Yoshirô Kitahara

Yoshirô Kitahara

出生 : 1929-03-11, Japan


Yoshirô Kitahara


Samonji, a reporter, receives a message on his answering machine from his friend Takada that says "stop it... zero plan! February." Learning that Takada is dead, Samonji begins an investigation. He and his younger sister Fumiko investigate major events happening in February but cannot find anything relevant. Meanwhile, Kanzaki, a doctor who works at a clinic on a remote island, is working on a plan to extort two billion yen.
女の警察 乱れ蝶
Aboard a night ferry in the Inland Sea, Masaaki Kagari (Akira Kobayashi), a young tough, who supplies hostesses to night spots, encounters Yuko, his ex-sweetheart. He considers himself a private underworld sort of policeman-in the com- munity of such women. Yuko, now a bar proprietress, is under the protection of Tahei Daigo, a sinister gang boss who in his quest for chances of good investments abroad plans to offer young girls to rich foreigners. Asked to gather attractive girls by Yuko, now Tahei's puppet, Masaaki collects many only to find them mysteriously missing...
In the prewar days leading up to the Second Sino-Japanese War of 1937, head flight instructor Lt. Katō Tateo of the Imperial Japanese Army-Air Corps trains new volunteers from the Army's Infantry to become Japan's next generation of fighter pilots at the Tokorozawa Flying School. Flying Kawasaki Ko-4 biplanes, Lt. Katō will train both friend and future foe alike. But as war in China breaks out, Katō now in command of the 5th Rentai will take his untested men flying antiquated planes into aerial combat against the Chinese Air Force who is now headed by Lt. Cho who Katō both earlier befriended and personally trained himself. While Katō's squadron ultimately achieves air superiority over the skies of Manchuria, it comes at a high price in men to which each loss carries a heavy burden that he alone must carry. As the war widens into the Second World War, Captain Katō must battle an ever advancing array of deadlier new enemies flying ever more modern fighter planes.
A young man leaves his widowed mother on her improverished farm and makes his career in the Japanese navy.
Goro Nanjo
Up until this point, young Sayuri Nanjo has had to live most of her life in a nun-run boarding school for orphans and away from her parents. That's all about to change when her real father mysteriously comes to get her and finally bring her home.
A master sculptor and his apprentice are trapped in a bad snow storm after finding a special tree for carving a statue for the local temple. Finding refuge in an abandoned hut they celebrate their luck in finding the tree but soon they are visited by the Snow Witch who freezes the sculptor to death but takes pity on the apprentice. He must promise to never speak of this or she'll return and kill him.
Masao's Father
大怪獣空中戦 ガメラ対ギャオス
Dr. Aoki
ガメラ映画第3作。 富士火山帯の活動が活発化し、富士山が噴火した。その噴火に導かれてガメラが現れる。ガメラは溶岩を求めて火口の中に消えて行った。富士山噴火の調査団を乗せたヘリコプターが山中から発射された謎の光線によって墜落した。新聞記者とともに事故現場に行った英一は、コウモリのような翼を持った怪獣の出現に遭遇する。それは富士の噴火の影響によって二子山から目覚めた、超音波メス光線を発し高速で空を飛ぶ怪獣・ギャオスだった。防衛隊は夜行性のギャオスを強力照明弾で封じ込めるが、空腹となったギャオスは照明弾を潜り抜け、夜間の名古屋市へ襲来。新幹線の人々を捕食するなど、蹂躙を繰り広げる。 出現したガメラとの激しい戦いの最中、夜明けが近づくとギャオスは苦しみ出し、自らの足を超音波メスで切断し、二子山へと逃げ帰る。ガメラを呼び寄せるため、英一の祖父、金丸村長は自らの山に火を放つ。激しい山火事が発生し、それを消し止めようとするギャオスの元に、ガメラが出現。二大怪獣の最期の戦いが始まった…。
Onna no Toba, is the first film in long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin. The series gets cited on lists of action yakuza films or woman avenger films, but once the films are actually viewed, it is quickly obvious they are not generally about action except in the nominal sense of acts of gambling. And while Ogin is in fact sometimes motivated by revenge, she is not as a rule a martial artist or a killer, & this series tends to place its female hero as far away from the "action babe" method as she can get. Ogin is an honest dealer in the criminal underworld of yakuza-run gambling. She is samurai-like in that she sets out to become Japan's number one dealer, much as a samurai might go on his "warrior's pilgrimage" to become Japan's number one swordsman.
誤診という名の殺人! 人の命を救うはずのメスが、野望のためにみがかれる! 医学界の封建的な人間関係、派閥抗争などを、野望に燃える浪速大学医学部第一外科助教授、財前五郎を中心に描く。
大怪獣決闘 ガメラ対バルゴン
Professor Amano
