Mogens Wieth

Mogens Wieth

出生 : 1919-09-16, Copenhagen, Denmark

死亡 : 1962-09-10


Uddannet på Det kgl. Teaters elevskole 1937-39, hvor han var ansat indtil 1950. Herefter søgte han udfordringer på de københavnske privatteatre og i udlandet, bortset fra en enkelt sæson, 1954-55, hvor han vendte tilbage til Det kgl. Han døde i London, hvor han netop stod overfor sin karrieres måske største udfordring - titelrollen i Shakespeares "Købmanden i Venedig" på Old Vic.


Mogens Wieth
Mogens Wieth
Mogens Wieth


Private Potter
A military mission is interrupted when a soldier claims that God had appeared to him in a transcendental vision.
The Musketeers
Vi er i krigsåret 1658 og vinteren i februar er så hård, at bælterne er frosset til. Den svenske Kong Karl den 10. Gustav, der er ankommet Tyskland opholder sig nu i Jylland. Han kan, sammen med sin hær gå over bælterne og videre mod København. Svend Gønge får en særdeles vanskelig opgave af Frederik den 3.: 50.000 rigsdaler, der tilhører kongen, skal bringes fra Vordingborg Kirke til København.
Be Dear to Me
The Danish Ingen tid til Kaertegn (Be Dear to Me) is heavily reliant on the appeal of its star, 8-year-old Eva Cohn. Our heroine is the neglected child of a businessman father and actress mother. Feeling that happiness lies well outside her own backyard, Eva goes on a search for that happiness. The longer she stays away, the more her parents realize that they've unfairly ignored her. The plot is nothing new: it's what is done with it that pleases the eye and ear. Ingen tid til Kaertegn was one of the more popular entries in the 1957 Berlin Film Festival.
Tante Tut fra Paris
Claus Hiller
Som sendt fra himlen
Allan/Alfred Kragh
24 Hours
Hugo Strand
Many people are preparing their lives for a lifetime, to make it safe and secure. And then the fate's game of 24 hours can overturn everything.
The Tales of Hoffmann
A young poet named Hoffman broods over his failed romances. First, his affair with the beautiful Olympia is shattered when he realizes that she is really a mechanical woman designed by a scientist. Next, he believes that a striking prostitute loves him, only to find out she was hired to fake her affections by the dastardly Dapertutto. Lastly, a magic spell claims the life of his final lover.
Arctic Fury
A tragedy told by an American visiting Lapland about Aila, daughter of a reindeer herder, who falls in love with Reino, a reindeer thief.
For frihed og ret
Orla Leehmann
Kampen mod uretten
Kongefilmen Frederik IX
Speaker (voice)
The film was released on the occasion of King Frederik IX's 50th birthday, March 11, 1949. It follows the most important events from both King Frederik and Queen Ingrid's childhood and up to the present. There are footage from the wedding in Stockholm, the couple's trip to the United States, the royal house during the occupation, state visits, the king's daily work, but also family life and private interests.
Mens porten var lukket
Hatten er sat
Familien Swedenhielm
Løjtnant Bo Swedenhielm
The Invisible Army
Sabotage of a Nazi factory is carried out by the husband of the lover of a resistance leader.
Mit liv er musik
Erik Smith - violinist
Drama på slottet
Frederich von Kötschau - kammerjunker
Jeg mødte en morder
Henrik Nielsen
A Gentleman in Top Hat and Tails
Erik Rask
Nat-ekspressen (P. 903)
One night there is a terrible accident in the little station town of Bredsted. The young son of the rich Mogens Kragfelt is struck by the Natekspressen (P. 903) near the station. Police chief Aagesen sends the young detective officer Lund (Jørn Jeppesen) to investigate the case, where there are various mysterious circumstances, among other things there are traces of fights at the rails just where Kragfelt was crossed.
Regnen holdt op
En ung Mand
Come Home With Me
Asmus Asmussen
The Child