

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 1시간 30분

연출 : Lei Yisong


Xu Wangsheng, an elderly migrant worker who returned to his hometown, had a relationship with his son Xu Chao because of his years away from home and his wife's illness. The crazy girl and Xu Chao had no guesses, and later they were stimulated outside. On the night of the winter solstice, Xu Chao was seen by his father when he raped a mad woman. Since then, the mad woman has Xu Chao in her heart. Xu Wangsheng asked someone to find a daughter-in-law for his son. When the blind date, Xu Chao deliberately opposed the father, causing the blind date to fail. The father and son were completely overthrown. Xu Chao secretly went to Guangzhou. On the thirtieth night of the year, Xu Chao died unexpectedly on the way back from Guangzhou. Xu Wangsheng decided to find a ghost wife for his son ...



Lei Yisong
Lei Yisong

비슷한 영화

Heidi in China
In 1946, Heidi is entrusted to a Swiss family by her father. He will never come back for her. Today, François Yang questions his mother about her past. What follows is a journey to China, a quest to reconstruct memory. Through contact with her brothers and sister, Heidi measures the extent of the drama experienced by her family that remained in China, persecuted by the Communist Party.
중국 지역 일본군 ‘위안부’ 피해자 20만 명 2014년 촬영 당시 생존자 단 22명 그 22명의 할머니들이 들려주는 마지막 이야기 그리고… 2018년 8월 현재 중국에 남아 있는 ‘위안부’ 피해자는 단 6명 할머니들 대부분은 90세를 넘겨 삶의 끝자락에 서 있다.
달을 향해 짖는 개
황샤오유의 가족은 오랜기간동안 위기를 겪고 있다. 동성애자로 밝혀진 아버지와 신경질적인 어머니가 아슬아슬한 결혼생활을 유지하고 있기 때문이다. 그러나 프랑스인과 결혼 후 임신 6개월차에 접어든 황샤오유가 친정으로 돌아오며 가족의 위기가 더욱 심해지기 시작한다.
China. The Arts – The People
China marks the beginning of the extensive Asian theme in Ottinger’s filmography and is her first travelogue. Her observant eye is interested in anything from Sichuan opera and the Beijing Film Studio to the production of candy and sounds of bicycle bells.
The Road
A highway is waiting to go through a quiet village in Hunan, a province in central China where Mao was from. Due to the high cost of construction, construction companies and migrant workers who live on road work rush to here like the tide. In the following four years, they root in this strange place for interests, paying sweat and blood, even their lives. With their arrival, local village and peasants are forced to change their lives. Many hidden interest lines and hidden rules about road construction of the nation are unveiled, together with the shocking truth and emerging secrets.
July 27th, 1976 - a day the people of Tangshan will never forget. When that fateful day ended, tens of thousands had been killed, and the lives of the survivors would be changed forever. No public official, no expert, nor anyone among the seismological personnel - regardless of what they were doing that day - should ever forget. History will always remember the twilight of that day.
the erosion of blue
A reel of propaganda film about the Red Army, shot during the Cultural Revolution, faded to red as time went by. Blue paint was smeared on the filmstrip, invaded the original red, and gave birth to this abstract dance of images.
First Vote
A soon-to-be first-time voter, the filmmaker’s thought-provoking journey into the Rust Belt and South captures four Asian American voters’ ardent first time grassroots political participation ignited by the 2016 rise of “Chinese Americans for Trump.” FIRST VOTE is a character driven cinema verité style film chronicling the democratic participation of four Asian American voters from 2016 through the 2018 midterm elections.
I Have Nothing to Say
The Chinese police visit head-teacher Chen at home. Her daughter, a dissident filmmaker living in Hong Kong, plans yet another critical film about China's colonization of the small autonomous territory. The authorities demand that Chen travel to her daughter to stop the film project. What they do not take into account is that Chen and her daughter lost contact long ago.
Taking Father Home
A 17 year old boy from a village in the Sechuan province leaves for the big city looking for his father, who left 6 years before and has not been heard of since. The fact that his mother still receives money his father does nothing to tame his anger. He his not looking for a warm reunion, it is unconcealed revenge that drives him. Totally lost, he roams the big city with his basket of ducks on his back...
Have a Good Night
Xuan is a young man working in the film industry in Beijing. To make a documentary film that he wants to present at international festivals, he decides to take advantage of the holidays of the Day of the Dead to return to Chengdu, his hometown located at the other end of the country. The documentary he is about to make is about his relationship with his own lover. He leaves for Chengdu, accompanied by another man, Bo, the cameraman of the film. The two men take the train to Chengdu where Hong, Xuan's lover, is waiting for them. From the first moment of their arrival at the station, Xuan and Bo begin to turn with their camera, Xuan having already explained to Bo what he wanted to film and that Hong would always be "playing", Bo then trusting in Xuan. But Hong is more and more opposed to this camera and the presence of Bo.
