George Spartels

George Spartels


George Spartels


Monica and George In The Magic Toyshop
We bet you've never been in a toyshop like this one before with so many magical surprises! Our adventures are always more fun when we're with our friends so why don't you come along?
Seeing Red
A mystery, a comedy with an undercurrant of terror, about the expose of scandal in big business transactions and how a three year-old boy and his father lost each other.
Computer Ghosts
'Pi' Wratich
A security company conjures up fake computer-generated "ghosts" so they can buy abandoned property at below-market value at auctions. However, a mysterious couple appear out of seemingly nowhere to thwart the company's plans.
荒野を彷徨い続けるマックスは、航空機を操る謎の親子連れに乗り物や装備を奪われる。 徒歩でたどり着いた“バータータウン”は、物々交換で成り立つ街だった。街の支配者であるアウンティに腕前を買われたマックスは、自分の持ち物を取り戻すべく、全ての問題を解決するために設けられたステージ“サンダードーム”にて、街の裏の支配者であるマスター・ブラスターと戦うことになる。
Blue Fin
Based on the children's novel by celebrated South Australian author 'Colin Thiele' , this is an emotional father and son story about tuna fishing of Southern Blue Fin tuna in South Australia's Port Lincoln fishing district. Accident prone son Snook is forever making mistakes much to the chagrin of his father Pascoe. But when tragedy strikes the fishing boat during a deep sea fishing trek in the Southern Ocean, the boy is called on to become a man in a rites of sea passage to reconcile is past mishaps and save both his father and the ship from certain disaster.
Out of It
Larry (Glenn Mason), Warren (Chris Haywood) and Tony (George Spartels) are three friends living the industrialised western suburbs of Sydney, bored by their lives and the kind of work available to them via their car-wrecking yard boss Boyle (Martin Harris). So instead of working, they strip stolen cars, and then despite girlfriend Wendy's (Margaret Nelson's) objections, Larry decides to join the other two in moving up a notch by helping steal TV sets, cassettes and radios in a warehouse robbery organised by Jacko (Terry Camilleri) and his boss Ferret (Saviour Sammut).