Tetsuya Nomura

Tetsuya Nomura

出生 : 1971-06-19,


Tetsuya Nomura


Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover
In the age of fairy tales, the Master of Masters and his six Keyblade-wielding apprentices reside in Daybreak Town and guard the world’s light. Foreseeing the Keyblade War, the Master of Masters gives his apprentices different roles to follow and vanishes, leaving them in conflict.
Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover
In the age of fairy tales, the Master of Masters and his six Keyblade-wielding apprentices reside in Daybreak Town and guard the world’s light. Foreseeing the Keyblade War, the Master of Masters gives his apprentices different roles to follow and vanishes, leaving them in conflict.
キングダム ハーツ 358/2 Days
(HD remastered cinematics from Kingdom Hearts 1.5) Covers the story of Roxas before the events of Kingdom Hearts II. On the day he is born as Sora's Nobody when Sora transforms into a Heartless in the original Kingdom Hearts, Roxas is found by Xemnas in Twilight Town, the leader of Organization XIII, who names him its thirteenth member. Each day he is sent on missions to other worlds, either alone or accompanied by his fellow members, to destroy Heartless with the Keyblade and release captive hearts, with which the Organization can fulfill their goal of summoning Kingdom Hearts and become complete beings. Roxas is placed under the care of Axel, who he befriends and spends his spare time with at the end of each day, sitting atop the clock tower in Twilight Town, speaking what's on their minds and eating sea-salt ice cream together.
キングダム ハーツ 358/2 Days
(HD remastered cinematics from Kingdom Hearts 1.5) Covers the story of Roxas before the events of Kingdom Hearts II. On the day he is born as Sora's Nobody when Sora transforms into a Heartless in the original Kingdom Hearts, Roxas is found by Xemnas in Twilight Town, the leader of Organization XIII, who names him its thirteenth member. Each day he is sent on missions to other worlds, either alone or accompanied by his fellow members, to destroy Heartless with the Keyblade and release captive hearts, with which the Organization can fulfill their goal of summoning Kingdom Hearts and become complete beings. Roxas is placed under the care of Axel, who he befriends and spends his spare time with at the end of each day, sitting atop the clock tower in Twilight Town, speaking what's on their minds and eating sea-salt ice cream together.
ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII-
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
あの戦いから2年。 セフィロスがもたらした大破壊から立ち直りつつあった 魔晄都市「ミッドガル」を、謎の厄災が襲う。 「星痕症候群」と呼ばれるその病は、治療方法も見つからないまま次々と人々を死に至らしめていく。 この病に呼応するかのように現れた新たなる敵。 平和と引き換えに大事な仲間達を失い、深い自責の念に心を閉ざしていたクラウドは、眼前に迫った避けようのない戦いを前に思い悩む。 「罪って許されるのか。」 長い葛藤の末、ついに戦いを決意するクラウド。 敵の目的は何なのか?なぜ人々が病に倒れるのか? 人知を超えた戦いの先に待ち受けていた真実とは──。
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
あの戦いから2年。 セフィロスがもたらした大破壊から立ち直りつつあった 魔晄都市「ミッドガル」を、謎の厄災が襲う。 「星痕症候群」と呼ばれるその病は、治療方法も見つからないまま次々と人々を死に至らしめていく。 この病に呼応するかのように現れた新たなる敵。 平和と引き換えに大事な仲間達を失い、深い自責の念に心を閉ざしていたクラウドは、眼前に迫った避けようのない戦いを前に思い悩む。 「罪って許されるのか。」 長い葛藤の末、ついに戦いを決意するクラウド。 敵の目的は何なのか?なぜ人々が病に倒れるのか? 人知を超えた戦いの先に待ち受けていた真実とは──。