
In Viaggio: The Travels of Pope Francis (2022)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 20분

연출 : Gianfranco Rosi


A chronicle of the first nine years of Pope Francis' pontificate, including trips to 53 countries, focusing on his most important issues - poverty, migration, environment, solidarity, and war - while also giving rare access to the public life of the pontifical.


Pope Francis
Pope Francis


Gianfranco Rosi
Gianfranco Rosi

비슷한 영화

Majorettes in Space
Dimitri, a Soviet cosmonaut of Soyouz 27 likes majorettes. Catherine and Laurent like making love. Jean-Paul II loves airports. Vincent loves boys.
독일의 유대인 학살에 침묵한 ‘교황청’ 위선에 가득찬 기득권을 고발한 두 남자. 나치제도 그리고 바티칸과 연합군들의 외교. 이 두 가지 시스템 안에서 투쟁하는 두 남자가 있다. 컬츠 게르스타인은 유태인 집단 처형장의 책임자이지만 그는 가족의 목숨을 걸고 이런 학살을 연합군과 교황 그리고 독일 시민에게 알려주려 애를 쓴다. 그리고 사제 리카르도는 자기 목숨을 걸고 나치제도에 반항한 모든 교회인을 대표한다. 이 영화에서는 알면서도 모르는 척 하던 교황청을 비롯한 모든 권력의 중심부에서 자신의 안위만을 염려하던 기득권 세력들의 위선과 허식 감추어진 양심을 지닌 사람들의 냉담함을 재판한다.
Pope Joan
A 9th century woman of English extraction born in the German city of Ingelheim disguises herself as a man and rises through the Vatican ranks.
4계절의 사나이
영국 교회가 로마 교회의 지배를 받던 시절, 토머스 모어(Sir Thomas More: 폴 스코필드 분)는 헨리 8세의 두터운 신임을 받고 있는 조력자이며 천주교에 대한 신앙심 또한 두터운 사람이다. 어느 날 헨리 8세가 이혼을 원하자, 모어는 왕의 이혼과 재혼을 승인하지 않는다. 그리고 헨리 8세(King Henry VIII: 로버트 쇼 분)가 스스로를 영국 천주교회의 수장으로 임명하려 하지만 모어는 이 또한 인정하지 않는다. 결국 모어는 리처드 리치의 모함을 받아 웨일스의 재판장에 서게 된다. 그곳에서 모어는 증인으로 소환되어 위증한 리처드 리치에게 "영혼을 파는 자는 세상을 다 얻어도 덧없는데, 고작 웨일즈 법무장관이라니"라며 "당신들이 내 피를 보려는 건 왕의 칭호 때문이 아니라 결혼을 승인하지 않았기 때문이요"라며 자신의 기독교와 도덕에 대한 신념을 굽히지 않는다. 그리고 그는 끝내 형장의 이슬로 사라져간다. "토마스 모어의 머리는 한 달간 '반역자의 문'에 걸려있다가 딸 마가렛이 가져가서 자신이 죽을 때까지 보관했다. 크롬웰은 그후 5년 뒤에 대역죄로 목이 잘렸으며, 대주교는 화형 당했다. 노퍽 공작도 반역자로 처형될 예정이었으나 바로 전날 왕이 매독으로 사망한 바람에 목숨을 건졌다. 리차드 리치는 대법관이 됐고, 고령으로 사망했다."
대부 3
이제는 60대의 노인이 되어버린 마이클(알 파치노)은 거대해진 패밀리의 강력한 자금력을 바탕으로 합법적인 사업으로 전환하는데 힘쓴다. 이 과정에서 특히 그는 바티칸 은행의 책임을 맡고 있는 대주교와 거래하므로써 이러한 합법적인 사업을 행할 수 있었고 바티칸의 대주교 역시 마이클의 사업에 참여하여 이익을 얻고 있었다. 이러한 그의 계획에 젊은 보스 조이 자자(죠 맨테그나)가 정면으로 도전해오고, 마이클 자신도 습격을 받는다. 그러나 일단 도전을 받은 이상 응하지 않을 수가 없고, 자자의 뒤에는 그의 계획을 방해하는 거대한 조직의 음모가 도사리고 있었는데...
This epic Spanish biopic chronicles the life of Cervantes, Spain's great novelist, playwright and poet, during the 16th-century, when as a young man he goes to Italy to become a soldier for the Pope. Later he helps the Pope's emissary wage war against the Spanish Moors. His exploits win him great favor. He falls in love with a famous Italian courtesan and she with him. Unfortunately, the Pope splits them apart with his newest decree which demands that all prostitutes leave the city. Upset, Cervantes goes to fight in the famed sea battle of Lepanto and comes back a hero. Later he is captured by Barbary pirates and ransomed by Trinitarian friars.
The Pope's Toilet
In 1998, a small South American village is in a flurry over the Pope's upcoming visit for the business opportunities that it will provide. While most of the residents plan to sell food at the parade, a smuggler family man decides to build a pay toilet.
Good King Dagobert
King's Dagobert I intestinal and sexual problems loom large as he survives an attack on his royal caravan then barely makes it to Rome to personally give thanks to the Pope. After he arrives at the Vatican, he becomes involved in the battle between two contenders for the papacy and has to face the machinations of a ruthless Byzantine princess.
In the Pope's Eye
The Pope is disturbed by the fact that today's youth are not as spiritually inclined as they should be, and so he decides to set up a Vatican television station and entice them back into the religion of their ancestors. In order to particularly grab the wandering flock, a priest invites the comedians from "The Other Sunday," an actual comedy program on Italian television, to perform on this new channel.
