
Political Bodies (2022)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 35분

연출 : Pedro Henrique França


At a time when the far right is ascending to power around the world, the 2020 Brazilian municipal elections saw a surprising and unprecedented record of LGBT candidates. This film follows four young queer politicians during their electoral campaigns and reveals their struggle to affirm their rights to exist and be heard.


Erika Hilton
Erika Hilton
William De Lucca
William De Lucca
Monica Benicio
Monica Benicio
Andréa Bak
Andréa Bak
Erica Malunguinho
Erica Malunguinho
Jean Wyllys
Jean Wyllys
Fernando Holiday
Fernando Holiday
Thammy Miranda
Thammy Miranda


Pedro Henrique França
Pedro Henrique França
Marco Pigossi
Marco Pigossi
Pedro Henrique França
Pedro Henrique França
Bem Medeiros
Bem Medeiros
Nathalia Ribeiro
Nathalia Ribeiro
Executive Producer
Dudu Mafra
Dudu Mafra
Director of Photography

비슷한 영화

스네이크 아이즈
파월 항공사 및 파월 방위 산업체의 대표 파월은 카지노 체육관에서 헤비급 챔피언 권투 경기를 주최한다. 이 경기에 커크랜드 국방장관이 초청된다. 애틀랜틱 시티의 강력계 형사 릭 샌토로(니콜라스 케이지)와 게빈 던(게리 시니즈)은 국방장관의 경호를 맡는다. 1라운드 경기 중 던은 빨강 머리를 한 수상한 여자의 신원을 확인하기 위해 자리를 비운다. 이 때를 틈타 은발 머리의 미녀가 국방장관에게 접근하여 뭔가를 건네려 한다. 바로 그때 헤비급 챔피언 타일러가 다운되고 두 방의 총성이 울리며 장관이 쓰러진다. 팔에 부상을 입은 은발의 여자는 감쪽 같이 사라진다. 수사를 위해 방송실의 녹화 테이프를 검색하던 샌토로는 타일러가 의도적으로 다운됐음을 알아낸다.
Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story
The firebrand reporter, feminist and philanthropist Dorothy Day co-founds The Catholic Worker with Peter Maurin, an eccentric philosopher.
더 블랙 파워 믹스테이프 1967-1975
Examines the evolution of the Black Power Movement in US society from 1967 to 1975. It features footage of the movement shot by Swedish journalists in the United States during that period and includes the appearances of Angela Davis, Bobby Seale, Huey P. Newton, Eldridge Cleaver, and other activists, artists, and leaders central to the movement.
베스트 오브 유스
영화는 1966년부터 2003년까지의 시간이 로마 중류층 가정 카라티의 두 형제 니콜라와 마테오를 축으로 보여준다. 니콜라(루이지 로 카시오)는 침착하고 다정하고 쾌활한 의대생이며 마테오(알레시오 보니)는 반항적이고 격정적인 철학도이다. 형제는 모두 자유와 사회개혁을 꿈꾸는 이상주의자이다. 둘은 서로 극단적으로 상반된 길을 가고 두 형제의 삶과 국가의 소용돌이치는 역사가 서로 뒤엉킨다. 60년대 플로렌스 대홍수 복구사업장에서 정신과 의사 공부를 하는 니콜라와 순간적으로 대학을 중퇴하고 군인이 된 마테오가 헤어졌다 오랜만에 다시 만난다. 여기서 니콜라는 허무주의 정치사상을 가지고 후에 테러단 붉은 연대와 관계를 맺는 아름다운 음악학도 줄리아(소니아 베르가마스코)와 사랑에 빠지고 그녀는 나중에 니콜라의 아내가 된다. 두 형제의 재회의 기쁨은 얼마가지 못하고 다시 둘은 헤어진다. 또 니콜라는 이탈리아 북부 투린의 대학으로 전학을 가고 여기서 일어나는 격렬한 노동투쟁에 끼여든다. 한편 경찰이 된 마테오가 시위진압에 투입되면서 다시 두 형제는 서로 정반대 편에 서서 만난다. 영화는 니콜라와 마테오 그리고 이들의 친구와 가족과 주변 인물들을 둘러싸고 붉은 연대의 테러, 나라를 뒤흔든 정치 스캔들, 시실리의 반마피아 운동 그리고 월드컵 축구 등 굵직굵직한 이탈리아의 역사들이 커다란 그림을 그린다.
James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket
James Baldwin was at once a major 20th century American author, a Civil Rights activist and, for two crucial decades, a prophetic voice calling Americans, black and white, to confront their shared racial tragedy.
The Sixth Side of the Pentagon
On October 21, 1967, over 100,000 protestors gathered in Washington, D.C., for the Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam. It was the largest protest gathering yet, and it brought together a wide cross-section of liberals, radicals, hippies, and Yippies. Che Guevara had been killed in Bolivia only two weeks previously, and, for many, it was the transition from simply marching against the war, to taking direct action to try to stop the 'American war machine.' Norman Mailer wrote about the events in Armies of the Night. French filmmaker Chris Marker, leading a team of filmmakers, was also there.
August Fools
An comedy set in 1960s Helsinki. The story revolves around Elsa, a resolute hatmaker who is in complete control of her life. Besides running her shop, she sometimes doubles as a fortune teller. When Jan, a Czechoslovakian jazz musician and Elsa's old lover comes to town to perform at a "peace and friendship festival", her well-organised life is jolted out of balance.
Huey P. Newton: Prelude to Revolution
Hear the inside story of Huey Newton and the Black Panthers with this documentary that examines their efforts to promote the rights of African Americans as well as the organization's violent tactics, including the killing of a police officer. The film features a rare jailhouse interview with Newton discussing the role of revolution and civil disobedience, plus footage of several Panthers' bullet-riddled homes following police raids.
LaDonna Harris: Indian 101
A documentary film about Comanche activist LaDonna Harris, who led an extensive life of Native political and social activism, and is now passing on her traditional cultural and leadership values to a new generation of emerging Indigenous leaders.
Summer Crisis
