Bradley Buecker

Bradley Buecker


Bradley Buecker is an American television and film director, producer, and editor. Buecker is well known for his work with Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk on the FOX musical series Glee and for FX's anthology series American Horror Story.


Bradley Buecker


American Horror Story: 1984
In the summer of 1984, five friends escape Los Angeles to work as counselors at Camp Redwood. As they adjust to their new jobs, they quickly learn that the only thing scarier than campfire tales is the past coming to haunt you.
Billy Boy
When an angry teenager discovers a close friend has been killed, grief jeopardizes his future and he finds himself engulfed in danger.
Billy Boy
When an angry teenager discovers a close friend has been killed, grief jeopardizes his future and he finds himself engulfed in danger.
Billy Boy
When an angry teenager discovers a close friend has been killed, grief jeopardizes his future and he finds himself engulfed in danger.
American Horror Story: Asylum
Set in 1964, the season follows the patients and staff members of the church-owned mental asylum Briarcliff Manor, located in an undisclosed town in Massachusetts, which was founded to treat and house the criminally insane. Kit Walker, accused of being a prolific serial killer named “Bloody Face” after the disappearance of his wife Alma is incarcerated at Briarcliff. This piques the interest of ambitious journalist Lana Winters, who is yearning to find a story for her big break in Briarcliff, where many other patients claim to be unjustly institutionalized. The institution is run under the watchful eye of the stern Sister Jude, as well as her second-in-command, the naïve Sister Mary Eunice, and the founder of the institution, Monsignor Timothy Howard. Briarcliff's inhabitants are routinely subject to supernatural and scientific influences, including demonic possession and extraterrestrial abduction.
American Horror Story: Murder House
Dr. Ben Harmon, Vivien, and their daughter Violet move from Boston to Los Angeles to escape their troubled past. They move into a restored mansion, unaware that the ghosts of its former residents and their victims haunt the house.
ライターのリズは旅行先のバリで、手相を占える薬剤師のもとを訪れる。リズは歯の抜けた人のよさそうな薬剤師から、「生涯に2回結婚し、1回は短く1回は長い」「半年から一年の間にすべてを失うが、そのあと再び取り戻せるから安心するように」などと言われる。 帰国したリズに、夫のスティーヴンは仕事をやめて大学で学び直したいと言う。ふたりはマイホームを買ったばかりで、リズは夫との将来と価値観の違いに激しい不安を抱くようになる。リズは生まれて初めて真面目に神に祈った結果、離婚を決意する。 家を出て親友のデリア夫婦のもとに転がり込んだリズは、離婚協議がすすむなか、自分が執筆した芝居に出演する28歳のハンサムな俳優デヴィッドと出会う。ふたりは付き合うようになり、リズはデヴィッドのアパートに住むようになるが、夫を忘れるための恋は次第にうまくいかなくなる。 リズとデヴィッドは、やがて互いを罵り合うようになる。何もかもがうまくいかなくなって、途方に暮れたリズは、バリの薬剤師の言葉を思い出して、一年間をかけて外国を巡る旅に出ることを考え始める。ずっと行ってみたかったイタリアを回って、デヴィッドのヨガの導師を訪ねてインドを経由し、最後にバリの薬剤師のもとへ行く長い旅の計画に、親友のデリアは反対する。それでもリズは、周囲の反対を押し切って、自分を見つめ直す旅に出発する。
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