Jordi Collet


1987年7月――サン・セバスチャン修道院。 アモルト神父はローマ教皇から直接依頼を受け、憑依されたある少年の《悪魔祓い》エクソシズムに向かう――。変わり果てた姿。絶対に知りえないアモルト自身の過去を話す少年を見て、これは病気ではなく“悪魔”の仕業だと確信。若き相棒のトマース神父とともに本格的な調査に乗り出したアモルトは、ある古い記録に辿り着く。中世ヨーロッパでカトリック教会が異端者の摘発と処罰のために行っていた宗教裁判。その修道院の地下に眠る邪悪な魂――。全てが一つに繋がった時、ヴァチカンの命運を握る、凄惨なエクソシズムが始まる――
Introverted Girona student Nacho meets two delinquents from the city's Chinatown and gets caught up in a summer onslaught of burglaries and hold ups that will change his life.
The Encounter
Ana’s monotonous and vapid romantic life takes an unexpected turn when she finds a photo album, seemingly addressed to her
The Encounter
Ana’s monotonous and vapid romantic life takes an unexpected turn when she finds a photo album, seemingly addressed to her
La biblia negra
After the death of his parents in a car accident, orphan Simon goes to live with relative Maria Bayona in the Spanish countryside. Soon after, Simon begins to suspect that Maria is practicing black magic.
Everything happens to me
A Spanish comedy about the love lives of a group of friends, centers on the exploits of a group of urban hipsters who live in the same apartment building. Angel and Edu share a flat. Angel, who is handsome and strait-laced, is planning to get married, and as his marriage draws closer, Edu, a sloppy punk, begins to resent Angel's impending union with suspicious voracity. Meanwhile, in the flat downstairs, Txell and Aina are a lesbian couple whose relationship is faltering. They share their lodging with Elena, an obnoxious heterosexual who has the habit of annoying everyone with her inability to shut up. Elena is looking for love, and soon sets her sights on Oscar, Edu's prospective new roommate. Oscar, however, doesn't return Elena's advances; instead, he's got a jones for Aina, who, it soon becomes apparent, shares the attraction.
Un banco en el parque
Juan M