Cancer Vixen: A True Story
장르 : 드라마
상영시간 : 0분
Shortly after its release, the book was optioned by Working Title Films in conjunction with Cate Blanchett. In March 2013, it was announced that HBO Films is set to produce a film adaptation of the book starring Blanchett. HBO Films is closing a deal with Julie Delpy to adapt the Marisa Acocella Marchetto memoir Cancer Vixen: A True Story as a star vehicle for Cate Blanchett. Blanchett is an executive producer on the project alongside Maven Pictures partners Trudie Styler and Celine Rattray. (Aug 2013)
Charlie suffers from a serious disease that causes acute narcolepsy whenever he is happy. Although he develops a variety of techniques to deny himself pleasure and deal with his sleep issues, they’re put to the test when he falls in love.
닥터 데니스 슬래이먼은 암 전문의이다. 그는 유방암에 혁명적인 치료제로 쓰이는 “Herceptin”이라는 물질의 시약을 개발하는데 도움을 주었다. 그러나 그가 일하는 프로젝트를 지원하는 자금이 차단된다면, 슬래이먼은 그 인생의 가장 중요한 일을 실현시키기 위해서 독지가들에게 의지해야 한다. 그는 새로운 후원자를 등에 업고, 신약개발을 계속 진행하지만, 모든 사람들에게 약효가 있는 것은 아니었고 그는 새로운 난관에 부딪히는데….
다 자란 아이들, 다정하진 않아도 든든한 남편, 안정적인 직장까지. 모든 게 평범한 ‘이다’(트린 디어홈)는 어느 날 갑자기 날벼락처럼 암 선고를 받는다. 치료 후 돌아온 집에서 남편이 젊은 여자와 바람 피는 현장을 목격한 ‘이다’. 갑자기 자신을 둘러싼 모든 것이 한꺼번에 무너지면서 삶의 변화가 필요하다는 것을 절실하게 느끼며 모든 것을 뒤로 한 채, 딸의 결혼식을 위해 이탈리아로 떠난다. 낯선 곳에서 낯선 사람들 사이, ‘이다’는 마음의 여유를 찾아가고 첫 인상은 별로였지만 어딘가 마음이 통하는 ‘필립’(피어스 브로스넌)에게 점점 끌리면서 진정한 행복을 느끼는 자신을 발견하는데... ‘이다’는 기적처럼 찾아온 행복 앞에, 새로운 삶을 선택할 용기를 낼 수 있을까?
남편과의 별거 중 느닷없이 마그다에게 찾아온 시한부의 삶. 그러나 불행의 시간에 허덕이기보다는 홀로 남게 될 아들과 주위 사람들의 아픈 가슴을 보듬어줌과 동시에 여성으로서의 의미 있는 삶을 택하는데... 마침내 찾아온 새 생명에 대한 설렘 속에서 불행을 행복으로 바꾸어 내는 마그다. 당신의 텅 빈 가슴을 어루만져줄 그녀의 이야기가 시작된다.
코미디언 티그 노타로. 2012년 그의 스탠드업 코미디 무대에서 자신이 암 진단을 받은 것을 발표했으며, 이를 유머로 승화하여 많은 관객의 심금을 울리고 웃겼다.
The story of Singe and Kate, a couple from North Somerset, whose lives were turned upside down when Kate was diagnosed with an incurable breast cancer. Over her last few days, she created her list: writing her thoughts and memories down, to help the man she loved create the best life possible for their two sons, after she was gone.
Intended as an account of Minogue's return to the stage following her recovery from cancer, the film features on-stage and back-stage footage and interviews with several of Minogue's tour crew, including the director, William Baker. Kylie's sister Dannii and U2 lead singer Bono are also featured.
Shortly after graduating from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, Geralyn Lucas lands her dream job working for 20/20. Lucas is then diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 27 and has a dilemma - whether to have a lumpectomy or the potentially safer mastectomy.
We call them by a hundred different names: boobs, knockers, jugs, hooters. We wonder if they're real or fake, too small or too big, too exposed or too covered. And every year Americans spend millions of dollars on breast enhancement, from push-up bras to surgery. Why is our culture so captivated by this particular part of the female form? "Boobs: An American Obsession" is a revealing, humorous, often poignant investigation involving everyone from anthropologists to porn stars as we explore our culture's fascination with breasts.
