Benjamin L. Cook


Sound Effects Editor
The Night
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
An Iranian couple living in the US become trapped inside a hotel when insidious events force them to face the secrets that have come between them, in a night that never ends.
アンホーリー 忌まわしき聖地
Sound Editor
Alice is young hearing-impaired girl who, after a supposed visitation from the Virgin Mary, is inexplicably able to hear, speak and heal the sick. As word spreads and people from near and far flock to witness her miracles, a disgraced journalist hoping to revive his career visits the small New England town to investigate. When terrifying events begin to happen all around, he starts to question if these phenomena are the works of the Virgin Mary or something much more sinister.
The Binge
Sound Designer
In the not-so-distant future, all drinking and drugs have been made completely illegal by the government, except for one night a year. High school seniors Griffin, Hags, and Andrew make a pilgrimage to get to the best party in town where all their dreams will come true. They will have to avoid their crazed principal, violent siblings, and the wild animals roaming the streets.
アース クエイク バード
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
アース クエイク バード
Supervising Sound Editor
アース クエイク バード
Sound Designer
デッドウッド 〜決戦のワイルドタウン〜
Sound Designer
Follow the 10-year reunion of the Deadwood camp to celebrate South Dakota's statehood. Former rivalries are reignited, alliances are tested and old wounds are reopened, as all are left to navigate the inevitable changes that modernity and time have wrought.
Sound Effects Editor
スパイダーマン、死す── スパイダーマンことピーター・パーカーの突然の訃報により、ニューヨーク市民は悲しみに包まれる。13歳のマイルス・モラレスもその一人──彼こそがピーターの後を継ぐ“新生スパイダーマン”だが、その力を未だに上手くコントロール出来ずにいた。そんなある日、何者かにより時空が歪められる大事故が起こる。その天地を揺るがす激しい衝撃により歪められた時空から集められたのは、スパイダー・グウェン、スパイダーマン・ノワール、スパイダー・ハム、そしてペニー・パーカーと彼女が操るパワードスーツ。彼らは全く別の次元=ユニバースで活躍する様々なスパイダーマン達だった。
グースバンプス 呪われたハロウィーン
Sound Effects Editor
全米初登場No.1&全世界興収1億ドルを突破した大ヒット映画 『グースバンプス』シリーズ、待望の第2弾! 封印された本を巡る痛快ファンタジー・アドベンチャー! ハロウィーンシーズン真っ只中、ソニーとサムはある屋敷で一冊の本と腹話術人形を見つける。ホラー作家R.L.スタインによって書かれたその本を開くと、中に書かれていた小説が現実になってしまうのであった。スタインの描いたモンスターが街中に溢れ大混乱!そんな中、悪魔の腹話術人形スラッピーに捕らわれた母を救うため、ソニーとサム、そしてソニーの姉サラはハロウィーン・モンスター達に立ち向かう。果たして彼らはモンスター達を無事本の世界に戻すことが出来るのか…!?
Foley Supervisor
鈴木英雄(大泉洋)35歳。職業:漫画家アシスタント。彼女とは破局寸前。 そんな平凡な毎日が、ある日突然、終わりを告げる…。徹夜仕事を終えアパートに戻った英雄の目に映ったのは、彼女の「異形の姿」。一瞬にして現実の世界は崩壊し、姿を変えて行く。謎の感染によって人々が変貌を遂げた生命体『ZQN(ゾキュン)』で街は溢れ、日本中は感染パニックに陥る。標高の高い場所では感染しないという情報を頼りに富士山に向かう英雄。その道中で出会った女子高生・比呂美(有村架純)と元看護師・藪(長澤まさみ)と共に生き残りを懸けた極限のサバイバルが始まった…。果たして彼らは、この変わり果てた日本で生き延びることが出来るのか。そして、英雄は、ただの英雄(ひでお)から本当の英雄(ヒーロー)になれるのか!?
Sound Effects Editor
Two disconnected sisters are summoned to clean out their childhood bedrooms before their parents sell their family home.
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Terri is a devoted wife and mother of two, living an ideal suburban life in Atlanta when Colin, a charming but dangerous escaped convict, shows up at her door claiming car trouble. Terri offers her phone to help him but soon learns that no good deed goes unpunished as she finds herself fighting for survival when he invades her home and terrorizes her family.