‘Body’ is an object we are all familiar with. For British sculptor Anthony Gormley, it is a medium for expressing thoughts about space, while for young female artist Wang Ying, it is a potential vehicle for expressing emotions. This documentary uses a split-screen method to create a three-dimensional space like a "body". It not only explores the artistic concept and development of Wang Ying, a female artist born in the 1990s who studied in the UK but also completed it on this basis. The documentary creator (me) thinks about her and her body, from'meeting','seeing' to'existence'
Call If You Need Me
Gentle, easy-going Or Kia moves from the countryside to Kuala Lumpur to work for his cousin and best friend Ah Soon, a mid-level gangster and enforcer. While Or Kia works hard to put a sister through school, Ah Soon cares for an unstable girlfriend prone to mysterious disappearances. As they both sink deeper into a nocturnal world of debts, drugs, and betrayal, Or Kia's loyalties are strained when Ah Soon falls out of favor with the bosses and tries to escape the business.
"If the old doesn't go, the new never comes" recites a teenager hanging out near a demolition site in the center of Chengdu, the Sichuan capital in western China. In Demolition, filmmaker J.P. Sniadecki deconstructs the transforming cityscape by befriending the migrant laborers on the site and documenting the honest, often unobserved, human interactions, yielding a wonderfully patient and revealing portrait of work and life in the shadow of progress and economic development.
철의 나라
철도 위에서 3년 이상 촬영하면서 빛과 어둠, 언어와 제스처가 교차하며 변화하는 중국의 내면을 담았다. 추상회화를 연상케 하는 프레임을 통해 인간과 기계의 만남을 묘사한다. 기차의 일상과 인간을 추상적 이미지로 조형한 에세이 필름. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제) 리뷰 3년의 시간 동안 중국의 원근각지를 이동하는 철도의 이모저모를 편집하여 만든 에세이 다큐멘터리이다. 철로, 곤히 잠자는 사람들, 콩나물시루 같은 기차의 낭하, 좁은 통로에서 담배를 피우는 사람들은 중국 사회의 빛과 그림자를 무연히 은유한다. J. P 스니아데키 감독은 추상회화를 연상케 하는 회화적인 프레임 구성을 즐겨 사용한다. 순간순간 카메라의 존재를 드러나거나 카메라 뒤에 있는 자신을 드러내기도 한다. 육중한 철의 질감, 비곗덩어리, 핏물이 흐르는 내장 등의 오브제들을 활용하면서 그는 빈 라덴이나 카다피와 모택동을 비교하는 중국 사람들의 이야기를 슬쩍 끼워 넣음으로써 사회학과 문화인류학을 오간다. 슬금슬금 옆걸음질 치며 잠행하는 카메라는 영화의 말미에 쾌적한 상 등급 고속열차로 점핑한다. 철도, 기차의 일상, 인간을 추상적인 이미지로 조형해낸 이 에세이 필름은 사물을 응시하는 밝은 눈을 지닌 예술가의 노력에 의해 탄생했다. 2014년 「필름코멘트」가 선정한 10대 영화에 이름을 올렸다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제/장병원)
Miners, Groom, Pneumoconiosis
The location of Hunan's southwestern Hunan, the local economy is not active, the people either go out to work or go up the mountain to mine. Due to the constant mining disasters, despite the government's efforts to rectify and regulate, many people still illegally mine. Miners often do not pay attention to the protection of mines. Many years later, many miners have pneumoconiosis. The film started shooting in 2010 until 2018, with a filming period of nearly ten years, until the death of Zhao Pingfeng, the protagonist of pneumoconiosis, leaving young children and mentally handicapped wife.
I Don’t Feel at Home Anywhere Anymore
A wistful but witty account of a trip to Beijing by filmmaker Viv Li, a Chinese art student who has been living abroad for ten years. Her stay with her family mercilessly exposes how uprooted she has become by her life abroad.
"Desire Line" was originally an architect's term for paths made by people when walking across open grassland, what these lines represent are the shortest or most easily navigated routes between an origin and destination. The film uses this idea in the context of how an artificial intelligence might work: the AI generates optimal solutions to user problems as a form of desire line calculation. The film aims to interrogate the increasingly controversial role of Artificial Intelligence by visualising a statement from a bot about its experience on a Valentine's Day in the near future.
The Rocking Sky
To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of WWII, this documentary film describes the eight years of dauntless air-force fighting of the republic of China during the Anti-Japanese War, with only 300 combat-capable aircraft from China while Japan had over 2000.
Falling From the Sky
The little-known Hunan Suining County is an ordinary but full of magical places. As the theoretical point of the rocket wreckage launched by the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, it has greeted the rocket wreckage from the sky dozens of times in the past 20 years since 1990. This mysterious and dangerous “out-of-town visitor” broke the poor and peaceful life of the 160,000 locals in the jurisdiction. 2008 is China's "Olympic Year" and "Aerospace Year." The people of Suining, like the people of the whole country, are looking forward to the Olympics to pay attention to the Olympics and are proud of the growing strength of the comprehensive national strength including aerospace strength. They also have to bear the fate of falling from the sky.