Yuu Kashii

Yuu Kashii

出生 : 1987-02-16, Kanagawa, Japan


Yuu Kashii got her start in the entertainment business as a model for the Japanese teen magazine mc Sister back in 2001. Her first acting role was in the movie adaptation of Lorelei: The Witch of the Pacific Ocean in which she played the title character in the film.


Yuu Kashii
Yuu Kashii
Yuu Kashii
Yuu Kashii
Yuu Kashii


劇場版 SPEC~結~ 爻ノ篇
Jyokai Jyoukyokusai
劇場版 SPEC~結~ 漸ノ篇
Jyokai Jyoukyokusai
Youko Takatsu
A shy high school student meets his childhood friend, who moved away years earlier, and who encourages him to join their school's boxing club
Mary Ayashiro
Shuichi Furukawa receives a phone call from his mother. She reminds him that they are moving the next day. The following day, Shuichi takes a train ride back to his hometown. He arrives at his parents home, but nobody is home. He looks for the house key under a potted plant but can't find the key. He starts to thinks back to his childhood days in his parents home. Shuichi grew up with his younger brother, older sister, father who ran a shoe making business out of their garage and mother. Shuichi grew up with a crush on an older woman who lived next door and he loved to make piggy banks out of empty whiskey bottles. One day on a school picnic, Shuichi's classmates grabbed a lunchbox from a fellow student and eventually gave the lunch box to Shuichi. All the other students chanted "throw it away," while Shuichi's former friend looked on in despair.
Aiko Mihira
Sanpei is a young boy who lives with his grandpa in a small village in Akita and they both love fishing and are masters at it. His sister moved to Tokyo when their father died and blames it on the fishing. She thinks it's just a stupid play. Gyoshin, a bass professional fisher who lives and competes in America is in a slump and comes to the small village to try to find the joy of fishing again. Together, they all go to find the legendary big char of Yonakidani (The Crying Valley of The Night), which Sanpei's father once saw, but could never catch, before he died.
252 生存者あり
Saki Umino
Miyano Shiho
Shinichi Kudo returns as the young Conan to investigate a murderous letter sent to a beauty pageant winner who demands affection.
Chie Kurokawa
Yokoyama Kenji, the president of an event company that organizes matchmaking parties, meets Mita Soichiro (Shunsuke Kubozuka) who works for a first-class trading company. The two plan to rob an art dealer, Kurokawa Haruo, of a large amount of money, but are discovered by his daughter, Kurokawa Chie. After that, the two meet Chie again, and are invited to join in her in a scheme to steal 1 billion yen.
The movie is centered around five friends as they end up spending the summer of 1962 shackled up together in a tiny studio apartment in Tokyo. The five friends are Eisuke - the manga artist, Shoichi - the singer, Ryuzo - the novelist, Kei - the painter and Yuji – the 5th wheel (?). The friends spend the summer in pursuit of their own ideals of personal freedom - being able to do what they want. In the process of pursuing their dream they learn firsthand that however ideal it may seem, its not as easy as they think.
Mirror child
Based on renowned Japanese writer Natsume Soseki's same-titled short story collection, Ten Nights of Dreams brings ten fantastical dream sequences to film with great visual and psychological panache. Representing the combined efforts of eleven directors, this outstanding anthology delves into the surreal subconscious with ten madly imaginative, reality-subverting visions that range from wonderfully wacky to nightmarishly unsettling.
Azuki Ninomiya
Four beautiful sisters are entrusted with taking care of Kinjiro, a giant salamander and national treasure. Rumors spread that Kinjiro is an impostor, so a genius x-ray technician is sent to run some tests.
Lian Son is a Taiwanese assassin hiding in Okinawa. Yukiko works at a lunch box shop, but she has a painful past. Saya works at a public swimming pool, but is bored with her life. The solitary lives of these three people slowly intersect with each other under the bright sunshine of Okinawa.
Shiori Akino
夜神 月(やがみ ライト)はある日、奇妙な黒いノートを拾う。それは死神・リュークが落とした、ノートに名前を書かれた人間が死ぬ「デスノート」だった。犯罪者を裁く法律に限界を感じていた月は、世の中を変えるため、ノートの力で犯罪者を次々と葬り始める。やがて犯罪者を葬る者の存在に気付いた人々は殺し屋(=Killer)の意味から「キラ」と呼び始め、キラを神と崇め崇拝する者まで現れた。 一方、警察組織はキラの行為はあくまでも連続殺人であるとし、その調査・解決のためにある人物を送り込んだ。警察を裏から指揮し、数々の難事件を解決してきた世界的名探偵L(エル)である。 天才同士の戦い、求める世界の違いから起こったこの闘いに勝つのは死神の力を持つキラか、それとも警察を動かすLか。
Rinko Akai
リンダ リンダ リンダ
Kei Tachibana
高校を舞台にガールズバンドの奮闘をさわやかに描いた青春人間ドラマ。出演は『ほえる犬は噛まない』『TUBE』のべ・ドゥナ、『バトル・ロワイアル』シリーズの前田亜季、『ローレライ』の香椎由宇、そしてロックバンドBase Ball Bearのベーシスト・関根史織。監督は『リアリズムの宿』の山下敦弘。ハイティーンの女の子たちの心の微妙な心の揺れや高揚を繊細に描き出す。
Paula Atsuko Ebner
敗戦が間近に迫った日本。広島市に世界最初の原子爆弾が投下された。海軍軍令部の浅倉大佐は第2の原爆を阻止するため、閑職に追いやられていた絹見少佐を同盟国ドイツからの譲渡潜水艦「伊五〇七」(フランス海軍潜水艦シュルクーフ→ドイツ海軍潜水艦UF-4→伊五〇七)の艦長に任命、独断で作戦を決行した。 「伊五〇七」にはナチス・ドイツの開発した特殊音響兵装「ローレライ・システム」が搭載されていた。定員に満たない寄せ集めの乗員たちは日本最後の希望として出撃するが、その裏には浅倉の恐るべき野望があった。