19-year-old Yoon Young lives alone with her mother and prepares for the civil service exam while working part-time. Regardless of good heart and sincere will, unexpected incidents turn Yoon Young from a victim to the killer, driving her to prison and being called inmate "2037" instead of "Yoon Young." In a hopeless situation her co-inmates in Cell No. 12 with their own stories offer a hand of hope to protect Yoon Young...
19-year-old Yoon Young lives alone with her mother and prepares for the civil service exam while working part-time. Regardless of good heart and sincere will, unexpected incidents turn Yoon Young from a victim to the killer, driving her to prison and being called inmate "2037" instead of "Yoon Young." In a hopeless situation her co-inmates in Cell No. 12 with their own stories offer a hand of hope to protect Yoon Young...
A girl who lost her father to a serial killer, a detective and a killer are intertwined in a chaotic relationship and are met with an unprecedented series of events.
A girl who lost her father to a serial killer, a detective and a killer are intertwined in a chaotic relationship and are met with an unprecedented series of events.
A writer kills his landlady and stages the body to look like the work of an active serial killer. Anxious that the police might figure out the truth, he decides to insert himself into the investigation using his detective friend.
A writer kills his landlady and stages the body to look like the work of an active serial killer. Anxious that the police might figure out the truth, he decides to insert himself into the investigation using his detective friend.