One day, a boy's body is found again under the same bridge. The case is eerily similar to Masaki's case from 22 years ago. Haru has a connection with the deceased boy. Akira meets Haru while investigating the boy's death. By meeting each other again, the three men face the case from 22 years ago that they buried deep within their minds.
Kanichi Hasunuma
Taizo Arai
Yasuo (Hiroshi Abe) grew up as an orphan. He married a woman he loved and they had a son Akira (later played by Takumi Kitamura). Yasuo's life seemed great at the time, but his life totally changed after his wife died in accident. Since that time, Yasuo, who never experienced parents' love himself, has to raise his son Akira alone.
Yoshio Yoshida
Set in 2020 in the Shibuya neighborhood of Tokyo, the story revolves around Hachi, a boy who fled to the Japanese capital from his hometown of Fukushima and now lives away from society as an illegal drug dealer.
直木賞作家・佐藤正午の同名ベストセラーを藤原竜也主演で映画化。都内のバー。かつて直木賞を受賞した天才小説家・津田伸一は、担当編集者の鳥飼なほみに執筆中の新作小説を読ませていた。その内容に心を踊らせる鳥飼だったが、津田の話を聞けば聞くほど小説の中だけの話とは思えない。この小説が本当にフィクションなのか検証を始めた鳥飼は、やがて驚きの真実にたどり着く。謎めいた小説家・津田を藤原、津田に翻弄される担当編集者・鳥飼を土屋太鳳、津田とコーヒーショップで出会った日に失踪したバーのマスター、幸地秀吉を風間俊介、津田の行きつけのコーヒーショップ店員・沼本を西野七瀬、彼らが暮らす街の裏社会を仕切る倉田健次郎を豊川悦司が演じる。監督は「ホテル ビーナス」のタカハタ秀太。
Keisuke's father
In a seaside town where very little happens, middle school students Keisuke Isobe and Koume Satou live a rather dull life. But when Koume's crush breaks her heart, their situation becomes quite unordinary. She starts a "no-strings-attached" relationship with Keisuke, whom she had previously rejected, both finding solace in the other in order to fill the emotional voids in their lives. However, being "friends with benefits" becomes complicated when real feelings begin to develop, as the consequences of their relationship start to take their toll on those around them and themselves. A Girl on the Shore takes a harsh look at love, relationships, and the emotional price that will be paid as the result of a decision made between two teenagers.
流れ者で、 己の力のみを信じて生きてきた男、 金子龍。ある出来事により人生に絶望し、いっそ死のうかという時に須藤 という男と出会う。その男は ヤクザだった―。 その侠気に惚れ、ヤクザとしてもう一度生きる決心をした。須藤の後ろ姿を見ながら金子は「組を支えながら、弱い立場の人間を組(家族)に迎え入 れ たい。ソイツらが生きていていい場所を作ってやりたい」という想いを秘めていた 。
When Mio was young, she lost her parents in a great flood and also became separated from her best friend Noe. Afterwards, Mio found her talent in cooking and eventually became a cook. Meanwhile, Noe has become an oiran (high-ranking courtesan).
In consequence of his professional mistakes and declining career, Shuji and his family, the Sasaya’s, are forced to leave the wealthy suburb of Tokyo. The move is slow, long and heartbreaking, and the two Sasaya children, an old teenager and a young adult, unwittingly turn the grieving process into an exuberant and unpredictable farewell party!
(segment "Muse")
山戸結希監督が企画・プロデュースを務め、自身を含め80 年代後半〜90 年代生まれの新進映画監督、総勢15 名が集結。“自分自身のセクシャリティあるいはジェンダーがゆらいだ瞬間が映っていること”を共通のテーマとして、各監督が8 分以内の短編で表現するオムニバス作品。
Yukina, who works as a call girl in the burbs just north of Tokyo, was sexually abused by her stepfather. Her younger stepbrother Minoru was also abused, but meanwhile he harbors feelings for her. He gets suspicious about her line of work after finding her call girl business card, but he also worries that he'll become the target of bullying at school.