She No Longer Talks, She Shoots
Rosemonde, hailed as "the Princess" reign over a slum in the Paris suburbs. Herbert, a reporter who came to investigate on the pollution, ends up in a grinding machine of her invention. Rosemonde resells the bones to the church authorities who use them as holy relics. Inspector Adrian Bondu is handling the case... But a young hippie who looks like Jesus will have Rosemonde suddenly feel very earthly feelings...
The Crusaders
Towards the end of the eleventh century, Pope Urban II announces a crusade against the Saracens, who have occupied the holy city of Jerusalem. Three young friends Richard, Peter and Andrew set off to join the crusading army.
고뇌와 환희
교황 율리우스 2세(렉스 해리슨 분)의 명을 받고 바티칸 시스티나 성당의 천정화 제작을 놓고 고민하던 미켈란젤로(찰턴 헤스턴 분)는 교황청 소속 건축가 브라만테의 시기와 참견에 시달린다. 원래 그림보다는 조각을 자신의 천직으로 믿었던 미켈란젤로는 성당의 넓은 천정을 어떤 그림으로 채울지 뾰족한 영감이 떠오르지 않자 막막한 심정에 결국 진척이 없는 작업을 내팽개치고 대리석 산지 카라라로 달아나고 만다. 율리우스 2세는 즉시 미켈란젤로를 잡아들이라는 엄명을 내리고, 미켈란젤로는 도망가는 길에 문득 마주한 신비로운 자연의 풍경 앞에서 종교적인 깨달음처럼 작품의 영감을 얻는다. 다시 성당으로 돌아온 미켈란젤로는 여러 차례 교황과 의견 충돌을 겪지만 둘 사이의 신뢰를 바탕으로 천정화 작업을 계속하는데...
Pope Joan
Based on the medieval legend of Pope Joan, who was made Pope for a brief period around 855 A.D. The movie presents her existence as fact, though it is questionable that Pope Joan really did exist, and portrays her relationships with other notables of the time.
부도덕한 이야기
어떤 금기도 넘고야 마는 욕망에 대한 네 개의 우화들. 사촌의 은밀한 소원을 들어주려는 소녀의 이야기, 자신의 성적 욕망과 종교적 신념 사이에서 고민하는 여성, 영원한 젊음을 얻기 위해 금기를 깨트리는 귀족, 종교 의식을 위해 근친상간을 하는 남녀의 이야기가 파격적인 이미지 속에 차례로 펼쳐진다.
우리에겐 교황이 있다
교황의 급사로 새로운 교황을 선출한다. 새로운 교황 멜빌은 선언 연설(HABEMUS PAPAM)을 거부하고, 바티칸 교황청서 도망친다. 당황한 교황청 대변인은 경비병에게 교황 행세를 대신하게 한다. 잃어버린 시간을 찾아 나선 교황은, 진실한 소망과 소명의 참다운 가치를 발견한다. 전세계인들이 고대해 온, 진정한 휴머니티와 감동이 이제 시작된다!
어부의 신발
All eyes focus on the Vatican, watching for the traditional puffs of white smoke that signal the election of the next Pope. This time much more is at stake. The new pontiff may be the only person who can bring peace to a world on the brink of nuclear nightmare.
Just the Ticket
Gary Starke is one of the best ticket scalpers in New York City. His girlfriend, Linda, doesn't approve of his criminal lifestyle, though, and dumps him when she gets the opportunity to study cooking in Paris. Gary realizes that he has to give up scalping if he has any chance of winning her back. But before he does, he wants to cash out on one last big score. He gets his chance when the pope announces he'll be performing Easter Mass at Yankee Stadium.
The District
In an effort to end family feuding, a young gypsy travels back in time to kill mammoths to ensure Hungary becomes rich by killing mammoths in order to create a massive oil reservoir. Things don't go entirely according to plan...
Challenged by a new student, tutor and theorist Galileo co-opts emerging telescope technology and discovers irrefutable proof of the heretical notion that the earth is not the center of the universe. But in a rigid society ruled by an uneasy alliance of aristocracy and clergy already undermined by the Plague and the Reformation, science is a threat and enlightenment is a luxury. Faced with either death at the hands of the Inquisition or recantation to a hypocritical but all-powerful Papacy, Galileo must choose between his own life and the restless scientific curiosity that he has spurned family, friends, and wealth to pursue.
The vows of an ambitious young American priest are tested during World War II. Not only does Father John Flaherty get involved with the black market to raise money for the Vatican, he also falls in love with a young French nun.

