Austin Stowell

Austin Stowell

出生 : 1984-12-24, Kensington - Connecticut - USA


Austin Miles Stowell (born December 24, 1984) is an American actor. He is best known for his role as Kyle Connellan in Alcon Entertainment's Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2, and as Dalton Joiner in the Vietnam romantic drama Love and Honor with Liam Hemsworth. Austin Stowell was born in Kensington, Connecticut, where he was raised by his father, Robert, a retired steelworker, and his mother, Elizabeth, a schoolteacher. He graduated from Berlin High School in 2003 with the intention of pursuing a professional career in acting. Upon acceptance at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, Connecticut, he studied with the Department of Dramatic Arts, a division of the School of Fine Arts. He performed in several productions with the Connecticut Repertory Theatre, including Julius Caesar, It Can't Happen Here, and As You Like It. Stowell graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2007.


Austin Stowell


ヘイティング・ゲーム 恋とキャリアの必勝法
Executive Producer
Resolving to achieve professional success without compromising her ethics, Lucy embarks on a ruthless game of one-upmanship against cold and efficient nemesis Joshua, a rivalry that is complicated by her growing attraction to him.
ヘイティング・ゲーム 恋とキャリアの必勝法
Josh Templeman
Resolving to achieve professional success without compromising her ethics, Lucy embarks on a ruthless game of one-upmanship against cold and efficient nemesis Joshua, a rivalry that is complicated by her growing attraction to him.
Patrick Sullivan
Swallow スワロウ
Richie Conrad
「ガール・オン・ザ・トレイン」「ヒルビリー・エレジー 郷愁の哀歌」のヘイリー・ベネットが異物を飲み込むことで自分を取り戻していく主婦を演じるスリラー。ニューヨーク郊外の邸宅で、誰もがうらやむような暮らしを手に入れたハンター。しかし、まともに話を聞いてくれない夫や、彼女を蔑ろにする義父母の存在など、彼女を取り巻く日常は孤独で息苦しいものだった。そんな中、ハンターの妊娠が発覚し、夫と義父母は待望の第一子に歓喜の声をあげるが、ハンターの孤独はこれまで以上に深くなっていった。ある日、ふとしたことからガラス玉を飲み込みたいという衝動にかられたハンターは、ガラス玉を口に入れて飲み込んでしまう。そこでハンターが痛みとともに感じたのは、得も言われぬ充足感と快楽だった。異物を飲み込むことに多幸感を抱くようになったハンターは、さらなる危険なものを飲み込みたい欲望にかられていく。
ファイナル・フェーズ 破壊
ある学者が人類滅亡と終末の危機が迫っていることを示唆し世間を騒がせている中、平凡な男ジョーは妻を亡くし娘からも失望され、ひとり寂しい日々を過ごしていた。 そんなある日、ジョーは頭の中で不思議な声がすることに気づく。その声は自らを”偉大なる力”と呼び、ジョーの娘が何者かに殺される映像を見せ「自分の声に従えば娘を助ける」と脅迫する。ジョーはその声に従い危険な目に遭いながらも、ある研究所にたどり着く。そこで激しい閃光を浴びるのだが…。
Larry King
A British Special Boat Service commando tracks down an international terrorist cell.
In Dubious Battle
In the California apple country, 900 migratory workers rise 'in dubious battle' against the landowners. The group takes on a life of its own—stronger than its individual members, and more frightening. Led by the doomed Jim Nolan, the strike is founded on his tragic idealism—'courage, never submit, or yield'.
Francis Gary Powers
Ryan Connolly
Dolphin Tale 2
Kyle Connellan
The team of people who saved Winter's life reassemble in the wake of her surrogate mother's passing in order to find her a companion so she can remain at the Clearwater Marine Hospital.
Behaving Badly
Kevin Carpenter
Teenager Rick Stevens is willing to do whatever it takes to win the heart of Nina Pennington. He'll have to deal with his best friend's horny mom, a drug abusing boss and even the mob if he ever hopes to land the girl of his dreams. Love is never easy!
Ted Gordon
After giving up on making it in the Chicago improv scene, a young comedian fatefully reconnects with the former love of his life one fall night while working at a coffee shop in his hometown. Afraid of growing old and alone like his divorced father, Warren must choose between winning her back or finding the courage to go after his dreams a second time.
Shuffleton's Barbershop
Trey Cole
Famous country singer Trey Cole is finally returning home after cruelly abandoning the town many years ago and never looking back, even when his brother died serving in the military. Now, realizing he's lost himself along the way, Trey remembers getting his first haircut in the cracked brown leather chair in Charlie's shop, and hopes to find guidance from the man who was a father to him when his own dad, General Wes Cameron, was coldly absent during his childhood.
Backstage Flirt
Based on the autobiographical novel, the tempestuous 6-year relationship between Liberace and his (much younger) lover, Scott Thorson, is recounted.
Love and Honor
Dalton Joiner
When a young soldier in Vietnam gets dumped by his hometown girl, he and his best friend decide to go AWOL and return to the States to win her back.
E.R. Medic
A David and Goliath law drama about a drug-addicted lawyer who takes on a health supply corporation while battling his own personal demons.
Kyle Connellan
Without a Mom
Two gay dads fumble to provide their straight son with meaningful support after the loss of his first real love.
The Inheritance
Billionaire Charles Abernathy, on the eve of his 75th birthday, invites his four estranged children back home out of fear that tonight someone – or something – is coming to kill him. To ensure his family will help protect him from whatever’s coming, Abernathy puts each of their inheritances on the line – they’ll get nothing if he’s found dead by dawn.
The Long Home
Rural Tennessee in the 1940's: a young man unwittingly goes to work building a honky-tonk for the charismatically diabolical bootlegger who murdered his father ten years earlier and runs into conflict when he falls for the young woman the bootlegger is grooming to be a prostitute. NOTE: 2020-08-31 According to Wikipedia, The Long Home was tentatively expected to be released in 2017, and in November of that year, the sales rights to the movie were acquired by Great Point Media. However, it has yet to be released in any format as of 2022.