たとえ記憶が消えてしまっても、ふたりの世界は少しずつ重なりゆく 大学の研究室で働く、足を引き摺る行助は、“たいやき屋”を営むこよみと出会う。 だがほどなく、こよみは事故に遭い、新しい記憶を短時間しか留めておけなくなってしまう。 こよみが明日になったら忘れてしまう今日という一日、また一日を、彼女と共に生きようと決意する行助。 絶望と背中合わせの希望に彩られたふたりの日々が始まった・・・
Shin Wakatake
新宿の歌舞伎町。身寄りのない葛城レオ(窪田正孝)は才能あるプロボクサーだったが、格下の相手に負け、試合後の診察で自身の余命がわずかだと知る。希望を失い街をうろついていたレオは、ヤクザと関わりのある少女のモニカ(小西桜子)を追っていた悪徳刑事の大伴(大森南朋)を殴り倒し、ヤクザと大伴から追われることになる。 『一命』などの三池崇史監督と『東京喰種 トーキョーグール』シリーズなどの窪田正孝が、ドラマ「ケータイ捜査官7」以来およそ10年ぶりに組んだラブストーリー。負けるはずのない相手に負けたプロボクサーの主人公が過ごす、アンダーグラウンドの世界での強烈な一夜を描く。『ビジランテ』などの大森南朋、『さよなら歌舞伎町』などの染谷将太をはじめ、小西桜子、ベッキー、村上淳、塩見三省、内野聖陽らが出演した。
Kazuhisa Nakane, Senior Officer of Ibuki
20XX年、12月23日未明。未曾有の事態が日本を襲う。沖ノ鳥島の西方450キロ、波留間群島初島に国籍不明の武装集団が上陸、わが国の領土が占領されたのだ。海上自衛隊は直ちに小笠原諸島沖で訓練航海中の第5護衛隊群に出動を命じた。その旗艦こそ、自衛隊初の航空機搭載型護衛艦《いぶき》だった。計画段階から「専守防衛」論議の的となり国論を二分してきた《いぶき》。艦長は、航空自衛隊出身の秋津竜太一佐。そしてそれを補佐するのは海上自衛隊生え抜きの副長・新波歳也二佐。現場海域へと向かう彼らを待ち受けていたのは、敵潜水艦からの突然のミサイル攻撃だった。さらに針路上には敵の空母艦隊までもが姿を現す。想定を越えた戦闘状態に突入していく第5護衛隊群。政府はついに「防衛出動」を発令する。迫り来る敵戦闘機に向け、ついに迎撃ミサイルは放たれた……。<かわぐちかいじ(『沈黙の艦隊』『ジパング』)原作による漫画『空母いぶき』を実写映画化! 西島秀俊、佐々木蔵之介はじめ日本映画界を代表する俳優陣が集結して贈る、超ど級のエンタテインメント大作ここに誕生!>
Takemura Rintaro
両親を亡くし火葬場で出会ったヒカリ(二宮慶多)、イシ(水野哲志)、タケムラ(奥村門土)、イクコ(中島セナ)は、感情を失った自分たちの心を取り戻すため、それぞれの家を巡り始める。やがてたどり着いたゴミ捨て場で、LITTLE ZOMBIES というバンドを結成。そこで撮った映像が話題を呼び、社会現象になるほどのヒットを記録する。
When Satoshi was little, his mother Akiko always took good care of him. She was gentle, but mentally strong. However, two years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and now it's Satoshi's turn to comfort and care for her. However, despite his best efforts, she passes away. A year after Akiko's passing, Satoshi, his father Toshiaki and his older brother Yuichi start new lives. Around that time, Satoshi receives a present from his mother.
Kenta Ikegami
10 years after Kenta graduated from high school he becomes a manga artist and lives in Tokyo. But lately he has been on a creative crises. One day one of his old classmates calls him saying that their high school will be demolished soon. In an attempt to refresh his mind, Kenta decides to go back to his hometown. There, he meets his old friends and they share some memories
Gosenro Manabe
Tomoki Tada
The studio of potter Seisho Kuniyoshi is deep in the mountains, surrounded by greenery, where he devotes every day to making pottery. One day, a girl appears and begins to destroy the pottery.
