Izumi Inamori

Izumi Inamori

出生 : 1972-03-19, Kagoshima, Japan


Izumi Inamori
Izumi Inamori


バスカヴィル家の犬 シャーロック劇場版
Ira Hasukabe
瀬戸内海の離島。日本有数の資産家が、莫大な遺産を遺して謎の変死を遂げる。資産家は死の直前、美しき娘の誘拐未遂事件の犯人捜索を若宮に依頼していた。真相を探るため、ある閉ざされた島に降り立つ獅子雄と若宮。二人を待ち受けていたのは、異様な佇まいの洋館と、犬の遠吠え。容疑者は、奇妙で華麗な一族の面々と、うそを重ねる怪しき関係者たち。やがて島に伝わる呪いが囁かれると、新たな事件が連鎖し、一人、また一人消えてゆく。底なし沼のような罠におちいる若宮。謎解きを後悔する獅子雄。これは開けてはいけない“パンドラの箱”だったのか?その屋敷に、足を踏み入れてはいけない―― 。終わらない謎へ、ようこそ。
極主夫道 ザ・シネマ
Hibari Eguchi
かつて“不死身の龍”と恐れられた伝説の極道・黒田龍 (玉木宏)は美久(川口春奈)との結婚を機に足を洗い、最強の専業主夫として血のつながらない娘・向日葵(白鳥玉季)と3人で穏やかに暮らしていた。そんなある日、街に近藤(吉田鋼太郎)率いる極悪地上げ屋が現れる。彼らが狙うのは、白石(安達祐実)が園長を務める「かりゅう保育園」の土地。近藤の手下による執拗な嫌がらせは続き、龍は元舎弟の雅(志尊淳)と用心棒を買って出るが、近藤たちの行動はエスカレートしていく。やがて元武闘派ヤクザで現在はクレープ屋の虎二郎(滝藤賢一)、その妹で元レディース総長の虎春(松本まりか)も龍の仲間に加わるが、龍の家の前に男の子が捨てられていたことで”隠し子騒動”が持ち上がったり、龍の男気に虎春が惚れたことで美久との間に龍を巡る恋愛バトルが勃発するなど、問題が次々に出現!龍は抗争を終わらせるため、すべてにケリをつけるために“史上最大の夏祭り”を開幕する!
Stray Nightingale
Juzaburo, known as a chivalrous robber, is one day betrayed by his henchman and his entire gang is slaughtered. The gravely wounded Juzuaburo escapes and is saved by Inspector Sadaemon and a couple, Kansuke and Okayo, who run a tavern. There, Juzuaburo retires and changes his name to Genzaburo.
Kekkon ni Ichiban Chikakute Tooi Onna
Beppu Sumire is a wedding planner who works for True Love Bridal (TLB), a well-established wedding hall. Her late mother, Sakura, showered love on her and would always tell her that she is lovely. After she passed away, Sumire lived with her father, Tetsuro. Sumire gave up on her own romance long ago because of her disappointing looks. But she works hard with a smile even when she gets scolded by her stern superior, Umemiya Hitomi, her impertinent junior, Sudo Yuri, pins trouble on her, and her relationship with her father is not working out, in order to bring smiles to many people’s faces.
Under the Nagasaki Sky
Saori takamori
Under the Nagasaki Sky
映画 怪物くん
A story of an island country named Horai that was finally about to be integrated under one political administration. Domon DATE, an innocent man confined in a prison island. After 10 years of imprisonment, he kept his sanity by dreaming of retaliating against those who framed him up. He breaks the prison with the help of a man incarcerated in the deepest corner of the prison island. The man identified himself as Saji. His steady road to revenge was obstructed by a woman named Mikoto, the once fiancée of his. Can Domon get his revenge? Who is the man who identified himself as Saji? What are the hidden thoughts of Mikoto?
Izumi Hoshino
世にも奇妙な物語 映画の特集編
Chiharu Takajo (segment "The Marriage Simulator")
A four-part anthology in the spirit of The Twilight Zone, this film starts off with a group of commuters stranded at a train station in the rain, listening to stories told by one of the group. These include tales of a group stranded in the mountains and haunted by guilt over a death they inadvertantly caused, an emotionally broken chessmaster pressed into playing a real-life game for an eccentric millionaire, a wandering medieval samurai who finds a modern-day cell phone on the ground and a person on the other end asking questions about the past, and a young couple who agree to try a computer simulation of what their future as husband and wife would be like.
Hitomi Kisugi
謎の失踪を遂げた父の行方を探す女怪盗団キャッツ・アイと、彼女たちの命を狙う秘密結社との壮絶な戦いを描いたアクション。監督は「海ほおずき The Breath」の林海象。北条司による同名ベストセラー・コミックを、林と土屋斗紀雄が脚色。撮影を「人間椅子」の長田勇市が担当している。主役の3姉妹にふんするのは、「花より男子(1995)」の内田有紀と映画初出演の稲森いずみ、「BAD GUY BEACH」の藤原紀香の3人。