View From A Dirty Car Window (2022)
장르 : 다큐멘터리
상영시간 : 3분
연출 : Ben Fournier
A collage of shots and videos taken from the perspective of a dirty car window over the course of a rainy November.
A schoolboy uses his cellphone camera to shoot intimate interviews with people working at a New York fashion house and secretly posts them on the internet. Result: a bitterly funny expose of an industry in crisis, during a week in which an accident on the runway becomes a murder investigation, and denial leads to devastation.
A mysterious disease overtakes the world, and the infected develop a hankering for human flesh. Jim and his fellow Cheapskate Car Rental clerks are oblivious to the changes going on right outside their door, until it literally gets right in their faces. Jim struggles with disgruntled customers, hordes of cannibals, the barely legal April, his certifiable ex-girlfriend Vix (the sexy "Terminatrix"), reconciling issues with his brother, an aversion to guns, and the "pants thing." Can Jim pull it together and rally Louisville's remaining bike gangs and defeat the infected hordes? Maybe with the help of 1000 rounds a minute minigun...
A meltdown at a nuclear power plant turns a bunch of folks into lethal shambling flesh-eating zombies who go on a gory rampage.
A bunch of zombies that are used by the government to fight in a major war in the near future get launched into space. The space shuttle gets caught in a time warp and returns to Earth in the present day. Naturally, the zombies get loose and terrorize a motley assortment of folks who are trapped inside a high school.
A young man who works at a nursing home uses the legendary Zodiac killer's M.O. to kill people who neglect their elderly relatives.
A ritualistic serial killer is beheading victims all over a city, and those surrounding the case are pulled into his world as they try and stop him.
After discovering his wife has betrayed him, Sam Butler finds himself on the bloodiest killing spree Las Vegas has ever seen!
Jon, Tom, and Denise accidently kill their senile old Aunt while she's looking after them while their father is away on business. Not sure what to do, they decide to dispose of the body in the rented woodchipper in the backyard. But more trouble comes a-knocking when their cousin Kim, their Aunt's son, shows up unexpectedly.
세상과 동떨어진 듯 보이는 안개가 자욱한 숲, 낚시 가방을 맨 한 남자가 노래를 흥얼거리며 걸어 들어온다. 남자가 도착한 곳은 어느 강가. 남자는 낚싯대를 펼쳐놓고 한가롭게 낚시를 시작한다. 시간이 흘러 어느 새 한밤 중이 된 강가. 생각만큼 낚시는 잘 되지 않고, 지루해진 남자. 그때 갑자기 낚싯대에 커다란 무언가가 걸려드는데, 그 무언가는 매운탕 거리가 아닌, 소복 차림 묘령의 젊은 여인이었다! 놀라서 넘어지는 남자, 여자와 낚싯줄이 엉켜 서로 묶인 꼴이 되고, 남자는 사색이 되어 풀어 보려고 안간힘을 써 보지만 그럴수록 더욱 더 엉켜 들고 마는데…
A spate of killings of teenagers by a maniac dressed like a hippie causes a detective to check the records for similar killings. He discovers that every five years, in the fifth month of the year, for five consecutive days, the same type of killings have occurred, and the few descriptions of the suspect always match: he's dressed like a hippie. As the detective searches for the killer, he begins to have suspicions about his superior, an older man who is haunted by memories of his military service in Vietnam.
A crazed family lives in a swamp. The father's hobby is killing as many snakes as he can. One day the snakes decide to take their revenge.
A woman struggles in a nightmare world.
Howard and Eli have graduated from gruesome basement antics to pirating a cable TV channel for the purpose of furthering their brand of homegrown depravity, madness and murder. With the help of 'do-it-yourself' violence videos sent in by adoring fans and a beautiful guest actress unaware of the pain in store for her, the sadistic hosts guarantee the "Bloodiest Show on Earth!"
Even the Fugliest person can change the course of History.
Look at the title. There you go.
Animated short. Abstract forms in a setting evocative of a concentration camp created by the universe. Based on a series of paintings by the Polish artists and filmmaker Walerian Borowczyk, Les Jeux des Anges takes the viewer into a nightmarish and sinister labyrinth world. With images reminiscent of Bosch and Ernst and an abstract soundtrack the film evoke unspeakable horrors lurking at the heart Borowczyk's masterpiece. Borowczyk described the film himself as "A report on the city of angels."
교외의 조용한 주택가에 살고 있는 베카와 하위 코벳 부부. 완벽했던 부부의 행복한 생활은 8개월 전 사랑하는 아들 대니를 잃으면서 한 순간 변해 버렸다. 하위는 대니와의 추억을 간직한 채로 미래를 향해 나아가고 싶지만, 슬픔에서 헤어나오지 못하는 베카는 집 안에 남아 있는 대니의 흔적을 하나하나 지운다. 그러던 어느 날, 베카는 한 소년과의 우연한 만남을 통해 수많은 차원의 세계를 연결하는 ‘래빗 홀’의 존재를 알게 되고 조금씩 평온함을 찾아간다. 한편 하위는 자신을 이해해주는 여자 ‘개비’를 통해 베카가 채워주지 못한 뭔가를 채우려 한다. 누구보다 서로를 사랑하지만 자꾸 어긋나기만 하는 두 사람. 그들은 앞으로의 삶을 변화시킬 위험한 선택을 하려 하는데…
A government agent cursed by lycanthropy goes on a dystopian fueled adventure to find his son, who has parted ways with his father.
불법 도박의 누명을 쓰고 7년 동안 독방에서 출소의 그날 만을 기다리며 치밀한 복수의 계획을 세운 '제이크 그린'(제이슨 스타뎀) 그를 감옥으로 보낸 '도로시'(레이 리오타) 역시 '제이크'의 석방만을 기다리며 기회를 노리고 있었다. 하지만 서로를 잡기 위해 치열한 사투를 벌이는 그들 앞에는 예상치 못한 대반전이 기다리고 있는데…
Welcome to Egypt, land of the Pharaohs. A place steeped in history and legend; Gods and spiritual guides; untold wealth – and the bone-cracking, blood-spilling guardians of its riches. Jack Wells has arrived in Egypt in search of the famous diamond known as The Codex Stone. His journey leads him to the tomb of the cursed King Neferu, cursed not by name but by nature. With his centuries-old slumber disturbed by timeless human greed, the King rises from the dead with a blood-lust that cannot be quenched and a raging fury that will shred flesh from bone, bringing terrible and tormented death to all who dare witness the Day of the Mummy.