ガメラシリーズ第2作。  前作「大怪獣ガメラ」から半年後。ガメラを宇宙に追放したZプランのロケットが隕石と衝突。自由の身となったガメラは地球に戻り黒部ダムを襲撃、電気エネルギーを吸収するとさらに別の熱エネルギーを求めて何処かへ去って行った。一方、ニューギニアの奥地にある禁忌の地「虹の谷」から日本に持ち帰られたオパールへ、不注意から赤外線が照射され続けたことにより、オパールの中から虹色の光線を出す伝説の怪獣バルゴンが出現。神戸港に上陸して港を破壊、大阪へと東進したバラゴンは冷凍液により大阪各地を破壊していく。  そこへ出現したガメラと激しい戦闘が繰り広げられるが、バラゴンによりガメラは凍結されてしまう。  水に弱いことが判明したバラゴンを琵琶湖へ誘導する作戦が開始されるが、あと一歩のとのところで作戦は失敗。しかし作戦の影響により凍結から復活したガメラが再度出現。二大怪獣による琵琶湖を挟んだ決闘が繰り広げられる…。
Mr. Sakurai
Mitsunari Ishida
[Period covered: 1595-1600] Third film in the famous shinobi no mono series. We last saw ninja Ishikawa Goemon (Raizo Ichikawa), as he was about to be boiled alive. But a good ninja is both hard to find, and even harder to kill. With the help of the enigmatic Hattori Hanzo, Goemon lives to skulk another day, and sets his sights on bringing down the warlord who tried to turn him into soup – Toyotomi Hideyoshi. And as always, in the background, the suble hand of Tokugawa Ieyasu is pulling strings as he plots to rule all of Japan!
A detective investigates a criminal organization's involvement in real estate.
Set around Ginza’s neon billboard boom, the movie is a drama of romance, corporate intrigue and tragic crime. A reporter (Ken Utsui) investigates a homicide in Tokyo’s bustling construction scene, meanwhile a super typhoon is brewing in the Pacific, and Ginza is square in its sights!
Japanese "kayo" film centered around the song "Dare yori mo kimi wo aisu" by Kazuko Matsuo.
The exciting story of Jirocho and his yakuza gang that controlled the area of the Tokaido during the latter days of the samurai era. Awesome fighting from Katsu Shintaro as One-Eyed Ishimatsu highlights this great tale taken from Japanese history!
Two amiable samurai wind up on opposite sides of the vendetta between Lord Asano's retainers and the family of Lord Kira that led to the famous revenge of the 47 Ronin.
海軍兵学校物語 あゝ江田島
Japanese drama
Aya successfully stages a fashion show in Osaka and in the train on her way home to Tokyo accidentally treads on a man's foot. The man whose name is Rentaro is not amused. Just afterwards she notices that he is reading a magazine which carries her picture which he crushes and throws under his seat. One of her customers in Tokyo is a pretty girl named Kana for whom she had designed a dress which at first seems quite satisfactory. But a few days later Kana brings it back. It seems her brother thinks it terrible. But when Kana brings the dress back she meets Aya's brother, Takeshi, with whom she becomes friendly and Takeshi gives her a new dress which he smuggles out of his sister's office. When Aya finds Kana's discarded dress and misses one belonging to another customer she goes to see Kana's brother, and to her surprise finds him to be the fellow whose foot she'd stepped upon in the train...
日露戦争勝利の秘史 敵中横断三百里
In 1905, Japan was seriously threatened in the Russo-Japanese War. Japan determined a decisive attack on Russia to end the war. A reconnaissance troop was organized to penetrate into the supreme headquarter of Russia in Tieling Mountain of China to find out the enemy's situation...
Chief Inspector Wakabayashi
A series of ghastly murders are being committed. The one similarity in each of the murders is that a weird buzzing sound is always heard right before the murder occurs. Is the killer invisible or possibly some other incredible creature?
Adaptation of the Yukio Mishima novel.
A handsome and pure-hearted employee who thought he was single actually has a secret child. His girlfriend, a beautiful secretary, and the high-maintenance female manager suddenly panic, and the whole company is in an uproar.
Morio Asahi
Part 2 of adventure movie
Morio Asahi
First part of adventure movie
A chance ride in a car leads to an unforgettable relationship. A misunderstanding leads to more misunderstanding... Love and thrills in this coming-of-age romance film.
Toki Onoshi
Following the tragic death of his father, a young boy's family trains his horse to compete in the local derby.
Bara Ikutabika
A Girl isn't Allowed to Love is a 1955 Japanese film directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa.
When a young woman is named as the prime suspect in a murder, her girlfriend and her girlfriend's boyfriend set out to prove her innocence. Their investigation leads them to an isolated, creepy house in the middle of nowhere, where sinister goings-on abound.