Tom Ferguson

出生 : 1946-12-05, Kansas City, Missouri, USA

死亡 : 2011-01-17


Death Mask
Wilbur Senior / Clown
Wilbur works in an old carnival and shows some gruesome things to the public. He covers his face because he had a sadistic father who burned his face as a child. Everybody makes jokes about his scars and when the new boss fires him, he goes to an old swamp-witch who gives him a peace of wood from a hanging tree. Wilbur makes a mask from this piece of wood and puts all his anger in this mask. When he puts the mask on, everybody who looks at him commits suicide.
Masseuse 2
Mr. Jones
Entrepreneur Madison Dane is running a very successful VIP call-girl service behind a massage-parlor front. Things are going well until one of her girls overhears her client, a high-ranking senator with connections to some ruthless organizations, discussing the people he's had killed in order to claw his way to the top. To keep his secret, the senator and his associates will stop at nothing to eliminate or destroy anyone who could expose them, leaving Madison with no choice but to use every means at her disposal to bring the politician to justice and keep her girls safe.
Bikini Hoe-Down
Sheriff Roscoe
The Three Seasons Bikini Team (April, May & June) leave on a cross-country tour, but June sabotages the trip. They and the photographer end up in Pig Hollow, where Missy Sue is desperately looking for the deed to Ghost Gulch (where she lives with Pappy and Jeb). The evil Senator wants to find the deed first, so he can sell the land to the government for dumping nuclear waste. The girls end up giving their first ever topless show to raise the money to pay off the fake IRS bill produced by the Senator.
Tom Mason
A long long time ago a wizard was put to death, but he swore vengeance on the townsfolk that did him in, particularly Arthur Kelly's family. Arthur had done the final graces on him when he came back to life as Mr. Jack the Pumpkin Man. The Kellys proliferated through the years, and when some devil-may-care teens accidentally unleash Jack-O, young Sean Kelly must stop him somehow as his suburban world is accosted and the attrition rate climbs
Bikini Drive-In
Great White Hunter
Kim Taylor inherits her grandfather's drive-in theatre. She must raise $25,000 over one weekend or the bank will take the property from her.
Dark Universe
On its way back to Earth, the space shuttle Nautilus passes through a cloud of alien spores causing its sole occupant, astronaut Steve Thomas to transform into a blood-thirsty monster. The shuttle crashes into a swampy region of central Florida, creating a situation which threatens contagion and/or death to all who encounter the shuttle or its mutated pilot.
Brown's Hole Rustlers
「荒野の七人」「ネバダ・スミス」などでスクリーンを飾り多くのファンを魅了した大スター、スティーブ・マックィーン主演による西部劇。開拓時代末期の実在の人物“トム・ホーン”をモデルに、その波乱に満ちた半生を綴る異色作。本作の後、間もなく亡くなったマックィーンの、最後の西部劇となった。 西部開拓時代末期のワイオミング州。大牧場主たちに家畜探偵として雇われたトム・ホーンは、牛泥棒たちを次々に退治してゆく。だが、容赦ないホーンのやり方に恐れを抱き始めた人々は、残酷な仕打ちを仕掛けて彼を葬り去ろうとする。