Takumi Yamazaki

Takumi Yamazaki

出生 : 1964-04-14, Tokyo, Japan


Takumi Yamazaki


プリンセス・プリンシパル Crown Handler 第3章
Colonel (voice)
暗殺された王位継承権第一位のエドワード王子の葬儀が執り行われる中、アルビオン王国の貴族たちは王位継承権第二位のメアリー王女、同三位のアーカム公・リチャード王子のどちらが王位を継ぐか、ノルマンディー公がどう動くのか、という話題で持ち切りだ。 アーカム公はプリンセスに、自分とノルマンディー公どちら側につくか問う。あらゆる民族が平等になる世界へと修正することを願いながらも、エドワード暗殺の黒幕であるアーカム公に、プリンセスは心が揺れる。そんな中、共和国のコントロールから王室の情勢を探るべく、アンジェとドロシーにメアリーの侍女として潜入任務が下る。王位継承権第一位となった重圧に押しつぶされ疲弊するメアリー。混沌とする王位継承の行方、アーカム公の陰謀がついに動き出す―。 アルビオン王国に蠢く闇が、チーム白鳩を呑み込んでいく――。
機動戦士ガンダム ククルス・ドアンの島
M'Quve (voice)
Toripii (voice)
Prince Pearl, who has escaped from the glittering kingdom and is a little unconfident. In the absence of Pearl, terrible things happened in the kingdom, Shimajiro and his friends save the crisis of the kingdom. They are now going to an adventure to find the three keys with Pearl.
プリンセス・プリンシパル Crown Handler 第2章
Colonel (voice)
Toripii (voice)
Shimajiro and his friends help build a flying ship for the people of Greenwood who are in trouble because it doesn't rain in Greenwood.
プリンセス・プリンシパル Crown Handler 第1章
Colonel (voice)
19世紀末ロンドン。共和国のスパイ集団であるチーム白鳩に新たな任務が課せられた。 それはとある古本屋店主の共和国への受け渡し。王国により拘置所に拘束されていた古本屋店主をアンジェとドロシー、ちせの連携で奪還に成功する。 一方その頃、王国では女王暗殺未遂事件を契機に“スパイ狩り”が激しさを増し、共和国側のコントロールでは緊張が張り詰めていた。コントロールは、王国王室に派遣しているスパイが“二重スパイ”である可能性があると推測。真相を探るため、チーム白鳩に王室内に送り込んでいるスパイ、コードネーム“ビショップ”との接触を命じる。 果たして、新たな任務の行方は。そして“ビショップ”とは何者なのか―――
Qiaohu and the Fantastic Flying Ship
映画しまじろう しまじろうとうるるのヒーローランド
Torippii (voice)
ヒーローランドは、発明家の女の子「うるる」が作ったあこがれのヒーローやヒロインに会える世界。 大喜びのしまじろうたちだったのですが、そこに悪いロボットが現れてヒーローランドは大ピンチ・・・。 しまじろうたちは力を合わせて助けることができるでしょうか。
機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN VI 誕生 赤い彗星
M'Quve (voice)
 宇宙世紀0079年1月23日、サイド5、ルウムでジオン、地球連邦の雌雄を決する戦いが始まった。圧倒的劣勢に追い込まれたジオンは、秘策である人型兵器「モビルスーツ」で編成した特別強襲大隊を投入し戦況を一気に逆転させ、大勝利を収める。なかでも、ジオン軍のシャア・アズナブルは、赤いモビルスーツ「ザクⅡ」で戦果を上げ少佐に昇進、"赤い彗星"の異名をとる。  ルウム会戦後、地球連邦軍はジオンに反撃すべく"V作戦"を計画。その裏側で、サイド7の少年アムロ・レイは自ら行動し、新兵器「ガンダム」の秘密を探っていた。  一方、地球の南極大陸でのジオン、地球連邦の両軍の高官がそろう早期和平交渉の場でルナツーから世界中にある声明が発信される…。
しまじろう まほうのしまのだいぼうけん
Shimajiro and his friends set out on an adventure to the Magical Island. Spring comes every year but, for some reason, it did not come this year, and the wizard Aura and the villagers were in trouble. Shimajiro and his friends help try to bring spring together.
劇場版しまじろうのわお! 『しまじろうと にじのオアシス』
Sorano Torippii
Shimajiro and friends embark on a journey through the desert to help young Coco reunite with her mother after being separated in a fierce sandstorm.
Gekijouban Shimajirou no wao!: Shimajirou to ehon no kuni
This is the fourth movie starring a tiger boy named Shimajiro.
劇場版 しまじろうのわお ! しまじろうとおおきなき
Dera Mochimazzi (voice)
The story follows Dera after he returns to the southern islands from the Usagiyama Shopping District, and depicts his gentle slapstick daily life with the Prince and Choi.