Seiichi Motoya
Katsuya Okudera
Rakuhiko Inogami
Samao Daikoku’s family register was taken which keeps him from escaping the underground life that he has led. To get away once and for all, Samao Daikoku breaks into Daikichi Ebisu's coin locker to steal gold. Daikichi Ebisu is involved in a criminal organization. In the locker, Samao Daikoku finds a hard disk containing personal information on runaways, homeless people, bankrupt people and prostitutes. He hides the hard disk, but is locked up by Daikichi Ebisu. There, he sees a prostitute, Ami Nanmu and he also faces an evil gang boss, Kan Senju. Samao Daikoku is tortured by the gang boss. The mystery behind Samao Daikoku’s past is revealed.
21-year-old Misora Honzawa went to Tokyo from Aomori. Misora Honzawa happens to see Kumi on TV who is a yoga Instructor and model. By chance, the two women begin to live together. At first Misora Honzawa, who is easygoing, and Kumi, who is high maintenance, do not get along with each other. Because they share interests in yoga they eventually become closer and think about happiness and life.
Shuichi Miyanaga
Chiyoko’s mother died when she was young. Since that time, Chiyoko has closed her heart to others. After her pet dies, Chiyoko feels loneliness. Her mother liked the Italian movie "La Strada." Due to movie study club senior, Masamune, Chiyoko is able to watch the Italian movie "La Strada," which her mother liked. Chiyoko soon acts in a movie directed by Masamune.
Toshio Shimizu
Kagehisa Amemiya
A sect is threatened to fall apart, when its leader, a young Korean woman, develops doubts regarding her alleged psychic powers.
Yukio is a typical high school student in every way except that he's an only child in a family of five. This is because he has four fathers, each with their own unique personalities and interests. The only thing they share in common is their love of their son. When Yukio witnesses a robbery, he becomes involved in a bizarre string of incidents involving his fathers.
After the death of his father, Chihiro goes to live with his older half-brother Togo and his girlfriend Satomi. Togo and Satomi greet him with open arms, but Chihiro feels loneliness. He attends his friend Naoya's interpretive dance practice-- and becomes more and more interested in Naoya's personal matters.
沢尻エリカの女優復帰作としても話題を呼んだラブストーリーの「L STORY」版。フレンチレストランのシェフとして働く絵瑠(える)は、仕事熱心ながらも恋愛に対しては奥手。密かに思いを寄せる男性にも気持ちを打ち明けられないままでいた
A woman has an ugly face. She has been called 'monster' since childhood. A case occurs in her town that leads to her being ejected and a relocation to Tokyo. She obtains plastic surgery and begins working as a prostitute. She makes some dough and extends the plastic surgery to her entire body. She changes her name and begins a new life. The perfect body leads her to think about men and her hometown.
Haji is an actor on the cusp of turning 40, who has gotten stuck in life. At the invitation of an old friend, he visits his hometown for the first time in ages. On the way Haji has an accident, and wakes up to find himself transported back to high school with his adult body in tact.
Yoichi Ono
An old couple, their only son, the son's wife, a young man and his lover live peacefully in a village. Then, a terrifying earthquake strikes that causes a nearby nuclear station to explode. The residents must evacuate, but the family lives on a farm, with only half of the area designated as an evacuation area.
Ken Igarashi
"Blazing Famiglia" centers around a family of former teenage gangsters. Tetsu Hino (Yoshimi Tokui) was once the leader of the most feared motorcycle gang in the Kanto area. Now, Tetsu Hino is middle-aged man who is looked down upon by his rebellious son Shuhei (Kento Hayashi). One day, Tetsu and his old biker gang gather together again after the daughter of a member is assaulted. Tetsu, worried about his day to day life, nevertheless regains the passion from his biker days. Tetsu then finds out that Ken Igarashi (Jun Murakami) is the man behind the attack. Ken Igarashi has had a grudge against Tetsu for a long time.
