Melissa Cobb


恐ろしい獣たちが海を闊歩していた時代、モンスターハンターは英雄として讃えられ、中でも偉大なジェイコブ・ホランドは人々から最も愛されていました。 その頃、伝説的な船に乗り込み航海に出た若きメイジー・ブランブルは、思いがけない仲間を引き受けることに。一行は未知の海域へと壮大な旅に乗り出し、歴史を築いていくのでした。アカデミー賞受賞を誇るクリス・ウィリアムズ(「モアナと伝説の海」「ベイマックス」「ボルト」)が贈る本作は、地図にない真の冒険が始まる場所へと連れて行ってくれます。
Apollo 10½:  A Space Age Childhood
Executive Producer
A man narrates stories of his life as a 10-year-old boy in 1969 Houston, weaving tales of nostalgia with a fantastical account of a journey to the moon.
Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Scroll
Executive Producer
As Po looks for his lost action figures, the story of how the panda inadvertently helped create the Furious Five is told.
Me and my shadow
Me And My Shadow is a cancelled DreamWorks animated film that was slated to release in 2012, and then 2014, before ultimately being cancelled. The film starred Josh Gad as Daniel Grubb, the world's most boring man and Bill Hader as his shadow, who would try to spice up his life and also try to confront a shadow villain who has the power to start a shadow revolution. The film would have been groundbreaking in it's use of both computer generated 3D animation, as well as traditional 2D animation for the shadow characters.
Kung Fu Panda Holiday
The Winter Feast is Po's favorite holiday. Every year he and his father hang decorations, cook together, and serve noodle soup to the villagers. But this year Shifu informs Po that as Dragon Warrior, it is his duty to host the formal Winter Feast at the Jade Palace. Po is caught between his obligations as the Dragon Warrior and his family traditions: between Shifu and Mr. Ping.
カンフー・パンダ マスター・ファイブの秘密
Executive Producer
Bunny Mom (voice)
舞台は古代の中国。安住の地で知られる平和の谷が凶悪なカンフー使い、タイ・ランに狙われてしまう。しかし彼に対抗できるのはウーグウェイ導師が選んだ伝説の「龍の戦士」だけだ。 そこでマスター・モンキーやマスター・カマキリといったカンフーの達人たちが選抜大会で腕を競うが、ウーグウェイ導師が選んだのは何とぐうたらで小心者のパンダ、ポー。カンフーへの熱意だけは人一倍のポーは達人の師匠・シーフー老師に弟子入りする。
30 Days Until I'm Famous
A Latina working in Los Angeles as a messenger is randomly discovered and fashioned into a pop music star.
They Shoot Divas, Don't They?
Executive Producer
Sloan McBride is an 1980s music star who is trying to hold on to her career. She hires Jenny as her assistant and Jenny seems to be the perfect employee. However, Jenny is actually planning her revenge because she blames Sloan for ruining her mother's career and causing her suicide.
Associate Producer
My New Gun
Production Executive
Debbie and Gerald's lives drastically change after they get a gun. Their mysterious neighbor, Skippy, becomes an important and transforming figure in their lives.
Rage and Honor
Executive In Charge Of Production
Witnessing a drug deal involving local gang members and cops, an Australian police officer feels he can no longer be just an observer. He joins forces with a local teacher who just happens to be a karate expert and together they try to take back the streets.