Michael Bassick


Fresh Kills
Executive Producer
Follows the story of the loyal women behind the mob men who loomed over New York City in the late 20th century.
Executive Producer
When madly in love high school graduates Riley and Chris are separated by a tragic car accident, Riley blames herself for her boyfriend's death while Chris is stranded in limbo. Miraculously, the two find a way to connect. In a love story that transcends life and death, both Riley and Chris are forced to learn the hardest lesson of all: letting go.
ラスト・フル・メジャー 知られざる英雄の真実
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
2013年6月、香港のホテルの一室で、29歳のアメリカ人青年スノーデンが、取材記者やカメラを前に、米国政府がテロ対策の名目の下に行なってきた、世界中の個人情報の収集活動の驚くべき実態について語り始める。果たして彼をその内部告発に駆り立てたものは何だったのか? 2001年の9.11同時多発テロに衝撃を受け、国家のために少しでも役に立ちたいと願って、NSAやCIAの職員となった愛国青年の彼だった。
ニュートン・ナイト 自由の旗をかかげた男
Executive Producer
In 1863, Mississippi farmer Newt Knight serves as a medic for the Confederate Army. Opposed to slavery, Knight would rather help the wounded than fight the Union. After his nephew dies in battle, Newt returns home to Jones County to safeguard his family but is soon branded an outlaw deserter. Forced to flee, he finds refuge with a group of runaway slaves hiding out in the swamps. Forging an alliance with the slaves and other farmers, Knight leads a rebellion that would forever change history.
Executive Producer
レジェンド 狂気の美学
Executive Producer
1960年代のロンドンイーストエンド。一卵性双生児のレジナルドとロナルド・クレイの兄弟は、ギャングのリーダーとして頭角を現した。 経営の才能を併せ持つ兄のレジナルドは、部下の妹であるフランシスと恋仲になる。ギャングに否定的なフランシスのために足を洗うと約束したレジナルドだったが、暴れ者の弟ロナルドはそれを快く思わず、兄弟の間には次第に不協和音が生まれる。
Co-Executive Producer
Executive Producer
A true immigrant story set against the vibrant backdrop of Flushing, N.Y. in the 1980s and 1990s.
バーニー みんなが愛した殺人者
Executive Producer
In small-town Texas, affable and popular mortician Bernie Tiede strikes up a friendship with Marjorie Nugent, a wealthy widow well known for her sour attitude. When she becomes controlling and abusive, Bernie goes to great lengths to remove himself from her grasp.
Salvation Boulevard
Executive Producer
Set in the world of mega-churches in which a former Deadhead-turned-born again-Christian finds himself on the run from fundamentalist members of his mega-church who will do anything to protect their larger-than-life pastor.
Locked In
Josh leaves his advertising career at its peak, everyone wants either to be him or to have him. A car accident will leave his daughter in a strange coma and when everyone has given up she starts communicating with him, or is he going mad?
The Ten
Co-Executive Producer
Ten stories, each inspired by one of the ten commandments.
Executive Producer
A college co-ed is brutally raped and struggles alone to rebuild her life, but when the chance for revenge comes she as a Victim sinks lower than her Predator.