Mark Waid


身長わずか1.5cmの最小ヒーロー、アントマンとワスプは、<量子世界>に導く装置を生み出した娘キャシー達とともに、ミクロより小さな世界へ引きずり込まれてしまう。そこで待ち受けていたのは、過去、現在、未来すべての時を操る能力を持つ、マーベル史上最凶の敵、征服者カーン。彼がこの世界から解き放たれたら、全人類に恐るべき危機が迫る 。アベンジャーズで最も普通すぎる男アントマンが、マーベル史上最大の脅威に挑むアクション超大作。
「アベンジャーズ」シリーズをはじめとしたマーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース(MCU)の各作品で活躍した、スカーレット・ヨハンソン演じるブラック・ウィドウが単独で主役を務めた作品で、孤高の暗殺者だったブラック・ウィドウがなぜアベンジャーズになったのか、知られざる物語が明らかにされる。物語の時代設定は「シビル・ウォー キャプテン・アメリカ」と「アベンジャーズ インフィニティ・ウォー」の間で、ブラック・ウィドウがアベンジャーズから離れていた時期に起こった出来事を描く。ブラック・ウィドウの前に突如現れた、“妹”エレーナ。姉妹は、自分たちを暗殺者に育てたスパイ組織「レッドルーム」の秘密を知ったことで命を狙われる。唯一の味方は、かつて組織が作り出した“偽りの家族”だけだった。しかし、その家族の再会によってレッドルームの恐るべき陰謀が動き出す。エレーナ役は「ストーリー・オブ・マイライフ わたしの若草物語」でアカデミー助演女優賞にノミネートされたフローレンス・ピュー。監督は、「ベルリン・シンドローム」のケイト・ショートランド。2021年7月8日から劇場公開され、7月9日からDisney+でも配信(追加料金が必要なプレミアアクセスで公開)。
ワンダーウーマン 1984
My Comic Shop Country
My Comic Shop Country is a feature-length documentary film exploring the business, fandom, and community of comic book stores across the United States. In 2015, New York's Alternate Realities closed after 23 years in operation, setting filmmaker-and former AR employee-Anthony Desiato on a quest to explore the comics retail industry from coast to coast. Comic book characters are box office gold, but why isn't the same necessarily true for comic stores? See how the 20 shops featured in the film are turning the tide, one customer at a time, seven days a week. Plus: Learn the fate (and future?) of Alternate Realities.
COMIX: Beyond the Comic Book Pages
COMIX is a feature documentary on comic books, the comic book world, and the phenomenon surrounding them. It is told through the thoughts and images of some of the greatest talent in the comic book industry like Stan Lee, Frank Miller, Neal Adams, Mark Waid, Marc Silvestri, and John Romita Jr., among many others. COMIX also has tons of interviews with the fans, many in full costumes, as they share their love for the art form, and who have made comics the phenomenon that it is today.
Marvel Renaissance
Documentary about the rise of Marvel Studios after their near-bankruptcy in the mid-1990s.
Justice League: Doom
An adaptation of Mark Waid's "Tower of Babel" story from the JLA comic. Vandal Savage steals confidential files Batman has compiled on the members of the Justice League, and learns all their weaknesses.
Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics
A look at the history of the comic book publication that launched such legendary characters as Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.
Grant Morrison:  Talking with Gods
Philosopher, pop-icon, shaman and story teller - as one of the most influential comic book writers in the market today, Grant Morrison is all of these things. His explosive and often controversial 30 year career has made him a household name for comic fans, and he shows no signs of slowing down. Morrison's career is now taking a new turn, as he explores media beyond comic books. With film and television projects on the horizon, more and more people are asking "Who is Grant Morrison?" Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods is a feature length documentary that takes an in depth look at the life, career and mind of the man behind such pivotal titles as Batman RIP, The Invisibles, All Star Superman, The New X-Men, and many more. Featuring candid interviews with Morrison and his most important collaborators, Talking with Gods reveals an intelligent and thought provoking side of comic books that is often overlooked in Hollywood adaptations.
Super Heros United! The Complete Justice League History
This documentary tells the rich, 47-year history of DC Comics' favorite team of characters, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Green Lantern and The Flash. Lavishly illustrated with comic panels and animated clips, the film features interviews with icons of the comic book world such as Stan Lee and Darwyn Cooke
The Science of Superman
Documentary about the science related to Superman's Powers.
Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of Superman
The history of the comic book superhero, Superman, in his various media incarnations.