A young woman, recently released from a mental hospital, is coping with ongoing episodes of schizophrenia.
A young woman, recently released from a mental hospital, is coping with ongoing episodes of schizophrenia.
A group of friends experimenting with EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) accidentally open a doorway allowing a powerful demon to enter our world.
共作で数々の名作を世に送り出したアメリカのコーエン兄弟監督・脚本によるクライムサスペンス。2001年カンヌ国際映画祭最優秀監督賞、ナショナル・ボード・オブ・レビュー最優秀主演男優賞を受賞したほか、多数の賞を獲得した。原題は『The Man Who Wasn’t There』。
Norman Soderquist
When an old house in a small town is razed to make way for a shopping mall, the crew unearths four unmarked graves. A professor from a nearby university is asked to find out who the bodies are, but when she and her students arrive in town and begin to ask questions, they discover that no one wants to talk to them or help them in any way.