Iosif Konopatsky


The Strogovs
In the Siberian taiga village of Wolf's Burrows, the Strogov family lives — Matvey with his wife Anna and his parents. Through the fate of this peasant family, a picture of the life of the Siberian region during major historical events — the Russo-Japanese War, the 1905 Revolution, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War is outlined.
The Road to Rübezahl
Prokhor Petrovich
The German anti-fascist Max in 1939 emigrated to the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, he fought in the Soviet partisan detachment and died, performing a responsible mission. After many years, her companion in guerrilla warfare, Lyudmila, was able to realize their common dream — to climb to the top of Mount Rübezahl.
Den solntsa i dozhdya
Rebellious Outpost
The Chief of Chukotka
Young patriotic young man ends up in the on Chukotka right after the civil war, where he intends to spread ideas of justice and equality among the natives. As it happens, instead he learn the local capitalist ways, and he start profitable fur trading with US, Japanese and other merchants.
Going Inside a Storm
Viktor Savushkin
Sergei Krylov and Oleg Tulin, are promising young physicists in the field of thunderstorms. They dream of weather control. But later their ways in science parted - Oleg is ready to tradeoff his standpoints for personal success, but Sergei knows that the truth is more critical.
Разноцветные камешки
Pavel Yevgenyevich