ジャーヘッド2 奪還
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Battle-scarred and disillusioned by the war, Corporal Chris Merrimette is put in charge of a unit whose next mission is to resupply a remote outpost on the edge of Taliban-controlled territory. While driving through the hostile Helmand province, a Navy SEAL flags down their convoy and enlists the unit on an operation of international importance: they must help an Afghan woman famous for her defiance of the Taliban escape the country. Without tanks or air support, Merrimette and his team will need all the courage and firepower they can muster to fight their way across the war-torn country and shepherd the woman to safety.
Sound Editor
Sound Designer
ピザボーイ 史上最凶のご注文
Sound Effects Editor
30分の配達時間もろくに守れず、堕落した日々を過ごすピザ配達人ニック(ジェシー・アイゼンバーグ)はある日、銀行強盗を企てる2人組から注文を受けてピザを配達したところ、彼らの計画に巻き込まれてしまう。10時間で爆発するという時限爆弾を体に取り付けられ、強盗せざるを得ない状況になったニックは、絶交しているインド人の親友チェット(アジズ・アンサリ)に頼み込み、協力してもらうことになるが……。 『ソーシャル・ネットワーク』のジェシー・アイゼンバーグが、『ゾンビランド』のルーベン・フライシャー監督と再びタッグを組んだアクションコメディー。30分の配達時間を厳守できないダメなピザ配達人が、時限爆弾を取り付けられ時間内に銀行強盗するはめになり、絶交中の親友を巻き込み大騒動を繰り広げる。製作にベン・スティラーが参加するほか、主人公の相棒役にはアメリカの人気コメディアン、アジズ・アンサリがふんするなど、コメディー・ファンにはたまらない面々がそろっている。
S.W.A.T. 闇の標的
Supervising Sound Editor
Sound Designer
Housewife and mother Penny Chenery agrees to take over her ailing father's Virginia-based Meadow Stables, despite her lack of horse-racing knowledge. Against all odds, Chenery - with the help of veteran trainer Lucien Laurin - manages to navigate the male-dominated business, ultimately fostering the first Triple Crown winner in 25 years.
Sound Designer
Supervising Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
The Civil War has ended, but Colonel Morsman Carver is on one final mission – to kill Gideon, no matter what it takes. Launched by a gunshot and propelled by rage, the relentless pursuit takes the two men through frigid snow-capped mountains and arid deserts, far from the comforts and codes of civilisation, into the bloodiest recesses of their own souls.
Sound Editor
Meet Cassie, Jason and Patrick, three amoral college students who, through a series of sexual wagers, take malicious pleasure in ruining the lives of their fellow classmates.
Sound Effects Editor
Two teenage couples traveling across the backwoods of Texas searching for urban legends of serial killers end up as prisoners of a bizarre and sadistic backwater family of serial killers.
Sound Effects Editor
Jack is caught with the wife of his employer, a Vegas thug. The thug sends goons after Jack, who convinces his best friend, Pilot, to flee with him. Pilot insists that they head for Seattle, but doesn't tell Jack why. The goons learn from Pilot's drug source where the youths are headed, and they follow, hell bent on breaking Jack's feet. On the road, Jack and Pilot give a ride to Cassie, a distressed young woman. She and Jack hit it off. They pick up an aging stoner headed to Seattle for Kurt Cobain's memorial, and they help a circus sideshow family. Why is Pilot so set on Seattle, will the goons catch Jack, and is there any way the friends' competing needs can be resolved?
Foley Mixer
The Toro cheerleading squad from Rancho Carne High School in San Diego has got spirit, spunk, sass and a killer routine that's sure to land them the national championship trophy for the sixth year in a row. But for newly-elected team captain Torrance, the Toros' road to total cheer glory takes a shady turn when she discovers that their perfectly-choreographed routines were in fact stolen.
Sound Effects Editor
A college dropout gets a job as a broker for a suburban investment firm and is on the fast track to success—but the job might not be as legitimate as it sounds.
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
FBI agent Frank LaCrosse tries to catch a serial killer who kidnapped his son.
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor