Harry von Meter

Harry von Meter

出生 : 1871-03-29, Malta Bend, Missouri, USA

死亡 : 1956-06-02


Harry von Meter


Border Romance
Captain of Rurales
In a cantina across the border, Bob Hamlin shoots a man that threatens his friend. He and his pals escape but return that night for the dance as Bob is attracted to Conchita. Running once more from the Rurales, Bob takes Conchita. They escape again only to find themselves pinned down when Buck and his gang of horse thieves attack.
Kid Boots
Eleanor's Lawyer (as Harry Van Meter)
A salesman is helped out of a jam with an angry customer by a wealthy playboy. In return, he agrees to help the playboy get a divorce from his wife, only to find himself falling for the girlfriend of the customer who got him in trouble in the first place.
The Cloud Rider
Juan Lascelles
Bruce Torrence is an aviator and member of the secret service. His rival for the hand of Zella Wingate is Juan Lascelles, a drug smuggler. To get rid of Torrence, Lascelles loosens a wheel on one of his planes, but Zella is the one who goes up in it. Torrence goes up in another plane and attaches a fresh wheel to Zella's plane. In spite of his efforts he later finds her in Lascelles' arms.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Mons. Neufchatel
In 15th century France, a gypsy girl is framed for murder by the infatuated Chief Justice, and only the deformed bellringer of Notre Dame Cathedral can save her.
Speed Kings
Randolph D'Henri
Jimmy Martin, king of the motorcycle speedsters, visits the Kingdom of Mandavia for a race. There he is persuaded to impersonate the king by a traitor, Rodolph D'Henri, who intends to annex part of Mandavia for neighboring Selmarnia. The real king is in jail. D'Henri's plot is successful until Martin falls in love with Princess Margaret of Alvernia. Then he discloses his true identity, releases the real king, exposes the traitor, earns knighthood, and marries Margaret.
My Dad
The Factor
Tom's father, Barry, lives at a lonely trading post up north and is constantly in fear the post's factor, who has threatened to turn him in to the Mounted Police for a murder committed many years before.
The Heart of the North
De Brac
Early silent screen leading man Roy Stewart played a dual-role in this independently produced "Northwestern" about identical twins, separated at birth, who grow up on opposite sides of the law.
The Beautiful Gambler
After Mark Hanlon gambles away his fortune and his equity in his house, his daughter Molly marries Kirk, proprietor of the gambling hall; and as mistress of the gaming tables, she meets young Miles Rand, exiled to the West for his reckless behavior.
Dangerous Love
Under Crimson Skies
Vance Clayton
The captain of a sailing ship has an affair with the wife of one of his passengers, and gets mixed up in a mutiny at sea and a revolution.
The Cheater
Bill Tozer
Lilly Meany has grown up amongst charlatans, including her father. She decides to become a faith healer, and her first victim, a rich hypochondriac woman, is easy enough to "cure." In fact, the woman's so happy with Lilly, now calling herself Vashti Dethic, that she recommends her to her nephew, Judah, Lord Asgarby, who has a crippled sister, Eve. The little girl gives Lilly so much innocent trust and love that she actually is able to walk for the first time ever.
The Day She Paid
Manhattan model Marion Buckley hesitates to accept a marriage proposal from wealthy upstate department store owner Warren Rogers, a widower with two daughters, because of her previous affair with her employer Leon Kessler, who had promised to marry her.
A Gun Fightin' Gentleman
Earl of Jollywell (as Harry V. Meter)
Cheyenne Harry, owner of the biggest cattle ranch in his corner of the west, is having trouble with John Merritt, a land-grabbing Chicago meat-packer. By some artifice of shrewd legal aid, Merritt manages to seize Harry's ranch under a bogus writ of foreclosure. Failing to get justice by his many letters to Merritt, Cheyenne Harry goes east and calls at the millionaire's mansion. At first, Merritt refuses to see him. Then, to cause amusement for his daughter, Helen, and her guests, he invites the "uncouth" westerner into his dining hall. He is sure that he will make some grave error in table deportment and afford them all a laugh. To the amazement of Merrit and the guests Harry's table manners are faultless. Then, to trick him into an embarrassing position, Merritt eats with his knife. Harry, realizing that it is proper for the guest to follow the example of the host, does likewise. He leaves the house chagrined but more determined than ever to get justice from Merritt.
A Man's Fight
An impertinent son of a wealthy New Yorker, Roger Carr takes the blame for the murder of Norman Evans, whom Roger believes his sister Ethel shot when Evans assaulted her.
A Rogue's Romance
Leon Voliere (as Harry Van Meter)
A welcome guest of the French aristocracy, Monsieur Picard having been awarded the Croix De Guerre, is also a master thief who baffles the Parisian police. One night, while Picard watches an Apache dance, he learns that one of his three adopted children is seriously ill. When his car breaks down, Picard politely forces Helen Deprenay to loan him her auto, and leaves his cross as security. The next day, the police pursue Picard to the Deprenay home where the prefect warns Helen about Picard. Helen writes to the entreating Picard, and refuses to see him until he proves himself of worth to society. Disguised as Scotland Yard agent Armand DuBois, Picard is present at the Deprenay home when a necklace is stolen. After Helen covers for him, Picard catches the thief in an attempt to swindle the entire community in a stock market scheme. He informs the police that Picard no longer exists, and escapes with Helen to a new life.
The Cabaret Girl
Balvini (as Harry Van Meter)
A young woman moves to the city to become an opera singer, but ends up a cabaret singer.
The Man of Bronze
Trovio Valdez
Mary Lawton bids farewell to her father, Mark Lawton, and his business partner, John Adams, to whom she is engaged, leaving Arizona to study art in New York. After a time, John visits Mary unexpectedly and discovers to his sorrow that she has forgotten him in the convivial whirl of her new life.
The Lure of Luxury
Philip Leswing
Dale Aldis and John Coventry, who were sweethearts as children, meet again after the death of Dale's mother and discover that they are still in love.
His Birthright
Adm. von Krug
Yukio is illegal in the United States and is used by a gang of spies for their plans. Yukio must steal secret documents from an admiral. When he's submitting the documents to the gang, he realizes what he has done and claims the documents back. A struggle follows.
The Dream Lady
James Mattison
After receiving an inheritance from an uncle, a woman starts a fortune telling business designed to make her dreams come true.
Midnight Madness
Aaron Molitor
In the act of robbing a set of rare jewels from a museum, a robber is wounded in the hand. Prentice Tiller, while dressing a wound in his hand, overhears the woman in the next hotel room, Gertrude Temple, telephoning Aaron Molitor, to whom she is to deliver some jewels. Posing as Molitor, Prentice calls on Gertrude but disappears when Molitor, who also has been wounded in the hand, suddenly arrives. Molitor's men capture Prentice, who narrowly escapes death in the ruins of an old church and then continues to track Molitor.
Broadway Love
Jack Chalvey
A small-town girl who goes to New York hoping to become a Broadway star falls in with a fast crowd.
The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin
Capt. von Hancke
A propagandistic view of the First World War, showing the political greed of the German Kaiser Wilhelm, the resistance of some of his own soldiers, and fanciful prediction of the nature of the war's end.
Princess Virtue
Count Oudoff
The daughter of a disowned upper class Bostonian finds acceptance in Parisian society.
Captain Kiddo
Mr. Cross
Marie and her friend Billy are playing pirates and Marie is the pirate and Billy is her assistant. Marie's widowed mother becomes engaged to Mr. Cross , whom Marie doesn't like -- she much prefers Jack Laird, a secret service man. Laird's investigation of opium smugglers leads him to suspect that Cross is involved, but Marie's mother refuses to let him be searched.
Whose Wife?
Claude Varden
Mary marries Claude, a rich playboy, to please her invalid mother who becomes ill before they leave for a South American honeymoon.
Youth's Endearing Charm
John Disbrow
Orphan Mary Wade, is the ward of a family of farmers who keep her busy with drudgery. Mr. Jenkins, the head of the household, makes advances to Mary, she flees to the city with her dog Zippy and lands in court for imitating a beggar who pretends to be blind.
The White Rosette
Baron Edward / Pierpont Carewe
In the romantic days of the Eleventh Century the prologue of this picture shows us, Sir Errol, a victorious knight, returns to the castle of his liege lord, the Baron Edward, where he renews his vows with Lady Maud, his betrothed mistress. During Sir Errol's absence from the realm, the Baron has married Lady Elfrieda, daughter of an impecunious nobleman. Edward loves Elfrieda, but for her the marriage was solely one of expediency. She loses her heart to the handsome young knight.
The Story of the Olive
Don Jose de Cabrillo
In Southern California lived Jose de Cabrillo on an estate which he had inherited from his ancestors, who obtained the land from the King of Spain. The scene is laid in the year 1840, "Before the Gringo came." A young American, Sam Blythe. who wishes to settle in California, notices in riding by the gate of the ranch, that it is offered for sale. He says he will buy it if the olive industry is what he desires. Mercedes, the daughter of Jose, is incensed at the thought of her father's selling the ranch, and especially so when she thinks of an American as a possible owner.
Destinies Fulfilled
Frank Davis
Back in '65 there was an old Southern fire eater, Pennington, and his daughter, Lucille, fell in love with Carr who was then a lieutenant in the small Yankee force that arrived in their city at the base of the mountains. When the confederacy fell, Pennington fled into the mountains with his daughter, rather than submit and there buried himself in the same place where Carr now lived with Rosemary. Several years passed and Lucille did not forget Carr, her Yankee lover. It was then that fate brought them together and old Pennington finally consented to the marriage, exacting a promise from Carr, not to take Lucille away from him and her mountain home.
American Born
Topelo - an Old Indian
The dying mother, tells her only child, an orphan, of the wealth and power of her family and of her royal blood.
The Belle of Bar-Z Ranch
Jack Howard
A silent short Western comedy film directed by Thomas Ricketts.