추천 영화

Chris Ramsey Live: All Growed Up
The debut live DVD of Chris Ramsey, regular on Celebrity Juice and star of BBC's Hebburn. Join Chris as he explores getting older, finding yourself, taking responsibility, realising you are no longer a child and all of the other terrifying realisations that come with being dragged kicking and screaming into modern adulthood.
Young birdwatchers Mya and Arjun are coming of age in a time of climate chaos. Even if hey feel isolated and judged, they are determined to stand up for what they believe in.
Segantini - Ritorno alla Natura
Viaje de novios
Specialized in arranging weddings, Federico arranges marriage by proxy between Ana and Juan, two friends of his who do not know each other. Juan arrives by plane to Spain after spending ten years of safari in Africa, hoping to meet his wife, who arrives the same day from Buenos Aires. At the airport, Fernando receives him and they go to the bar to wait for Ana. But everything starts badly, because during the wait Juan drinks too much and gets drunk. When Ana arrives, she is displeased to meet her husband in such condition. Then Fernando takes them to a hotel for newlyweds where they meet other happy couples and where a peculiar honeymoon begins.
영원한 건 없다
다이아몬드 산업에 침투, 합성 보석의 실상을 파헤친다.대중의 인식을 바꿔놓을 산업계 내부자들의 증언이 담긴 탐사 다큐멘터리
The Phoenix
시리어슬리 레드
레일린 레드 델라이니는 쾌활하면서도 어딘가 비뚤어진 빨간 머리 여성이다. 그녀는 안정적인 부동산 중개업을 포기하고 스포트라이트 아래에서 돌리 파튼의 흉내를 내기 시작한다.
Nothing is Impossible
When an NBA team suddenly announces open tryouts, a high school janitor gets a second chance at both love and life.
Perfetta illusione
Toni leads a normal life with his wife Paola but full of enthusiasm and passion. The chance meeting with the young and wealthy Chiara will rekindle in him the desire to redeem himself and to realize his secret dream: to become an artist. The paths of the three will intertwine in a dangerous love triangle that will change the course of their lives forever.
디텍티브 나이트: 인디펜던스
Detective James Knight 's last-minute assignment to the Independence Day shift turns into a race to stop an unbalanced ambulance EMT from imperiling the city's festivities. The misguided vigilante, playing cop with a stolen gun and uniform, has a bank vault full of reasons to put on his own fireworks show... one that will strike dangerously close to Knight's home.
Becoming Me
Marion, biologically a woman, becomes Marian, a man. From the !rst, fearful thoughts to the seldom portraited aftermath of a sex change the long term documentary becoming me follows its protagonist in great psychological depth. e !lmmaker uses her ex-lover’s transition to shine a light on the still mostly traditional society of South Tyrol. Will the beloved elementary school teacher be accepted as a man in the small provincial town of St. Michael, or will he lose his job, his family, his friends?
Everyone Wants to Be the Next Weismann
Martín Solo, an unorthodox art curator, is about to open his private museum to the public with a major exhibition. In the past he experienced the sour taste of failure, but this time he's prepared to lay all his cards on the table.
Becoming Me
Becoming Me is a film about three young women, Elli, Laura and Juulia. Each of them writes a blog on her life on the Internet, all of them sharing their lives with strangers. Each of them is struggling with the real or imagined demands and pressures of today’s society.
Break Through
Break Through is a raw, eye-opening documentary following a group of impassioned theatre students who come together to produce a play aiming to shed light on the many stigmas and equality-rights issues faced by LGBT youth in the United States today. Throughout the creative process, they face the truths about themselves and their families. In the end, they learn the importance of self-acceptance and of overcoming their fears, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.
Le crack
The Fabulist
In this inspiring and heartwarming documentary, experienced Hollywood talent agent Sandi Marx decides to take up a new career as a stand-up comedian as she copes with her declining health.
Beyond Sixty
The myth that older women are invisible is shattered in this inspirational, revealing look at remarkable women thriving, leading lives rich in experiences and accomplishments that defy perceptions and reveal what is possible beyond sixty.
Anuktatop: The Metamorphosis
Down on the banks of the Maroni River, little Derreck dreams of heroic warriors. He’s a member of the Wayana tribe in French Guyana. In this film, Derreck is not our only portal into another world. His sister Sylvana also dreams – of an impossible love, who belongs to a different tribe. Their grandmother Malilou takes us back to her youth in the 1950s. It seems that everyone wanders off now and again into a parallel, at times almost ghostly world. Whereas the youngest members of the tribe can still lose themselves in boundless flights of fantasy, the older generation contemplates more existential questions. How do dreams of the future relate to identity? What makes you a real Wayana?
Transition and Happiness
Rosa María is a transsexual woman and a father who completed her sexual reassignment surgery at the age of 59. Until then her behaviour had been that of a typical macho male. This documentary shows her “transition” or gradual empowerment as a woman, a process that holds a certain promise of fulfilment. Alongside her friend, Fina, also a transsexual woman over 60 years old, they walk this path of light and shadow in their struggle to conquer the desired status of being a woman, as well as a degree of recognition on the part of society.