
Adolescent Medical Record Rara Kudo (2022)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 56분


Lara-chan is a little uneasy as the days continue when her pants get dirty with the slimy liquid that overflows from her crotch. I'm kind of embarrassed to talk to her mom, so I secretly go to the hospital. The person who examines Lara-chan is Dr. Kagami, a perverted doctor who loves beautiful girls. Taking advantage of her lack of sexual knowledge of Lala, she conducts a very embarrassing examination... Embarrassed by the inspection where her crotch can be seen, Lala immediately tries to close her legs. increase. Kagami-sensei calls a young male doctor for help, and uses her strength to open Lala-chan's legs and hold them down. Lara-chan is confused by her crotch that is hot and hot even though she is about to cry when she is seen naked by a man for the first time. Kagami-sensei escalates when she sees Lala-chan's state.


Lala Kudo
Lala Kudo


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