Ken Kaneko

Ken Kaneko

出生 : 1976-10-19, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan


Ken Kaneko is a Japanese actor, TV personality and former mixed martial artist. Kaneko is best known for his role in the Takeshi Kitano film Kids Return (1996), in which he and Masanobu Ando portrayed a couple of high school dropouts trying to find purpose and direction in life. Kaneko is also notable for Himitsu (1999), Rescue Wings (2008) and Blade of the Immortal (2017). He was also a mixed martial artist in the Welterweight division and fought Charles Bennet in Pride FC Shockwave 2005.


Ken Kaneko


Hishiyasu Shido
The story is of a three-way composition of a corrupt prefectural police and a hostile organization, through friendship and death
Shinpei did time for his gang, but the yakuza changed and he's marked for death. He might just be desperate enough to join forces with an old enemy.
Yoshinori Kawakami
空へ ―救いの翼 RESCUE WINGS―
Masaki Tezuka‘s live-action adaptation of “Rescue Wings” deviates from the original by centering around a female rookie pilot played by 16-year-old actress (only 15 at the time of filming) Yuko Takayama. After her mother is saved, Haruka Kawashima joins an elite air rescue team and decides she wants to become the first female pilot of a UH-60J (Japanese version of the Black Hawk) rescue helicopter. She goes through harsh, rigorous training and must overcome her emotions for the serious job of saving lives. After several mistakes she’s bluntly told she’s not good enough to be a rescue pilot, but the conflict only makes her more determined. One day, an F-15J fighter plane goes missing from radar and Kawashima receives the distress call. On reserve fuel and the struggling against all odds, she must accomplish her mission at any cost.
Sakiko, works independently at a travel agent in Tokyo. She was raised by her mother, Tatsuko, is hospitalized, Sakiko returns to her hometown Tokushima on Shikoku. The town is famous for its annual Awa Dance Festival. She is told by doctor, Terasawa Daisuke, that her mother has terminal cancer.
私たちの人生には、たくさんの“偶然”が転がっています。 そんな偶然と偶然が連鎖して、ふとしたことで幸せにつながっていく…。 あなたにも、そんな経験ありませんか? このドラマスペシャルは、そんなかけがえのない出会いの奇跡、人生を変えた奇跡の瞬間… そんな数々をオムニバスドラマとして紡いでいきます。 セレンディップとは…? この番組のタイトルにもある“セレンディップ”とは、「ふとした偶然をきっかけに、幸せをつかむこと」という意味です。 「セレンディップの三人の王子」という寓話をもとに、18世紀のイギリスの作家ウォルポールが「セレンディピティ」と名付けて、世界に広まりました。 この番組の主人公は、都会にさすらう男と女たち。 彼らのある時間の風景を描く事で、走り続けるうちに、人がいつの間にか忘れてしまう物の大切さ、様々な形で繋がる事が出来るゆえに、逆に難しくなってしまったのかもしれない「本当に繋がる事」の意味、そして、日々を生き抜くことで忘れてしまっていた、大切なコトを思い起こすキッカケになる「偶然の連鎖」。 そんな事を、改めて考え直すドラマとして紡いでいきます。
Pride Shockwave 2005
Pride Shockwave 2005 was a mixed martial arts event held by the Pride Fighting Championships at the Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan on December 31, 2005. In Japan, the event was called "Otoko Matsuri 2005 – Itadaki" (Itadaki means victory) The event concluded the Pride Lightweight (73 kg, 161 lb) and Welterweight (83 kg, 183 lb) tournaments of 2005. Takanori Gomi won the Lightweight tournament by knocking out Hayato Sakurai. Dan Henderson won the Welterweight tournament by defeating Murilo Bustamante via split decision. Wanderlei Silva retained his Middleweight Champion title by defeating Ricardo Arona via split decision.