순수한 의미로 출발했던 유방암 캠페인은 거대 상업자본과 결탁하면서 점차 상업적 홍보의 각축장이 되었다. 매해 수십 억의 돈이 유방암 캠페인의 이름으로 모금되지만 이 돈이 어디로 가는지 그리고 실제 어떤 사업에 쓰이는지는 분명하지 않다. 유방암 캠페인은 번지르르한 성공담으로 포장되면서 애매하고 혼란스럽게 바뀌어버렸다.영화는 마케팅 전문가가 ‘꿈의 대의명분’이라고 이름 붙이기도 한 유방암 캠페인의 충격적 현실을 조명한다. (2012년 제14회 서울국제여성영화제)
A profound look into the BRCA world examining what it is and how this mutation puts both women and men at a higher risk of developing numerous cancers.
Meredith Baxter plays Joyce Wadler in this heartwarming story of hope, courage and redemption inspired by the New York City journalist's real-life struggle with breast cancer. Stuck in a lackluster relationship with her boyfriend, she's forced to re-examine her life when she receives the troubling diagnosis.
첼로 베이스 연주자로, 박사과정 논문을 준비하는 시몽과 동거 중인 엠마. 병원에서 임신 5개월이라는 말을 듣자 마냥 기뻐하지만, 시몽의 반응은 무덤덤하기만 하다. 그러나 며칠 후 또 다시 찾아간 병원에서, 그녀는 유방암이 임파선까지 번져 빨리 치료를 받으려면 아기를 지워야한다는 청천벽력같은 선고를 받는다. 자신의 생명을 위해 아기를 지울 것인가, 아니면 죽음이 보다 빨리 오더라도 뱃속에 자라나고 있는 생명을 키울 것인가? 이 두 가지 선택 앞에서 엠마는 용기있는 결단을 내리게 되는데.
In 2017 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I decided to film my time in waiting rooms, surgery and chemotherapy. Shot exclusively on the iPhone X, The Waiting Room is an unflinching portrait of the blood, sweat and tears of cancer treatment. At home I filmed with my teenage son, as we came to terms with how family life was transformed by a year of living with cancer. The Waiting Room challenges the cultural myths that surround this disease, putting under the microscope the language of illness. The Waiting Room documents illness from a patient’s POV, exploring what we can and what we can’t control when our bodies fail us. The Waiting Room 30 minute smartphone short was broadcast on The Guardian website as part of their documentaries strand.
Forty-something Cecilia better known as Sissy to her friends is a cheery and vivacious seamstress. Wai Mun, her husband of many years is the captain of an acclaimed Chinese restaurant. Although somewhat discontented with life since his migration from Hong Kong to Singapore, he and Sissy are a loving couple and enjoy a blissful marriage. They have a 15-year-old son and a nine-year-old daughter who has a very close relationship with Sissy and is a source of great cheer and comfort to her. In a twist of fate, an unexpected occurrence befalls their seemingly mediocre and uneventful lives. One day as Sissy feels a hard lump in her left breast. A gush of complex emotions overwhelms her.
The film follows Michael Moskowitz’s work with a New York-based therapist named Kirkland Vaughns, one of the few African-American Freudian therapists in the United States, while the director reveals her own family’s devastating trauma.
두 아이의 어머니인 후미코는 지금까지 가정에 충실한 삶을 살아왔다. 하지만 시인이 되고 싶다는 마음을 품은 채 후미코는 계속해서 시를 쓴다. 그런 후미코에게 또다른 기회가 찾아오려고 할 때, 후미코는 남편의 불륜과 유방암이라는 고난을 맞는다. 여성 극작가로 활발하게 활동한 다나카 스미에(1908~2000)와 다나카 기누요의 협업이 빛나는 작품.
At 31, filmmaker Joanna Rudnick faces an impossible decision: remove her breasts and ovaries or risk incredible odds of developing cancer. Armed with a genetic test result that leaves her vulnerable and confused, she balances dreams of having her own children with the unnerving reality that she is risking her life by holding on to her fertility.
When Molly, the 21 year-old sister of Maarten, departs the family home, she leaves her older brother with empty nest syndrome. But it also opens up new opportunities for him, such as the possibility to explore his love for Arthur, a closet gay. Molly and Maarten wrestle with their personal relationships and also their relationship with one another, but fate nevertheless seems determined to strike them both down.
Shortly after its release, the book was optioned by Working Title Films in conjunction with Cate Blanchett. In March 2013, it was announced that HBO Films is set to produce a film adaptation of the book starring Blanchett. HBO Films is closing a deal with Julie Delpy to adapt the Marisa Acocella Marchetto memoir Cancer Vixen: A True Story as a star vehicle for Cate Blanchett. Blanchett is an executive producer on the project alongside Maven Pictures partners Trudie Styler and Celine Rattray. (Aug 2013)