In a Japanese military hospital, a mysterious pandemic strikes and quickly kills seemingly at random. A group of unconnected individuals must come to terms with their own impending deaths, and the fragile absurdity of life.
Three stories, depicted in three different styles, unfold in three locations: "Kyoto", a lyrical improvised drama based on documentar y footage following local rappers, which is blended with fiction; "Okinawa", a documentary about intriguing characters who Yamamoto met by chance; and " Tokyo", an otherworldly love story about a man dealing with loss who drifts through life, and a woman who pretends to be his deceased wife.
Korean photographer Baehwan and gay japanese hotel employee Ryu work together on a series of photographs. Their relationship crosses uneasily between friendship and love, while they also battle their own internal scars. Their salvation comes by their photographs which helps them find the meaning of their lives.
Shiro Kanauchi
A senseless double murder resonates eight years later in four intertwined stories.
Driver Nosaki
The story takes place in a new residential area in the outskirts of Tokyo. A family photograph adorns the living room of the Hashimoto family. It is a heartwarming shot of the three family members from when they first moved here, finally having bought their own home that they had wanted for so long. Wife Michiko hangs the laundry everyday. Husband Ken-ichi leaves for work without a word. Son Hiroaki has a part-time job, returns home early and disappears into his room. The Hashimoto Family no longer eats meal together at the dining table or spends time together in the living room. Michiko yearns for a different relationship with her family and is gradually overcome by loneliness. While feeling pressured from the trifling matters that occur within the residential community, Michiko tries to fill the emptiness that she hides in her heart.
Lord Tabu Ukyou
Natsuki, a sales clerk of a bookstore, and Koji. a high school student. Seemingly nothing in common, they have one thing they can share: books.
Two filmmakers have to deal with a rogue mascot.
Takeo Kawaguchi
The third volume of the appointed drama starring Jun Murakami. It was a short run that was enlivening'Tokyo Mahouya'with his friends, but his friends were killed by the strategy of Yamaryu Gumi Wakato Iwagami. Meanwhile, Ginya Yabuki returns to Kabukicho and begins to struggle again to obtain his utopia.
Kiyota Hashimoto
Kageko, a teacher in a small mountain village with a thriving Japanese paper industry, is visited by a former student, who proposes a plan to manufacture counterfeit money. She initially refuses, but eventually decides to join the project for the sake of the poor children in the village and her own mentally handicapped child.
Yabuki Ginya and a short run who jumped out of the Sanryu group and became stubborn in order to stick to their own goodwill. As they disappear and those who are fascinated by the darkness expose their desires, an organization called "Tokyo Mahouya" that raises funds through its own route emerges. A short run that suddenly appeared in front of Shibamon, who remained alone and rebuilt the group. Guided by Ginya's will, he will build "Tokyo Mahouya" with his compatriots who carry a sad fate, and will survive Kabukicho again. However, the monsters who nest in the darkness cannot leave the route where huge wealth sleeps... Toru Minegishi, the real last appearance. Praying Meifu...
A drama presented by Jun Murakami. Shimon and Short Run, who started walking on the road of the yakuza in Tokyo, were waiting for Yabuki Ginya. Ginya, who grew up together in his hometown, stabbed a local yakuza and entered the juvenile training school because of Tsuruoka, who he admired as a man. He entrusts his sister Ryoko, who is the only relative, to his friends... In Kabukicho, Shinjuku, the men meet again, and the legend of the demons who nest on a sad night begins here!!
A young woman leaves her job and lover in Japan to start a new life in Thailand.
the story of a vagrant (Ishibashi) who arrives in a town in Hokkaido. With only a threadbare suit, an old pair of sneakers and a bag containing all his worldly possessions the proprietors of a local convenince store (played by Jun Murakami and Akemi Sakurai) taske pity on the man and bring him in.