In the summer of 1969, Bernard, a Gaspesian fisherman's son, arrive in Perce to fin work. He meets Paul, Jacques and Francis, Quebec Independence activists who have come to open the 'Fisherman's House'. They aim to organize public conferences and offer lodgings to young travelers. A motley crowd of Quebecers from all over the province soon flocks to Perce: artists, hippies, rockers, hitchhikers and the like shake local authorities. Bernard is won over by the trio's ideas and gets increasingly involved in their project. The following year, the will join the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ) and play a pivotal role in the Summer Crisis 1969.
막무가내 외골수 성격 때문에 과도하게 범죄 현장 진압을 하다가 동료를 사고로 잃게 된 칼 뫼르크. 본인도 치명적인 부상을 입고 4개월 병가 후 경찰서로 돌아왔지만 이미 그는 동료들 사이에서 민폐 캐릭터. 강력계 복귀 대신 새로 만들어진 ‘미결처리반 Q’로 발령받는다. ‘미결처리반 Q’는 지난 20년간의 미결사건에 대해 수사에 문제가 없었는지 간단한 확인 절차 후 정리하는 부서로 사실상 좌천당한 것. 하지만 미결 사건 중 5년 전 자살로 추정된 미모의 정치인 메레트 린가드의 시체가 발견되지 않았다는 것에 의혹을 품고 사건을 수사하기 시작한다. 꼼꼼하고 친화력 100%의 아랍인 앗사드와 한 팀이 된 사교성 제로 칼 뫼르크. 사라진 시체, 장애를 가지고 있는 남겨진 목격자, 그리고 그 안에 숨겨진 진실…, 기묘한 콤비의 ‘미결처리반 Q’ 그 첫 번째 사건이 시작된다.
A Good Day to Die
Interviews and archival footage profile the life of Dennis Banks, American Indian Movement leader who looks back at his early life and the rise of the Movement.
A Fight for
A month after the Wall Street occupation, a number of protesters follow their example and set up their tents in front of the Ljubljana stock market. The protesters are united in the critique of representative democracy and global financial capitalism under the slogan ‘nobody represents us’. Their organisation is based on the principles of direct democracy. In absence of other social alternatives, a community starts to emerge in the camp in front of the stock market where everyone has an equal say, and everyone is united in their diversity. After the initial euphoria the great idea of direct democracy clashes against the contemporary individual; antagonisms surface, similar to those of the system which the protesters fight against. The story about the Slovenian version of the ‘occupy’ movement is portrayed with the stories of a few protagonists, who despite several defeats do not lose hope in a different world.
Poverty, Inc.
Poverty, Inc. explores the hidden side of doing good. From disaster relief to TOMs Shoes, from adoptions to agricultural subsidies, Poverty, Inc. follows the butterfly effect of our most well-intentioned efforts and pulls back the curtain on the poverty industrial complex - the multi-billion dollar market of NGOs, multilateral agencies, and for-profit aid contractors. Are we catalyzing development or are we propagating a system in which the poor stay poor while the rich get hipper?
The Yes Men Are Revolting
Activist-pranksters Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonnano pull the rug out from under mega-corporations, government officials and a complacent media in a series of outrageous stunts designed to draw awareness to the issue of climate change.
Bad Religion: Along the Way
Considered one of the most cerebral punk rock bands around, Bad Religion puts on a unique live show that has them blasting through song after song in record time. This documentary, compiling footage from 14 different concerts, captures the raw power and frenzy of the band as they toured Europe in 1989 to promote their third album, "Suffer." The 26 featured songs include "Do What You Want," "Land of Competition," "Best for You" and more.
A teenage Quebecer in the 1960s evolves from pro-independence activist to radical terrorist, in this gripping chronicle of the origins of the FLQ in the decade preceding the 1970 October Crisis.
All Out! Dancing in Dulais
Dancing in Dulias was made by members of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) and Lesbians Against Pit Closures during and immediate after the 1984/85 minders strike. Like the forthcoming movie, Pride, it documents the interactions between lesbians and gay men and the miners and their families in Dulais in South Wales - only this time it's the real thing. As well as some memorable footage that includes the Blaenant Lodge banner leading the 1985 Lesbian and Gay Pride march and LGSM members struggling with bingo at the local community hall, the film documents the wider political impact of this seemingly unlikely alliance. (cont. http://www.cambridgefilmfestival.org.uk/films/2014/dancing-in-dulais#sthash.HScQCj7E.dpuf)
Black Sweat
Directed by Sid Ali Mazif.
Checks & Balances
Accommodated since Algeria's Bloody Decade of the 1990’s in the "House of the Press", the journalists of the famous daily newspaper El Watan await the completion of their new offices, a symbol of their independence. My camera is embedded in their newsroom as they follow the events of this new Algerian spring... President Bouteflika has set his sights on a 4th term. Beyond what we call the Arab revolutions and other mediatized terms, I wanted this film to serve as a memorial to the women and men, young and less young, who battle daily to safeguard the freedom of information in a politically and socially fossilized country.