Fumio Kajikawa
東野圭吾の同名小説を広末涼子主演で描いた、ミステリータッチの甘く切ないラブ・ストーリー。愛する妻と娘に囲まれ満ち足りた生活を送る杉田平介。だがある日、 妻・直子と娘・藻奈美が乗ったスキーバスが崖から転落する。 二人は病院に運ばれるが、まもなく妻は息を引き取る。娘のほうは、なんとか一命を取りとめたものの、意識が戻った彼女は自分は妻の直子だと告白する。やがて平介もそれを信じ、直子は人前では17歳の藻奈美として振舞い、二度目の青春を謳歌するが……。
The story of a young man and woman who set out to revenge the death of her mother. The lovers enter a mysterious world where space and time are twisted, where love is more dangerous than death.
重役陣に嫌気が差した一之助が、なんと鈴木建設を退社、社長を辞めてしまう。ようやく念願の釣り三昧と洒落込むが、なぜか空しい。「仕事をすべき」という、伝助の薦めで、資格を生かしボイラーマンとして再就職を果たすが、派遣先はなんと鈴木建設本社! マスクで顔を隠し、仕事をする一之助を面白がる伝助。はたして一之助の運命やいかに?
安藤組外伝 群狼の系譜2
Sequel to 'Ando Gumi Gaiden Genealogy of the Group Wolf'
闇金の帝王 銀と金 7 裏競馬地獄
Ryohei Kawamatsu
Ginji (Kiyoshi Nakajo), a man who made a huge fortune by taking advantage of the fierce competition for survival in the Japanese political and business world. Under him, the president of the Japan Horse Racing Promotion Association came to ask for help. Kawai, the former president of the Liberal Democratic Party, who is aiming for a comeback in the presidential election, has demanded 30 billion election funds. So Ginji offers Kawai a horse race for Sashi, who bets 30 billion. What is the whereabouts of a one-shot game in which Ryohei, who has outstanding memory, and Keisuke, who has excellent programming ability, are brought in and bet on Ginji's dark gold life?
闇金の帝王 銀と金6 戦慄の罠
Ryohei Kawamatsu
The Japanese political and business world where Chimimoryō is in control. Ginji (Kiyoshi Nakajo), a man who won the fierce competition and built a huge fortune. A new enemy appeared in front of him. Former President of the Liberal Democratic Party, Kawai. He has requested the Japan Horse Racing Promotion Association for 30 billion election funds for the next presidential election. Ginji first brought in a young man named Ryohei, who has an outstanding memory, who remembers all the results of the 10-year race. In order to defeat Kawai, he uses his memory to make a trick.
Ando Gumi Gaiden Gunro No Keifu
“Gunro no keifu” is known as “Tale of a Scarface.” It follows the life of Kumoro, a yakuza member, who recently is released from prison after serving 14 years for his Family. Upon his return he finds the various yakuza syndicates on the brink of war. Kumoro is, at first, removed from the dealings of the families by his Boss, but slowly he is drawn back into his old ways.
Making Of Kids Return キッズ・リターン
Making of Takeshi Kitano's movie Kids Return.
安藤組外伝 群狼の系譜
A yakuza movie directed by Eiichi Kudo
14 year old Nakamura is sexually abused by her stepfather. She invents a friend who is coming to her rescue when she really needs it.
山梨県警本部の強行犯捜査係は3つの班で構成された最強の捜査集団。班長は“冷血”の楠見昌平(松重豊)、“閃き”の村瀬恭一(岸谷五朗)、そして一番の検挙率を誇る一班の“笑わない男・青鬼”朽木泰正(仲村トオル)といういずれも曲者揃いだ。朽木の推薦で一班配属となった若手刑事の矢代勲(風間俊介)は、普段こそ周囲に明るく振舞っているが、実はあるトラウマで心から笑えなくなっていた――。 そんな折、厚木北署管内でホームレスが青酸カリで毒殺されたとの一報が。朽木は16年前の事件との関連を疑う。被害者の息子を唆して酒に青酸カリを混入させ殺害した未解決事件だ。厚木北署の刑事課課長・安川(神尾佑)の話では、被害者はスズキ(山本浩司)と名乗っていたが身元は不明だという。だが事件3日前に目撃された不審者の似顔絵を見た矢代は驚く。サングラス、口ひげ…なんと16年前の犯人とされる似顔絵とあまりに酷似していたのだ――。