A mysterious city woman named Kiyomi is cared for by an old village woman. The male villagers are intrigued by Kiyomi, especially Masaru, a young man who the surrogate grandson to the old woman, eats dinner with her every night. Despite constant questioning, Kiyomi refuses to talk about her past. The enigma of her presence only bewitches the men further. Shinji, a writer, gives her the only copy of his book. Tatsuya, a farmer, offers her his ripest tomatoes. Kiyomi acts timid, but she secretly likes the attention. But when the old woman collapses, there is no one to protect the frail city woman. Later, a sinister man from the city arrives looking for Kiyomi. A disturbing truth will be revealed about her while a strange and outrageous battle of love will ensue.
Sumi'e Maeda
Japanese school girls die violently after seeing a man wearing a black hood.
8 short stories comprise this anthology movie, based on the Tales of Terror TV series.
Saeki, a doctor at a small local clinic, receives a visit from Sayaka, the younger sister of his late friend, who informs him about her wedding. However, a few days later, Sayaka is found suspiciously dead inside her own apartment with a white ribbon wrapped around her neck!
Pinku from 1965.