
Dark August (1976)

A young girl dies ...

장르 : 공포, 미스터리

상영시간 : 1시간 27분

연출 : Martin G. Goldman


A young girl is accidentally run down by a car driven by a careless city slicker. This careless injustice provokes the girl's grandfather into summoning his mystical powers and placing a death curse on the young man. Desperate to stave off the dire consequences of the hex, Barry seeks the counsel of a local psychic medium


Kim Hunter
Kim Hunter
Adrianna Putnam
J.J. Barry
J.J. Barry
Sal Devito
Carolyne Barry
Carolyne Barry
Jackie (as Carole Shelyne)
Kate McKeown
Kate McKeown
Frank Bongiorno
Frank Bongiorno
William Robertson
William Robertson
The Grandfather
Richard Allan Fay
Richard Allan Fay
Martin Harvey Friedberg
Martin Harvey Friedberg
Tavern Drunk
Kenneth W. Libby
Kenneth W. Libby
Stan Shefler
Stan Shefler
1st Deputy Sheriff
Kenneth Kaplan
Kenneth Kaplan
2nd Deputy Sheriff
Gerry Lou
Gerry Lou
Randie Wilder
Randie Wilder
Sales Girl
Karen Lewis
Karen Lewis
The Child


Martin G. Goldman
Martin G. Goldman
J.J. Barry
J.J. Barry
Martin G. Goldman
Martin G. Goldman
Carolyne Barry
Carolyne Barry
Martin G. Goldman
Martin G. Goldman
Marianne Kanter
Marianne Kanter
John E. Quill
John E. Quill
Associate Producer
William Fischer
William Fischer
Richard E. Brooks
Richard E. Brooks
Director of Photography
Dennis Hayes
Dennis Hayes
John E. Quill
John E. Quill
Production Manager
Walter Rearick
Walter Rearick
Assistant Director
Edward Drohan
Edward Drohan
Special Effects
Harriet Fidlow
Harriet Fidlow
Sound Editor
Dan Sable
Dan Sable
Sound Editor

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