Nasser Memarzia

Nasser Memarzia


Nasser Memarzia


オールド・ナイフ ~127便の真実~
Mohammed Dudayev
After Love
Set in the port town of Dover in the South-East of England, Mary Hussain suddenly finds herself a widow following the unexpected death of her husband. A day after the burial, she discovers he has a secret just twenty-one miles across the English Channel in Calais.
Suleman Kaif
ブレイク・ライヴリー、ジュード・ロウ共演のスパイアクション。テロで家族を失った女性が、復讐を誓いスパイとなる。 テロによる飛行機事故で家族を失った女性が、スパイ養成の過酷な訓練を経て復讐を誓うスパイアクション。『ロスト・バケーション』のブレイク・ライヴリーと『キャプテン・マーベル』のジュード・ロウが共演し、マーク・バーネルの小説「堕天使の報復」を映画化。これまではその美貌を生かした役どころの多かったブレイク・ライヴリーが、激しい格闘シーンやカーチェイスなど泥くさい演技に挑んでいる点も見どころ。
First Order Officer
The Golden Anniversary
Farhad Mozafan
"Allow me to be your husband." Not only does Alix Saint-Cast, who has Alzheimer's disease, recognize her husband Octave two days before her Golden Wedding, she has also fallen in love again. Their new beloved is Farhad Mozafari, Iranian, also suffering from Alzheimer's disease and can not be separated from Alix. So Farhad has to come with son Iradj and his little daughter to the stately home of the Saint-Casts. However, they are only gradually aware of the unusual family encounters that newcomers have accepted.
To Provide All People
Professor Haboubi
To mark the 70th anniversary of the birth of the NHS, acclaimed poet Owen Sheers takes us on a journey that weaves the extraordinary story of the birthing of Nye Bevan's vision of free healthcare for all people with personal stories of the NHS in British society today.
Septembers of Shiraz
In this adaptation of the critically acclaimed debut novel by Iranian American author Dalia Sofer, a secular Jewish family is caught up in the maelstrom of the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
An MI5 officer's attempts to foil a possible terrorist plot are undermined by bureaucracy and moral dilemmas. Will he make the world a safer place or be complicit in making a tense situation even worse?
My Brother the Devil
Fourteen-year-old Mo is a lonely, sensitive boy whose hunger for the rant and banter of buddies makes him prone to tread dangerous territories. He idolizes his handsome older brother, Rashid, a charismatic, well-respected member of a local gang, whose drug dealing enables “Rash” to provide for his family. Aching to be seen as a tough guy himself, Mo takes a job that unlocks a fateful turn of events and forces the brothers to confront their inner demons. It turns out that hate is easy. It is love and understanding that take real courage.
Latif's Father
I Am Slave
Based on the real-life experiences of Mende Nazer, the story unfolds as twelve-year-old Malia, daughter of champion wrestler Bah, is abducted from her Sudanese village in the Nubar Mountains by pro-government Arab militia and sold into slavery to a woman in Khartoum, who beats her for touching her daughter. After six years she is sent to London, where her name is changed, but her miserable life of servitude continues. Her passport is taken and she is told that her father will die if she goes to the authorities. Fortunately she meets a sympathetic person who seems to offer her the hope of escape and reunion with Bah ,back in Sudan. For all the film's optimism an end title states that there are around 5,000 'slave' workers currently in Britain.
IMAX Mummies Secrets Of The Pharaohs
Ahmed Abd El Rassoul
The grail is not the gold, nor the books of ancient wisdom, but the 3,000 year old DNA of the mummies, which may lead to a cure for malaria.
The Situation
The first U.S.-made film drama set during the Iraq war, THE SITUATION chronicles the tragic death of an Iraqi teenager at the hands of U.S. soldiers. The incident sets off an "investigation," a cover-up, and complications involving Iraqi mayor Sheikh Tahsin (Saïd Amadis), who has a complex relationship with the Americans.
Older Palestinian
Muslim Grandee
The Hamburg Cell
A fictionalized account of the September 11 hijackers.
Saint Joseph
Two boys, still grieving the death of their mother, find themselves the unwitting benefactors of a bag of bank robbery loot in the week before the United Kingdom switches its official currency to the Euro. What's a kid to do?