Dera Mochimazzi (voice)
劇場版 しまじろうのわお! しまじろうと くじらのうた
Torippii / Lion Police Officer
Shimajiro, who helped an injured baby whale Kuu-chan, takes care of Kuu-chan who wants to return to her mother and keeps her in touch. In order to return Ku-chan, who was about to be sent to the aquarium, to her mother, Shimajiro rides on her back and sets out on a journey toward the southern sea.
しまじろうとフフのだいぼうけん 〜すくえ!七色の花〜
Torippii (voice)
Shimajiro to Fufu no Daibōken: Sukue! Nanairo no Hana (しまじろうと フフの だいぼうけん ~すくえ!七色の花~?, Shimajiro and Fufu's Great Adventure: Save the Seven-Colored Flower!) is a 2013 Japanese children's live action/anime film. It's the first film to feature the character Shimajirō. The film is directed by Isamu Hirabayashi and was release on March 15, 2013.
劇場版アニメ 忍たま乱太郎 忍術学園 全員出動! の段
Shuusaku Komatsuda (voice)
A young boy named Rentaro and other ninja apprentices attend Ninjutsu Gakuen - a top ninja academy. Rentaro is determined to become an elite ninja!
劇場版アニメ 忍たま乱太郎 忍術学園 全員出動! の段
Saburou Hachiya (voice)
A young boy named Rentaro and other ninja apprentices attend Ninjutsu Gakuen - a top ninja academy. Rentaro is determined to become an elite ninja!
劇場版 マクロスF 恋離飛翼 ~サヨナラノツバサ~
銀魂 新訳紅桜篇
Kawakami Bansai (voice)
ある夜、橋の上で決闘を申し込まれた桂。体よくあしらおうとした瞬間、鮮血の中で桂が倒れた。 辻斬りによる被害が多発しているかぶき町。そんなある日、エリザベスが万事屋を訪ね、事の顛末と桂があの夜以来行方不明である事を話し、桂の探索と辻斬りについて一緒に調べてもらう様に依頼する。 一方で銀時はエリザベスの当面の依頼を神楽と新八に任せ、元から依頼されていた村田鉄矢・鉄子兄妹の下へ向かう。彼らの依頼は「盗まれた名刀・紅桜を取り返してほしい」。 村田兄妹の依頼を遂行する銀時と桂を探索する神楽・新八・エリザベス、二つの事案が複雑に絡み合い、遂に辻斬りの正体にまでたどり着く。そこには意外な人物がいた。
Cyborg Ninja (voice)
The renowned Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty comic book series by Ashley Wood and Alex Garner comes to life in this motion comic, complete with stylized animation, thrilling music, explosive sound effects and full voice acting. A retelling of Hideo Kojima's video game of the same name.
.hack//G.U. Trilogy
Yata (voice)
西暦2017年に市場を席巻したネットゲーム『The World R:2』の中で繰り広げられる、愛と狂気。“執念の幽鬼”ハセヲ。“現実に裏切られた少女”アトリ。“運命の天秤を操る者”オーヴァン。三つの糸が絡み合い、それはやがてネットワーク全体を巻き込む巨大な悲劇を紡ぎ出していく。百万の殺戮と絶望の果てに、たった一つの願いは聞き入れられるのだろうか…?
.hack//G.U. Returner
The characters receive an email from Ovan requesting them to go to Δ Hidden Forbidden Festival where a mysterious summer festival is set up. There they encounter an AIDA Chim Chim who wishes to peacefully co-exist with the players of The World. It then transforms into the word "Returner", which Haseo assumes it to mean that Ovan will return to The World.
Casio Takashirô (voice)
Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel
Cyborg Ninja
Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel is a digitized version of the Metal Gear Solid comic drawn by Ashley Wood that has been edited to feature sound effects, animations, and music.
Kawakami, Bansai (voice)
前回の大盛り上がりの宴から約1年と5ヶ月・・・   2011年8月21日、再び両国の地で興奮度MAXの特大イベントが堂々開催!   当日は昼公演、夜公演の約2万人に加え、全国の映画館全63館でのライブビューイング約1万3千人を動員!3万3千人を超える銀魂ファンと出演者による、まさにお祭り騒ぎの一日を収めたDVDが満を持して発売決定!
メタルギアソリッド3 EXISTENCE
Ocelot (voice)
A three and a half hour cut of Metal Gear Solid 3's cinematics featuring remastered sound. This is a version of the story presented as a film.
キン肉マンII世 マッスル人参争奪! 超人大戦争
アミテージ・ザ・サード DUAL-MATRIX
Tomohisa Harada
The target of hitgirl Mikura is a wealthy baseball team owner, but he turns out to be a powerful underworld boss. Mikura and her team are beset by countless heavily armed bodyguards and the boss' vicious daughter.
