Janty Yates

出生 : 1950-01-01,


From Wikipedia Janty Yates (born 1950) is a British costume designer for film and television. In 2001, she won the Academy Award for Best Costume Design for the 2000 film Gladiator. Janty Yates worked in the fashion industry prior to her career in film and television. Yates' first credited work was in the wardrobe department on the 1981 film Quest for Fire.] Her first credited role as a costume designer was for the 1993 British comedy Bad Behavior, and she worked on a further six films in that role for the rest of the decade. In 2000, her work on Ridley Scott's Gladiator earned her her first career awards, including the Academy Award for Best Costume Design, and the Las Vegas Film Critics Society award for Best Costume Design, as well as nominations for a BAFTA Award for Best Costume Design and Satellite Award for Best Costume Design. In 2005, she received Best Costume Design nominations from the Costume Designers Guild and Satellite Awards for the 2004 period film De-Lovely. The following year she received her first Goya Award nomination and her third Satellite award nomination for Best Costume Design for Kingdom of Heaven. In 2006, Yates was one of 120 people invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Yates is a frequent collaborator with Scott, having worked on six films with him in addition to Gladiator, including: Hannibal (2001); Kingdom of Heaven (2005); American Gangster (2007); Body of Lies (2008); Robin Hood (2010), for which she received a Saturn Award nomination and her fourth Satellite Award nomination; and Prometheus (2012). Her most recent film with Scott is the Sci-Fi adventure, The Martian.


