Hideo Takayashiki


Harada Kusuko is a high school girl with a secret crush on the class playboy, Mishima Takeshi.
うる星やつら いつだってマイ・ダーリン
A psychic ninja fantasy suggesting that the assassins did not die out during the Sengoku era but burrowed under Japan, where they fought a new war against the alien occupants of a crashed spaceship that has lain undisturbed for several millennia.
Hatanaka Kosaku is a young boxer who has a major flaw, he can't stop eating. That weakness puts him into into heavier weight classes that put him against stronger boxers and even worse, he's prone to throw up when he gets a body blow, which drives potential opponents away. His coach is at his wit's end as he struggles to get this idiot to show some discipline in his training. The matter is complicated when a young nun feeds the "starving" boy after she finds him fainted on the streets during his enforced fast. She learns of her mistake and she tries to help him get ready for a fight, but his weakness for food and the odd relationship they share don't makes things easy.
Noriyasu seems like an average third-grader, but his life goes haywire after he catches his mother reading his private daily journal. In an effort to astonish her, he begins writing outlandish lies about a giant snake in the bathroom, cooking pencils for dinner, and a rain of pigs, but Noriyasu is the one who's shocked when his writings play out in reality and everyone else treats the events as normal. Things become even more chaotic when he takes several stabs at being a newspaperman, producing “fake news” that become the talk of the town and one resulting in an apocalyptic porcine holiday.
火の鳥 宇宙編
火の鳥 ヤマト編
る~みっくわ~るど 笑う標的
Things couldn't have seemed better for Shiga Yuzuru, your average teenage high-schooler. The captain of the school archery team, he's going steady with teammate and classmate Satomi. He had almost forgotten that he had been betrothed to his cousin, Shiga Azusa, when he was only 6... but all this changes when his aunt dies a peculiar and unnatural death. Now arriving to claim what she feels is rightfully hers, only Satomi stands in Azusa's way... and with the mysterious and frightening powers that Azusa brings, Satomi won't stand in her way for long!
火の鳥 鳳凰編
Scenario Writer
原作は手塚治虫の同名漫画。監督をりんたろうが務めた。キャラクターのデザインが漫画のデザインとかなり違う印象に仕上がっていて、ファンの間で物議をかもした作品。 鳳凰を探し求めて歩く天才彫物師・茜丸は、山中で盗賊の我王に出会い、右腕を斬られてしまう。茜丸は必死に修業に励んで彫物師として復帰し、大仏建立の責任者となる。一方、我王は美しい妻を手に入れるが、猜疑心から彼女を斬り殺してしまう。ある日、茜丸は天皇に献上する彫物を彫ることになった。だが、献上物を彫る人物はもうひとりいた。その人物は、なんとあの我王だった…!
スーパーマリオブラザーズ ピーチ姫救出大作戦!
When Princess Peach is kidnapped by the monster King Koopa, Mario and his brother Luigi journey to the Mushroom Kingdom to rescue her.
愛しのベティ 魔物語
A devil-girl with the face of an angel and a heart of gold, blond Betty falls in love with an earthbound gangster, Danpei Kimogawa, when they meet in a rainstorm. They end up living together in a Tokyo highrise apartment, though Danpei has trouble coping with his new witch and demon in-laws dropping in at inopportune moments. Betty has actually been sent to the human world on a mission to defeat the demon Lutan. While Betty continues her task, her skeletal grandmother sends nubile nymphs to tempt Danpei and see if he is suitable husband material. Based on the manga Mamonogatari itoshi no beti.
Three years after the Hiroshima bombing, a teenager helps a group of orphans to survive and find their new life.
Maris is a freelance bounty hunter/soldier of fortune who just wants to be so rich that she doesn't have to work anymore. Just one slight problem... Maris is from a world of super strong beings, and constantly has to pay for damages she and her parents inflict wherever they go,
がんばれ!!タブチくん!! あゝツッパリ人生
がんばれ!!タブチくん!! 激闘ペナントレース