detachment. Things get further complicated when a girl named Dover McBride shows up. She has come to force Baker to marry her and return east, as he promised to do four years earlier
Rabbit, Run
Art Direction
Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom comes home one day from his dead-end job to find his pregnant wife Janice asleep, splayed in front of the TV, highball glass in hand. After a moment's contemplation, he decides to leave. Taking his coat and car keys, he's off and running on a rambling, aimless journey.
Production Design
第2次世界大戦末期の1945年2月、連合軍は敗走するドイツ軍を追ってライン川に迫った。ドイツ軍は、天然の要害であるライン川を盾にして防御するしかなく、連合軍もライン川を渡河すべく、無傷の橋を目指していた。 ブロック将軍は上司から、担当地区に残る橋を全て爆破するように命じられたが、川の向こうには7万5000人の兵が残されており、この友軍が撤退できるようレマゲン鉄橋をぎりぎりまで残し、連合軍が間近に迫ってから破壊しようとする。将軍は腹心の部下、クリューガー少佐を橋防衛部隊の指揮官に任命し、連合軍が橋の目前まで迫るまで爆破しないように指示する。 クリューガー少佐が橋に赴くと、書類上では1600名の兵員が実際はほとんどおらず、爆破のための爆薬すら無い逼迫した状況であった。少佐は、爆破の準備や橋の防衛陣地の構築とともに増援部隊の派遣を要請するが、いくら要請しても生返事ばかりで一向に援軍が来る気配は無い。そうしているうちに、アメリカ軍のバーンズ少佐指揮の機甲歩兵大隊に所属する先遣隊が橋の間近まで迫り、橋をめぐる攻防戦が始まる。
Art Direction
Posing as a hangman, Mace Bishop arrives in town with the intention of freeing a gang of outlaws, including his brother, from the gallows. Mace urges his younger brother to give up crime. The sheriff chases the brothers to Mexico. They join forces, however, against a group of Mexican bandits.
Art Direction
Any Wednesday
Art Direction
Ellen Gordon, a New York executive's mistress falls for the executive's young business associate when the young man is accidentally sent to use the apartment where the executive and his mistress get together every Wednesday. More complications arise when the executive's wife shows up with plans to redecorate the apartment.
The Appaloosa
Art Direction
A man tries to recover a horse stolen from him by a Mexican bandit.
Art Direction
主人公ハーパー役をポール・ニューマンが演じた、ロス・マクドナルドのハードボイルド小説「動く標的」に基づく大ヒット作。それまでに23本の映画に出演していたニューマンが初めて探偵役に挑み、ハードボイルドジャンルを再燃させた画期的作品である。うだつの上がらない探偵が、ある入り組んだ誘拐殺人事件をきっかけに活躍のチャンスをつかむ。脚本家ウィリアム・ゴールドマンによって粋な会話と新天地ロサンゼルスが“ハーパー流”に見事に脚色されている。資産家の女(ローレン・バコール)、銃を忍ばせる弁護士(アーサー・ヒル)、プールサイドに陣取るジゴロ(ロバート・ワグナー)、酒びたりの元女優(シェリー・ウィンタース)、熱狂的なジャズファン(ジュリー・ハリス)、ハーパーの別居中の妻(ジャネット・リー)、そして(ストローザー・マーティン率いる)“雲の寺”という謎の宗教団体。それぞれが謎を解く鍵を握っているのか? あるいは、ハーパーに向かって引き金を引くのは誰なのか?
Art Direction
When an erring wife's supposedly dead lover turns up an amnesiac, it's her unsuspecting shrink husband who's enlisted to get those memories back.
Art Direction
Captain Newman, M.D.
Art Direction
In 1944, Capt. Josiah J. Newman is the doctor in charge of Ward 7, the neuropsychiatric ward, at an Army Air Corps hospital in Arizona. The hospital is under-resourced and Newman scrounges what he needs with the help of his inventive staff, especially Cpl. Jake Leibowitz. The military in general is only just coming to accept psychiatric disorders as legitimate and Newman generally has 6 weeks to cure them or send them on to another facility. There are many patients in the ward and his latest include Colonel Norville Bliss who has dissociated from his past; Capt. Paul Winston who is nearly catatonic after spending 13 months hiding in a cellar behind enemy lines; and 20 year-old Cpl. Jim Tompkins who is severely traumatized after his aircraft was shot down. Others come and go, including Italian prisoners of war, but Newman and team all realize that their success means the men will return to their units.
Art Direction
A cowboy has to get 12,000 dollars in stolen bonds from the ex-girlfriend of his partner, or the gang holding him hostage will kill him.
Art Direction
Posse from Hell
Art Direction
Murphy goes after bad guys who shot his friend the sheriff and abducted a local girl. In a plot reminiscent of High Noon, the posse of town blowhards gradually abandons Murphy; only tenderfoot banker Saxon remains, to prove his manhood. When they find the girl, obviously abused by her captors, Murphy shows her acceptance and sympathy whereas the others disply only revulsion.
Solomon and Sheba
Art Direction
Under the rule of King David, Israel is united and prosperous although surrounded by enemies including Egypt and its allies. The aging King David favors his younger son, Solomon, as his successor, but David's elder son Prince Adonijah, a warrior, declares himself King. When David learns of this, he publicly announces Solomon to be his successor. Adonijah and Joab, his general, withdraw in rage. Israel prospers under King Solomon's wise and benevolent rule and is seen as a threat to more tyrannical monarchs in the region. The Pharaoh of Egypt agrees to cede a Red Sea port to the Queen of Sheba in a plot to undermine Solomon's rule. Sheba is to seduce Solomon and introduce Sheban pagan worship into Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Prince Adonijah, now banished, also conspires with Pharaoh and is given an army to defeat Solomon. The film is a highly fictionalized dramatization of events depicted in The Bible -- First Kings chapter 10 and Second Chronicles chapter 9.
A Time to Love and a Time to Die
Art Direction
A German soldier home on leave falls in love with a girl, then returns to World War II.
Day of the Badman
Art Direction
Judge Jim Scott must contend with the vicious relatives of a murderer he's about to sentence...and his unfaithful fiancee.
Man in the Shadow
Art Direction
In effect, modern cow town Spurline is run by Virgil Renchler, owner of the Golden Empire Ranch. One night, two of Virgil's henchmen go a little too far and beat a "bracero" ranch hand to death. Faced with an obvious cover-up and opposition on every hand, sheriff Ben Sadler is goaded into investigating. His unlikely ally: Renchler's lovely, self-willed and overprotected daughter. Will Ben survive Renchler's wrath?
Art Direction
In the 1930s, once-great World War I pilot Roger Shumann performs as a daredevil barnstorming pilot at aerial stunt shows while his wife, LaVerne, works as a parachutist. When newspaper reporter Burke Devlin arrives to do a story on the Shumanns’ act, he quickly falls in love with the beautiful--and neglected--LaVerne.
Gun for a Coward
Art Direction
A young cowboy, whose dedication to the principles of peace and reason has earned him a reputation for cowardice, overcomes his psychological aversion to violence after his elder brother unjustly censures him for not joining in a foolhardy gunfight in which their youngest brother is killed.
The Unguarded Moment
Art Direction
A high-school music teacher is the victim of a student who writes indecent notes and assaults women.
I've Lived Before
Art Direction
Seeing a certain woman (Ann Harding) makes an airline pilot (Jock Mahoney) think he is a reincarnated World War I pilot.
Star in the Dust
Art Direction
The sheriff of Gunlock is planning to hang Sam Hall, who shot three farmers found on cattle land, at sundown. At the casino, betting is 8 to 3 he won't make it. The cattlemen are set to rescue Sam; the farmers hope to lynch him before he can be rescued; and Hall schemes for escape with his girl Nellie. But Sheriff Jorden is most concerned with finding out who hired Hall: a leading suspect is the sheriff's future brother-in-law.
The Kettles in the Ozarks
Art Direction
Ma and the kids head out to help Pa's brother Sedgewick with the his farm in Mournful Hollow, Arkansas. Things get tighter when a couple of bootleggers rent Sedge's barn to manufacture moonshine. With Ma and the kids, the bootleggers get their pay.
Raw Edge
Art Direction
A Texan arrives in Oregon and seeks justice for his innocently-hanged brother
The Square Jungle
Art Direction
Grocery clerk Eddie Quaid, in danger of losing his father to alcoholism and his girl Julie through lack of career prospects, goes into boxing.
The Spoilers
Art Direction
In 1899 Alaska, miners have to protect themselves from a phony legal team trying to steal their gold claims.
Art Direction
A lone-wolf scientist sequestered in a mansion near a small desert town arouses the suspicion of the town's doctor when his lab assistant is found dead from a case of acromegaly which took only four days to develop. As the doctor investigates, aided by the scientist's new, and very female, assistant, they discover that, far worse, something much larger and hungrier than it ever should be, is devouring local cattle - and humans - in increasingly large quantities.
Art Direction
In a tributary of the Amazon, a monster – half-man, half-fish – is captured and placed in a reservoir in a Florida national park to be observed by scientists.
Art Direction
Western remake of "Destry Rides Again", starring Audie Murphy, Mari Blanchard, Thomas Mitchell, Lori Nelson and Lyle Bettger.
The Yellow Mountain
Art Direction
A formula brawling-buddies western where one goes bad and then returns to the fold. Pete Menlo owns some gold claims in Nevada where he is joined by his old friend Andy Martin. Crooked mine-owner Bannon wants to merge their interests so they can create a monopoly but is turned down. Pete is interested in "Nevada" Wray, daughter of mine-owner "Jackpot" Wray, but she has eyes only for Andy. The rejected Pete joins forces with Bannon and they learn that, because of location, "Jackpot" Wray may be the owner of all the gold in the respective veins. Bannon and his men try to get rid of Andy.
The Great Sioux Uprising
Art Direction
During the Civil War, in Wyoming, horse dealers Joan Britton and Stephen Cook are competing to supply the Union Army with horses. A Cherokee is in the area to stir up the Sioux against the Union just as Cook decides to steal a herd of Sioux horses. Ex-army doctor Jonathan Westgate opposes Cook’s unscrupulous methods as well as being Cook’s rival for the affections of Joan. It seems Westgate is the only one able to prevent a new Indian war.
The Black Castle
Art Direction
A Man investigates the disappearance of two of his friends who were the guests of a sinister Austrian count.