Untitled Gladiator Sequel
Costume Design
The film will follow the continuing story of Lucius, the son of Lucilla.
Costume Design
Costume Design
貧しい家庭出身だが野心的なパトリツィア・レッジャーニ(レディー・ガガ)は、 イタリアで最も裕福で格式高いグッチ家の後継者の一人であるマウリツィオ・グッチ (アダム・ドライバー)をその知性と美貌で魅了し、やがて結婚する。 しかし、次第に彼女は一族の権力争いまで操り、 強大なファッションブランドを支配しようとする。 順風満帆だったふたりの結婚生活に陰りが見え始めた時、 パトリツィアは破滅的な結果を招く危険な道を歩み始める…。
Costume Design
歴史的なスキャンダルを映画化!衝撃の実話ミステリー。 リドリー・スコット監督がジョディ・カマー、マット・デイモン、アダム・ドライバー、ベン・アフレックという豪華キャストを迎え、実話を元に、歴史を変えた世紀のスキャンダル​を描くエピック・ミステリー。​《STORY》 中世フランス──騎士の妻マルグリットが、夫の旧友に乱暴されたと訴えるが、彼は無実を主張し、目撃者もいない。​真実の行方は、夫と被告による生死を賭けた“決闘裁判”に委ねられる。それは、神による絶対的な裁き── 勝者は正義と栄光を手に入れ、敗者はたとえ決闘で命拾いしても罪人として死罪になる。そして、もしも夫が負ければ、マルグリットまでもが偽証の罪で火あぶりの刑を受けるのだ。 果たして、裁かれるべきは誰なのか?あなたが、 この裁判の証人となる。
The Journey
Costume Design
An international operative pursues a mysterious woman to and through Istanbul.
Costume Design
Alien: Covenant - Prologue: Phobos
Costume Designer
At a Weyland-Yutani facility on Phobos, several members of the crew for the upcoming Covenant colony mission are subjected to psychological tests to evaluate their suitability for the expedition.
Costume Design
Costume Design
Keepers of the Covenant: Making 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'
An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Exodus: Gods and Kings," featuring interviews with the cast and crew. Featured in the Deluxe Edition Blu-ray set.
Costume Design
Truth of the Situation: Making 'The Counselor'
A 13-segment documentary examining production aspects of "The Counselor" (2013): Tragic Consequences A Different Southwest The Counselor Pool Party Reiner Laura Malkina Polo Club Lensing the Dark World Westray Downward Spiral The Cheetahs The Bolito
Costume Design
The Furious Gods: Making Prometheus
An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Prometheus," featuring cast and crew interviews, outtakes and behind-the-scenes footage. Released on the 4-disc Collector's Edition Blu-ray set.
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
巨匠リドリー・スコットが突きつける、空前のアクション・サスペンス大作! レオナルド・ディカプリオと、アカデミー俳優ラッセル・クロウ――ハリウッドきっての豪華2大スターが顔を合わせ、いま至極の「嘘の世界」〈ワールド・オブ・ライズ〉が、その幕を開ける! 世界を救おうとする2人の男。CIA工作員のロジャー・フェリス(ディカプリオ)と、彼の上司であるベテラン局員、エド・ホフマン(クロウ)。 フェリスは、世界中の情報網の中枢に潜入し、現場を知らない上司にキレながらも、命を張って働く男。一方のホフマンは、平和な自宅や安全な本部から電話一本で命令し、部下の意見は無視する冷酷な男だ。 そんな生き方も考え方も違う2人の目的はひとつ。地球規模の爆破事件のリーダーを捕まえること。 足跡すら残さない正体不明の犯人をおびき出せるのは、「世界一の嘘」しかない。フェリスとホフマン、そして他国の諜報部の、息もつけない頭脳戦が始まった!  果たして世界を救うのは、いったい誰のどんな嘘か──?
Costume Design
Costume Design
The Path to Redemption
From pre-production to release, we are given an exclusive look into the making of Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven (2005). Interviews with the cast and crew members take up the bulk of this film, but are accompanied by plenty of on-set footage. We are also given a glimpse at a lot of the deleted material, much of which will be in the director's cut.
Strength and Honor: Creating the World of 'Gladiator'
An in-depth look at the entire making of Ridley Scott's Gladiator. Consisting of: Tale Of The Scribes: Story Development, The Heat Of Battle: Production Journals, Attire Of The Realm: Costume Design, Shadow And Dust: Resurrecting Proximo, The Glory Of Rome: Visual Effects, Tools Of War: Weapons, Echoes In Eternity: Release And Impact,and final Production Credits.
Costume Design
Costume Design
From Paris to Venice to Broadway to Hollywood, the lives of Cole Porter and his wife, Linda were never less than glamorous and wildly unconventional. And though Cole's thirst for life strained their marriage, Linda never stopped being his muse, inspiring some of the greatest sons of the twentieth century.
Charlotte Gray
Costume Design
This is a drama set in Nazi-occupied France at the height of World War II. Charlotte Gray tells the compelling story of a young Scottish woman working with the French Resistance in the hope of rescuing her lover, a missing RAF pilot. Based on the best-selling novel by Sebastian Faulks.
Costume Design
Costume Design
全米を恐怖に陥れた「バッファロー・ビル事件」から10年……。 ボルチモアの大富豪メイスン・ヴァージャー(ゲイリー・オールドマン)は、刑務所から脱獄したハンニバル・レクター(アンソニー・ホプキンズ)の行方を追っていた。当時レクターと接触していたFBI特別捜査官クラリス・スターリング(ジュリアン・ムーア)は、リッチモンド (バージニア州)の麻薬捜査で多数の犠牲者を出したことで遺族から告訴されていた。政財界に絶大な影響力をもつメイスンは、マスコミの報道でクラリスの存在を知り、司法省のポール・クレンドラー(レイ・リオッタ)を利用し、クラリスをレクターの捜査に復帰させようと目論む。 そして、10年前にボルティモアの精神病院から脱獄したレクターは、イタリアのフィレンツェに潜伏していた。
Costume Design
With or Without You
Costume Design
Rosie and Vincent know each other for ten years, and are married for five. She doesn't like her job, he isn't too pleased working with her dad. They're trying to have a baby. One morning Benoit, a Frenchman and former pen pal of Rosie, whom she never met, comes to visit. Did Rosie love him? Does she love him now?
Plunkett & MacLeane
Costume Design
Will Plunkett and Captain James Macleane, two men from different ends of the social spectrum in 18th-century England, enter a gentlemen's agreement: They decide to rid the aristocrats of their belongings. With Plunkett's criminal know-how and Macleane's social connections, they team up to be soon known as "The Gentlemen Highwaymen". But when one day these gentlemen hold up Lord Chief Justice Gibson's coach, Macleane instantly falls in love with his beautiful and cunning niece, Lady Rebecca Gibson. Unfortunately, Thief Taker General Chance, who also is quite fond of Rebecca, is getting closer and closer to getting both.
Shiranasugita otoko
Costume Design
An American gets a ticket for an audience participation game in London, then gets involved in a case of mistaken identity. As an international plot unravels around him, he thinks it's all part of the act.
Welcome to Sarajevo
Costume Design
Follow a group of international journalists into the heart of the once cosmopolitan city of Sarajevo—now a danger zone of sniper and mortar attacks where residents still live. While reporting on an American aid worker who’s trying to get children out of the country, a British correspondent decides to take an orphaned girl home to London.
Costume Design
In late 19th-century England, Jude aspires to be an academic, but is hobbled by his blue-collar background. Instead, he works as a stonemason and is trapped in an unloving marriage to a farmer's daughter named Arabella. But when his wife leaves him, Jude sees an opportunity to improve himself. He moves to the city and begins an affair with his married cousin, Sue, courting tragedy every step of the way.
The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain
Costume Design
When an English cartographer arrives in Wales to tell the residents of the Welsh village of Ffynnon Garw that their 'mountain' is only a hill, the offended community sets out to remedy the situation.
Bad Behavior
Costume Design
The McAllister family house is the setting for Gerry and Ellie's grapples with work, children and how to get the bathroom fixed. Both have reached the stage where reason cannot be heard above the ticking clock of experience and ambition. When temptation comes, how will they react?
Costume Supervisor
Ruth Ellis lives with her ten-year old son Andy next to a night club. One night she meets David Blakely, and they start a love affair. However, for David with his upper-class background, it is impossible to uphold the relationship. He breaks up with her, something which makes Ellis, obsessed by him, very upset.
Oxford Blues
Wardrobe Assistant
A young American hustler in Las Vegas spots a rich English Lady. Smitten, he pursues her to England, where his only chance of getting together with her is to enroll in Oxford and join the rowing team.