Production Design
After a one-night stand, a successful married man finds himself entangled and tricked in a female detective's latest investigation murder scheme.
Construction Foreman
Art Direction
Doug Harris is a loveable but socially awkward groom-to-be with a problem: he has no best man. With less than two weeks to go until he marries the girl of his dreams, Doug is referred to Jimmy Callahan, owner and CEO of Best Man, Inc., a company that provides flattering best men for socially challenged guys in need. What ensues is a hilarious wedding charade as they try to pull off the big con, and an unexpected budding bromance between Doug and his fake
best man Jimmy.
Construction Foreman
Art Direction
A down-on-his-luck coach is hired to prepare a team of the best American dancers for an international tournament that attracts all the best crews from around the world, but the Americans haven't won in fifteen years.
Art Direction
ロサンゼルス市警察の911(緊急通報用電話番号)のオペレーター・ジョーダンは、不法侵入者に怯える少女レイアからの緊急電話を受けた際、わずかな判断ミスにより彼女を救えず(携帯電話が切れた時のジョーダンからの発信音で少女は男に見つかり、誘拐され殺害されてしまう)、自責の念に苛まれ、オペレーターを辞める決意を固めた。 その半年後、研修生の指導にあたっていたジョーダンは、何者かに拉致されて移動する車のトランクの中から助けを求める少女ケイシーの緊急通報を受ける。彼女はシリアルキラー(病で頭髪が抜けながら死んだ姉と同じ少女の美しい金髪に執着する狂人)に誘拐されて彼が運転する車のトランクに閉じ込められ、その中から緊急通報してきたのだ。経験豊富なジョーダンは、すぐにケイシーが緊迫した状況であることを察知、彼女に指示を与える。 やがてジョーダンは、ジョーダンに捨て台詞を吐いたその誘拐犯マイケル・フォスターの声が、レイアを拉致した殺人鬼と同じである事に気付き、自身の葛藤を抱えながらケイシーの救出に乗り出していく。
Art Direction
Art Direction
スティーブ・ハーベイのベストセラー『世界中の女性が幸せをつかんだ 魔法の恋愛書』を原案に、友人同士でもある個性豊かな4人の男たちがそれぞれの恋愛に苦戦する様子を描く。意中の女性たちがハーベイの恋愛ノウハウ本を買い、彼のアドバイスを実践し始めて以来、男たちの恋愛ゲームは絶不調。戦友であるはずのハーベイに裏切られた彼らは、この本の情報を利用して形勢を逆転し、女性たちに教訓を与えようとする。
Sex Drugs and Aids... This controversial musical follows the lives of recovering addicts and people dying of aids in 80s new York in-between two Christmases after Collins is Involved in a race attack and left on the street to die he is saved by angel a trans woman and drag queen as their relationship builds the scary reality creeps in. In the lot Mark and Roger struggling artists can't afford to make RENT as relentless landlord and former friend Benny makes life hell for them all the while Marks ex girlfriend Maureen is protesting the eviction of the homeless on that same lot and her new girlfriend Joanne handles the law side of things. Finally Mimi is a 19 year old in love with Roger but she is addicted to cocaine and the former heroine addict wants nothing to do with her after his last girlfriend committed suicide.
Assistant Art Director
Art Direction
Think breakdancing died in the eighties? Think again. PLANET B-BOY is a feature-length, theatrical documentary that re-discovers one of the most incredible dance phenomena the world has ever seen. Originally known as "B-boying", breakdancing was an urban dance form that originated from the streets of New York City during the seventies.
Art Direction
The irreverent host of a political satire talk show decides to run for president and expose corruption in Washington. His stunt goes further than he expects when he actually wins the election, but a software engineer suspects that a computer glitch is responsible for his surprising victory.
Art Department Coordinator
Art Department Coordinator
Helen Harris has a glamorous, big-city life working for one of New York's hottest modeling agencies. But suddenly her free-spirited life gets turned upside down when she must chose between the life she's always loved, and the new loves of her life!
突如起こった飛行機墜落事故。だが予知夢によって一命を取りとめたアレックスと6人のクラスメートは書き換えることができない《死》の定めに再び直面する。運命は、未来は変えられるのか? そして迫りくる《死》の呪縛から逃れることはできるのか?姿の見えない《死》が人々を襲うサスペンスホラー。
Production Design
Strange friendship between a haunted young deputy sheriff and a notorious old murderer turns both their worlds upside down.