レイアース 特別編 -希望の翼-
Ferio (voice)
Hikaru, Umi and Fuu, three junior high schoolers, are magically transported to the mystical land of Cephiro, where they become Magic Knights in the service of Princess Emeraude in this fantasy-filled anime feature. Under the spell of an evil high priest, Cephiro is materializing in the same dimension as Tokyo, and now only this specially selected trio can save Cephiro, Tokyo and the world from complete destruction. This is the movie version of the previously-released 3-episode OVA, with additional footage.
When the kingdom of Cephiro invades Earth, three girls (Hikaru, Umi and Fuu) are chosen to awake mythical spirits to protect the planet. Compilation of the 3 OVA mini-series launched between 25/07/1997 and 24/11/1997.
Roberta (voice)
Elmer is told by a traveling cat about a baby dragon who is being held captive and mistreated on the scary Wild Island. Elmer decides to investigate and battles tigers, crocodiles and gorillas in order to rescue the little dragon.
名探偵コナン 時計じかけの摩天楼
Train Driver (voice)
Less than a year after Geist activated the Death Force, which decimated most of Jerra's population, he has kept himself busy by dismantling the Death Force machines one by one. Most of the remaining human population have fled to a remote haven run by a warlord named Krauser. Krauser is another MDS unit, MD-01, who has a technology that hides his mobile fortress from the Death Force.
Less than a year after Geist activated the Death Force, which decimated most of Jerra's population, he has kept himself busy by dismantling the Death Force machines one by one. Most of the remaining human population have fled to a remote haven run by a warlord named Krauser. Krauser is another MDS unit, MD-01, who has a technology that hides his mobile fortress from the Death Force.
Isamu Alva Dyson (voice)
Tanji (voice)
Dragon Half
Chuckson/ Mappy (voice)
Mink - the daughter of a dragon and a retired dragonslaying knight - sets out on a journey to get tickets for a concert held by Dick Saucer, world-famous teen idol and dragon hunter. Meanwhile, the corrupt king of the land is trying to take her hostage to get at her mother, and his magic-using daughter seeks to foil Mink's quest out of sheer spite.
Guard D (voice)
In the 26th century, humans discover a humanoid race living on the distant world GO/7498/2, a dark-skinned, golden-eyed people who seem to eke out a primitive, carefree existence. However, a scout team from Earth discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye--they live in symbiosis with vicious reptilian parasites, and the Terran scientists have upset the delicate natural balance.
Massimo (voice)
Based on the novel Tottòi by Gianni Padoan. Sardinia is abundant in beautiful beaches and mysterious caves which are known as the habitat of a peculiar kind of seal on the verge of extinction. After moving to this island, Tottoi, fascinated by nature, visits different beaches and caves everyday. When he finds a seal cub and its mother in an isolated cave, he is surprised by the humorous movements and innocence of the cub and the dignity of its mother. Tottoi soon becomes attached to the seals, but his secret is revealed to heartless adults. In the name of preservation, a plan is developed to capture them for an aquarium. Now the dignity and pride of the wild seal are in danger. No matter how painful for Tottoi to be separated from his small friends, he must fight for the welfare of the wild mammals and let them go free into the sea.
修羅之介斬魔劍 死鎌紋の男
Officer B (voice)
Shurannosuke Sakaki is a masterless samurai with a razor-sharp katana and a cold-hearted personality. Whenever you see the mark of two crossed scythes on his back, death is sure to follow. Because of his exceptional swordsmanship, Shurannosuke is hired by the Nakura Clan to rescue Princess Mayu from the Seki Ninja. In this mission, he must use his full potential to survive the Seki Ninja's notorious henchmen.
In the year 2200 an interstellar war is held where the weapons most frequently used are the psychic capacities. The hero, Zero, son of an earthling and an extraterrestrial, the prince and last survivor of a clan of magicians. He will fight against the army of the Manjidara empire, whose forces are such as its head ambition to control the whole universe.
Kentaro, your basic salaryman, co-habits an apartment with his old study mate Haruo. He's engaged to his boss's daughter, the selfish Reiko. While waiting on Reiko to meet up up with him he comes across the quirky Momoko, an aspiring actress who sees herself as the future Japanese Marilyn Monroe. Kentaro accidentally gets her fired from her side-job and Momoko knows a pefect way for him to make it up to her: she decides to move in with him and provide for all his and her needs. Things get more complicated when Momoko gets a job with Kentaro's company.
Rem can't sleep - ever - but she can enter the world of dreams just the same, so she decides to use her unusual powers ti make a living as a private investigator in the dreamworld. Lieutenant Sakaki doesn't think it's a good idea... This is the original, 1-part hentai version of the OVA, later remade into a less-explicit version with 2 additional episodes.