Amy and Sonny are two girls with contrasting personalities. Their "secret hideout" is an antique shop. One day, Amy falls in love at first sight with an older man named 'J'
Compilation film featuring short works from directors Hitoshi Yasaki ("Short Cakes"), Yuki Tanada (scriptwriter "Sakuran," "Tsuki to Cherry"), Hiroyuki Nakano ("Stereo Future," "Samurai Fiction"), Masahiko Nagasawa ("Yoru no Picnic"), Masaya Kakehi ("Bijokan), and more for a total of 18 shorts. This time around the theme is "24 hours," where filming for each work must have been completed in 24 hours in order to appear in this film.
Masami Akiba
Battle Motion Coordinator
Five different directors adapt the works of Japanese author Otsuichi in this collection of unconventional live-action and animated shorts. A woman is murdered under odd circumstances in the title film, "Zoo"; twin sisters are treated differently in "Kazari and Yoko"; two siblings find themselves trapped in "Seven Rooms"; a survivor learns about life and death in "When the Sun Shines"; and parents lose the ability to see each other in "So Far."
Hoping to catch a girl's attention, high school students Ken and Adama cook up an ambitious plan. They plan a festival that combines film, theater, and rock music, and develop their project into a school road block. This plan however catches the attention of television stations and newspapers, and soon even the cops became involved in this teenage adventure.
Seiji Hayami
Behind the scenes of the 2004 film "Cutie Honey". Extra on Blu-ray Box.
Akira Amano
Five young musicians, each harboring painful memories, are assembled to entertain American soldiers at an Enlisted Men's Club. Tensions emerge between the tenor saxophonist, a disillusioned ex-soldier, and a bitter GI whose brother was killed in the war. And when the band plays the prohibited "Danny Boy" during a birthday bash for a sergeant whose son Danny had died a year ago, everyone must confront a past they'd rather forget.
「醜く老いてしまう前に自らを葬ってしまおう」 春、背中に天使の羽根のタトゥーを入れた17歳の少女・チカコは、そうやって年上の3人の男と1年間の愛人契約を結んだ。男たちは少女を”華子“と呼び、少女は彼らを”A、B、C“と呼んだ。いつも優しく華子を抱くA、物静かでミステリアスなB、乱暴に華子を犯すC。逢引の為だけに用意された洋館で、無感情な情事が繰り返される。夏、補習でどこにも行けない華子を、男たちは花火に連れて行った。花火を見つめる男たちの目はまるで少年のようで、その時、華子は彼らもかつては子供だったのだと実感する。秋、涼子と言うクラスメイトに誘われて行った映画館で、華子は見知らぬ男にレイプされ、妊娠した。居合わせた涼子の弟・行人が彼女に救いの手を差し伸べようとするも、彼はまだ幼く純粋すぎた。冬、Cが何者かに刺され入院した。その病室からは、華子の通う高校が見えた。彼女は知る。かつて同じ部屋に、「彼女を愛人にしたい」と言い遺して死んだ、男たちのかけがえのない仲間が入院していたことを。1年後、華子の18歳の誕生日。男たちは、華子を4番目の男の墓へ連れて行った。彼女は、男の墓にキスをした。そして、別れの時。華子は、自分の中に今まで感じたことのない感情が芽生えていることに気づく。それは、男たちへの愛だった。彼女は思う。「私は、またここから歩いて行ける」と。
Three storylines interweave in Border Line. Kurosawa (Murakami Jun) finds himself driving a taciturn young man named Matsuda (Sawaki Tetsu) halfway to Hokkaido, after accidentally knocking him off his bike; their fragile bond can last only so long. The housewife Aikawa Misa (Aso Yumi) tries desperately to hold her family together when her husband gets laid off and her son is so frightened of bullies at school that he throws up in the car; she’s reduced to taking a McJob in a convenience store. And Miyaji (Mitsuishi Ken), who collects debts for a yakuza gang, gets into trouble when his partner Kitajima puts personal need above duty.
Seventeen-year-old Ako works part-time in a cabaret club late at night. Because of this, she falls asleep in school every day. In the new semester, she becomes enamored with her classmate Ryou, who is repeating a year despite her good grades.
