Joan of Arc (1900)
장르 : 드라마, 역사
상영시간 : 11분
연출 : Georges Méliès
각본 : Georges Méliès
A divinely inspired peasant woman becomes an army captain for France and then is martyred after she is captured.
Journey across India, a breath taking land shaped by a myriad of cultures, customs and traditions. Come face to face with the Bengal Tiger and explore the work of this majestic creature with stunning clarity. Soar over blue-hazed Himalayan peaks and sweep down towards the thundering Indian Ocean as we celebrate the power and beauty of India's greatest ambassador - the mighty Bengal Tiger.
The first part tells the story of Moses leading the Jews from Egypt to the Promised Land, his receipt of the tablets and the worship of the golden calf. The second part shows the efficacy of the commandments in modern life through a story set in San Francisco. Two brothers, rivals for the love of Mary, also come into conflict when John discovers Dan used shoddy materials to construct a cathedral.
Dr. Cockroach comes up with a brilliant plan to break themselves out of Area 52 – but to implement the plan, he has to trick B.O.B. into thinking it’s his birthday.
A black and bloody Irish comedy about a sad train journey where an older man, whose wife has died that morning, encounters a strange and possibly psychotic young oddball...
한 남자가 가족과 함께 시골에 있는 아버지의 집으로 여행을 가게 되고, 이 여행길에서 평화롭고 화목한 가정이라는 환상이 깨지고 만다. 에 이은 감독의 차기작으로, 절망의 상황에 빠진 평범한 사람들에 대한 이야기를 아름다운 촬영과 함께 전해준다. 남들이 보기엔 아무 문제가 없이 화목한 가정 그러나 대화가 단절된 부부. 아내 베라는 그 단절된 대화에 죽음보다 깊은 절망에 빠져 남편 알렉산더에게 자신이 임신을 했으며 그 아이가 남편의 아이가 아니라고 말한다. 더 나아가 자신의 부재중에 절친한 자신의 가장 친한 친구가 자신의 집을 방문했었고 아이들을 내 보낸후 한참을 있었다는 사실을 알게 되면서 알렉은 깊은 고민에 빠진다. 죽일것인가, 같이 그냥 잊고 살것인가......형에게 의논을 한 후 내린 결론은 유산을 시키고 그냥 잊고 사는 것. 불법 의료 시설을 이용해 낙태를 시켰으나 아내는 심장 마비로 죽고만다. 모든 것을 잃은 상실감으로 괴로워하는 알렉, 그러나 그 아이는 자신의 아이였으며 대화가 단절된 불통의 세상에서의 생명은 이미 살아도 죽은것이라는 베라의 깊은 절망감이 불러 일으킨 해프닝이었고 심장마비도 사실은 그녀가 수술후 내준 진통제를 다량 투여하여 스스로 선택한 죽음이었다. 이런 사실을 알리 없는 알랙은 친한 친구의 집으로 자신의 아이를 데리러 가지만.......
An unnamed man is house-sitting for his friend Imogen. Imogen calls to remind him to take her dog Rothko for a walk, but Rothko takes him for a walk instead.
Take a technological thrill ride The Magic of Flight takes you on a technological thrill ride faster, higher and wider than modern science or even your imagination! Relive the first flight of the Wright Brothers, then soar with the Blue Angels as they defy the laws of gravity. Narrated by Tom Selleck.
앨머 갠트리는 1917년 신학교에서 물의를 일으켜 퇴학당한 후 주정뱅이생활을 한다. 어느 날 군중집회 광고를 본 앨머는 부흥사 샤론의 미모에 반해, 군중집회 주최를 하느라 지친 그녀를 위로하는 방법으로 마음을 사로잡는다. 한때 신학생이었던 출신성분을 살려, 앨머는 자신이 술과 여자에 쩔어 살던 탕아라고 고백하여 순박한 시골사람들인 신도들과 샤론을 감동시킨다. 자신이 간증과 설교를 좋아한다는 것을 알게 된 앨머는 박력 있는 설교로 신도들의 인기를 끌고, 샤론과의 애정행각도 발전한다. 이러한 여세를 몰아 군중집회는 샤론을 초청한 기독교 근본주의자 베비트와 개신교 신앙의 순수성을 지키고 싶어 하는 부흥회 반대파간의 논쟁 끝에 공업도시인 제니스 시에서 교회의 재정후원을 받으며 열리게 된다.
A Life Apart: Hasidism in America, is the first in-depth documentary about a distinctive, traditional Eastern European religious community. In an historic migration after World War II, Hasidism found it's most vital center in America. Both challenging and embracing American values, Hasidim seek those things which many Americans find most precious: family, community, and a close relationship to God. Integrating critical and analytical scholarship with a portrait of the daily life, beliefs, and history of contemporary Hasidic Jews in New York City, the film focuses on the conflicts, burdens, and rewards of the Hasidic way of life.
A man confronts the trauma of past sexual abuse as a boy by a Catholic priest only to find his decision shatters his relationships with his family, community and faith.
An idyllic island town is under attack by that most invasive of pests: zombies! Port Gamble is being overrun with braineaters, and the people seem powerless to stave them off. But wait, a rag tag band of rebels is trying to turn the tide and push the invading hordes of undead back.
Mythology and religious dogma are slowly revealed when an attractive young woman is approached by a modeling agency that pulls her into an underworld of priests that are not Christian but rather want to resurrect Satan by collecting the souls of 18 beautiful children.
Oswald's sweetheart is stolen by a schoolyard bully, so he has to fight him during recess to win her back.
아마추어 영화감독 제라르 플뢰리는 1930년 어느 겨울날, 새벽 호수 풍경을 찍으러 갔다가 의문의 죽음을 맞는다. 이 영화는 그가 찍은 초기영화의 친밀하고 따뜻한 풍경들에 대한 오마주이다. 또한 호세 루이스 게린 감독의 시간과 공간, 사람들에 관한 애정을 담은 작품. (2011년 12회 전주국제영화제)
Educational short about the status of battle tanks and tankist training in the American Army in pre-War 1941, featuring a comical Army trainee from the Bronx.
Explores a fleeting moment between two strangers, revealing their brief connection in a hyper real fantasy.
The film presents Jehovah's Witness beliefs about God's plan from the creation of the Earth through to the end of the 1,000 year reign of Christ. This presentation combined motion pictures and a slideshow, synchronized with sound (the first time such synchronization had been achieved). Over 9,000,000 people in North America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia saw the film.
William K.L. Dickson brings his hat from his one hand to the other and moves his head slightly, as a small nod toward the audience. This was the first film produced by the Edison Manufacturing Company to be shown to public audiences and the press.
Charlie is a clumsy waiter in a cheap cabaret, suffering the strict orders from his boss. He meets a pretty girl in the park and tries to impress her by pretending to be an ambassador. Unfortunately she has a jealous fiancé.
Short film to a song of love lost and rediscovered, a woman sees and undergoes surreal transformations. Her lover's face melts off, she dons a dress from the shadow of a bell and becomes a dandelion, ants crawl out of a hand and become Frenchmen riding bicycles. Not to mention the turtles with faces on their backs that collide to form a ballerina, or the bizarre baseball game.