Massimo Cortesi


Napoli, Napoli, Napoli
Weaving together fact and fiction, this docudrama performs a portrait of the often seamy underside of the city of Naples.Ferrara traveled to Italy to interview the inmates at the Naples Pozzuoli State Prison, a high security lockup for women, and with the help of a translator he allows a number of women doing time to talk about their lives before and after they were convicted. Ferrara chose to expand the short profile of the prisoners into a feature by offering a look at life in the slums of Naples and the actions of a number of law enforcement officers and social workers struggling to improve conditions for the poor, as well as adding three short fictional segments shot of digital video gear.
Go Go Tales
Executive Producer
A financial struggle between owners of a go-go club threatens its future.
10ミニッツ・オールダー イデアの森
 映画史に燦然と輝く巨匠監督15人が“時間”をテーマに競作した豪華な短編集。10分という厳密な時間制限と予算だけが決められ、それ以外は各監督の自由にすべてが委ねられたこの企画は、2本のコンピレーション・フィルムに結実。本作はそのうちの1本。もう1本のタイトルは「10ミニッツ・オールダー 人生のメビウス」。  これまで古今東西の哲学者たちが様々な思索をめぐらせた“時間の謎”を、8人の映画監督がそれぞれのタッチで追究していく。収録されている作品は、ベルナルド・ベルトルッチの「水の寓話」、マイク・フィギスの「時代×4」、イジー・メンツェルの「老優の一瞬」、イシュトヴァン・サボーの「10分後」、クレール・ドニの「ジャン=リュック・ナンシーとの対話」、フォルカー・シュレンドルフの「啓示されし者」、マイケル・ラドフォードの「星に魅せられて」、ジャン=リュック・ゴダール「時間の闇の中で」の全8編。
When an African dictator jails her husband, Shandurai goes into exile in Italy, studying medicine and keeping house for Mr. Kinsky, an eccentric English pianist and composer. She lives in one room of his Roman palazzo. He besieges her with flowers, gifts, and music, declaring passionately that he loves her, would go to Africa with her, would do anything for her. "What do you know of Africa?," she asks, then, in anguish, shouts, "Get my husband out of jail!" The rest of the film plays out the implications of this scene and leaves Shandurai with a choice.
Little Horrors
A woman in her flooded kitchen thinks of Ophelia and death by drowning. A nun wonders about her vocation. A girl, dumb by choice, walks around in Naples. A ballerina in a wheelchair. Three youths around a bonfire in a little island. A man secluded in a tower waiting for the end of the world. And many other stories.