Kōbō Abe

Kōbō Abe

出生 : 1924-03-07, Kita, Tokyo, Japan

死亡 : 1993-01-22


Kōbō Abe, pseudonym of Kimifusa Abe (March 7, 1924 – January 22, 1993) was a Japanese writer, playwright, photographer and inventor. Abe has been often compared to Franz Kafka and Alberto Moravia for his surreal, often nightmarish explorations of individuals in contemporary society and his modernist sensibilities. Among the honors bestowed on him were the Akutagawa Prize in 1951 for The Crime of S. Karuma, the Yomiuri Prize in 1962 for Woman in the Dunes, and the Tanizaki Prize in 1967 for the play Friends. Kenzaburō Ōe stated that Abe deserved the Nobel Prize in Literature, which he himself had won (Abe was nominated multiple times).


Kōbō Abe


It follows a nameless man who gives up his identity to live with a large cardboard box over his head, encountering a range of characters as he wanders the streets of Tokyo.
Original Story
安部公房の傑作に気鋭の演出家が挑んだ舞台。出演は鈴木浩介、有村架純、林遣都、浅野和之、キムラ緑子、山崎一ら。“友達”って何?謎が謎を呼ぶ心ザワめく世界が広がる! 鬼才・安部公房の傑作を、今、最も勢いに乗る気鋭の劇作・演出家である加藤拓也(ドラマ「俺のスカート、どこ行った?」脚本)が上演台本から手掛けた、まさに今見るべき話題作。ひとり暮らしをする男のもとに突然見知らぬ9人家族がやって来て「孤独はよくない」「人とつながるのはすばらしい」と言いつつ、男の部屋に居座り、民主主義の名のもとにすべて多数決で決定されることで、男の生活は様変わりする。コロナ禍で人とのつながりが希薄になる昨今、この舞台の持つ意味は初演の1967年とまた違ったものとなるのが面白い。 警察や弁護士、恋人に相談するも誰にも理解されない男を演じるのは鈴木浩介。対する“家族”には安部公房スタジオ出身の浅野和之、硬軟自在な演技で魅了するキムラ緑子、第28回読売演劇大賞で最優秀男優賞に輝いた山崎一、舞台では初共演となる「姉ちゃんの恋人」でドラマファンの胸をときめかせた有村架純と林遣都ら豪華実力派俳優が集結。加えて今年度読売演劇大賞最優秀スタッフ賞受賞の伊藤雅子の斬新なセットは必見だ。謎が謎を呼ぶ入れ子構造の中にちりばめられたユーモア。心ザワめく世界が広がる!
The Box Man
Original Story
A man reacts with violence when a pair of eyes spy on him from inside a cardboard box.
Original Story
John is a legal assistant who is looking forward to marriage to his fiancee Sally, but his daydream is interrupted when a model plane crashes through his window. Following the plane is a family of six who invade his life and apartment.
Original Story
A cautionary tale about workers who are neglected, lose hope, and fade away while businessmen prosper by selling out to foreign countries. As the greed of the businessmen escalates, the economy collapses, and a young man becomes a poet and gives the people hope.
Original Story
A film adaptation of the second play from "The Man Who Turned Into A Stick" by Kōbō Abe himself.
A film adaptation of the second play from "The Man Who Turned Into A Stick" by Kōbō Abe himself.
A film adaptation of the second play from "The Man Who Turned Into A Stick" by Kōbō Abe himself.
A private detective is hired to find a missing man by his wife. While his search is unsuccessful, the detective's own life begins to resemble the man for whom he is searching.
A private detective is hired to find a missing man by his wife. While his search is unsuccessful, the detective's own life begins to resemble the man for whom he is searching.
A businessman with a disfigured face obtains a lifelike mask from his doctor, but the mask starts altering his personality.
A businessman with a disfigured face obtains a lifelike mask from his doctor, but the mask starts altering his personality.
An entomologist suffers extreme psychological and sexual torture after being taken captive by the residents of a poor seaside village.
An entomologist suffers extreme psychological and sexual torture after being taken captive by the residents of a poor seaside village.
Original Story
A day in the life of Ako, a 16 year old Japanese girl, and her friends and co-workers. An alarm clock wakes her in a dorm; she gets ready for work and travels to a large bakery. We see her with friends, chatting and laughing, as well as working. They go out, seven of them jammed in an old Pontiac: bowling, then to an amusement park, then driving around. Car trouble may put her at risk. Is she going to be okay?
A man wanders into a seemingly deserted town with his young son in search of work. But after a bit of bad luck, he joins the town's population of lost souls.
A man wanders into a seemingly deserted town with his young son in search of work. But after a bit of bad luck, he joins the town's population of lost souls.
A group of rank-and-file Japanese soldiers are jailed for crimes against humanity, themselves victims of a nation refusing to bear its burdens as a whole.
An ethical, young tax collector new to his area encounters increasingly absurd individuals and groups coping with their post-war woes.