Older Man
Omnibus of six short films: Return; Ken-do star; Hana to oji-san; Adagietto Sehr, langsam; Nakayoki koto wa yoki koto ka na; Slow is Beautiful. Third installment of "SF" series produced by Hiroyuki Nakano.
A young woman returns to the island where she grew up.
Boxing Gym Man
Hotel Hibiscus is the story of one very young energetic girl named Mieko and her internatioanl family who live in Okinawa. They live in a run down old hotel called Hotel Hibiscus with only one room for rent.
Jun Murakami
雑誌のフリーライターをしている朝倉ユキには引きこもりの兄がいた。やがて、兄はひとりアパートの一室で腐り果てた姿で発見される。後日、アパートを訪れたユキの目に最初に飛び込んできたのは掃除機のコンセントだった。以来、ユキは“死”の臭いを感じ始める。街中に溢れる“死”の臭いに悩まされるユキ。ある日、ユキは兄が生前、“コンセントに繋がっているときだけ動く少年”について話していたことを思い出す。兄はなぜ生を止めたのか? 一体“コンセント”とは何を意味するのか? ついにユキの精神は臨界点に達する……。
Another psychodrama, this time revolving around an SM club.
The secret warriors of feudal Japan were the ninja. Sent on impossible missions, the ninja were trained to work in shadows, gather information and defeat the enemy to build a world of peace. Akakage, Aokage, and Asuka are rookie ninjas under the tutelage of Shirokage. Their life is a series of perilous missions that entail intrigue, deception and intimidation.
A successful businessman and his alcoholic wife attempt to piece together their unhappy lives and shattered marriage. Little do Nagai and Akira know that their precarious relationship will soon be transformed by a stranger, the enigmatic Keechie.
Keisuke, an aspiring samurai-movie actor lands a major role in a new film, but must contend with a director who has nothing but scorn for him, but who continually fawns over the film’s obnoxious ham of a star.
Seijuro Sakamoto
A washed-up former punk rocker is frustrated by his work at his grandmother's hot spring. He returns to Tokyo and finds himself entangled in a web of crime.
Bicycle Man
Kurosaki is an erotic novelist who uses his editor and a hired model to act out scenarios in his living room to use for inspiration in his writing. His wife Shizuko calls him a pervert but on the inside, she feels physically neglected. She tries to make him jealous, while also going after what she desires with someone else.
After attending the funeral of Yu, a childhood friend, Toru gets drunk and misses the last train home. He saves a girl, Nao, after hearing her jump into the river, and finds that she was also a friend of Yu. Together, they wander the streets until morning.
In this startling psychological thriller from Japan, Mami (Hijiri Kojima) is a teacher who meets Tomo (Koji Chihara), a psychotic criminal with a short temper and no visible means of support. Amour fou blooms between them, and a year later they're living together, with Mami taking part as Tomo abducts, tortures, and kills one of their neighbors. Eventually the cycle of crime goes too far for Mami and she leaves Tomo, but several years later, he arrives at her home to disrupt her life with her new husband. Hysteric was directed by Takahisa Zeze, who previously received critical acclaim for the film Kokkuri. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
Nanako returns to her hometown on the tiny island of Aguni to meet her grandmother Nabbie. However, when Nanako's ferry arrives, it is also carrying Nabbie's former lover, who has returned to Aguni after a long absence.
Young Patient
Japanese action film directed by Hiroshi Ando.
Filmed somewhat in documentary style, it follows three girls over the span of one day and night in the Shibuya district of Tokyo. Jonko runs a group of high school girls involved in paid dating, Raku is a street dancer, and Togo was brought up in the US and back in Japan for one year wants to escape to New York. Their contact with the world of talent scouts and yakuza places them in danger.
A youth film depicting society in the late 90's through the eyes of lethargic young adults.
Movie adaptation of a novel by Rampo Edogawa.
Based on the manga of the same name by Buronson (Yoshiyuki Okamura).
The story of a young man who volunteers to join the air force for selfish reasons, but grows through rigorous training and interaction with his friends.