
팬티의 계절 (2022)

장르 : 드라마, 코미디

상영시간 : 1시간 4분

연출 : Choi Jung Eun


A story about a young man who doesn't believe in sincerity meets Don Quixote, the president of an underwear company, and his right-hand man, Sancho, and becomes sincere both in underwear and in life.


Kang Seung-yoon
Kang Seung-yoon
Ban Dae Soo
Choi Jae-sup
Choi Jae-sup
Tae Gi Ho


Choi Jung Eun
Choi Jung Eun

비슷한 영화

호랑이를 구하라
의류 사업가인 해리 스토너(잭 레먼)는 새 상품 개발과 방직공장 운영 등으로 자금 압박에 시달린다. 겉으로 평온한 듯 보이는 중산층의 중년 남자인 그는 부인과 딸로부터 심리적인 연대감을 맺지 못한 채 고립되어 있다. 또한 2차 대전 때 전우들은 사망했는데 자신만 살아남았다는 죄의식과 그동안 살아온 삶에 대한 자책으로 가득하다. 그럼에도 불구하고 해리는 사업 유지를 위해 보험금을 타기 위해 방화를 모의하고, 거래처에서 원하는 창녀 마고에게 접대를 해줄 것을 부탁한다. 하지만 거래처 사람은 심장마비를 일으켜 쓰러지고, 해리는 과거 전쟁의 기억과 숨 막히는 현실 속에서 괴로워한다. 아내에게 전화를 걸어 추억을 더듬어 보지만 아내는 냉담할 뿐, 아무도 그의 심정을 헤아려 주지 않는다. 집으로 돌아가던 해리는 우연히 만난 마이라와 함께 해변으로 가게 되고, 음악과 야구를 추억하며 한순간 즐거워한다. 하지만 해리는 스스로가 동물원 우리라고 생각하는 현실로 다시 돌아간다. 가혹한 삶을 위해 해리는 방화범을 고용하여 자신의 공장에 불을 내 보험금을 타내려는 범죄 계획까지 모의한다. 방화광에게 은밀히 착수금을 건넨 후 해리는 ‘멸종 위기에 놓여 있는 시베리아 호랑이를 살리자’는 서명운동에 사인을 한다. 하지만 그에게 ‘호랑이를 구하자’는 구호는 먼 이상으로만 느껴진다.
하비 밀크의 시대
85년 아카데미 장편다큐멘터리 부문 수상작 하비 밀크는 게이 활동가로서는 최초로 샌프란시스코의 시정 감시관(Supervisor)에 선출된 인물이다. 그러나, 공개적으로 자신이 게이임을 선언했을 뿐만 아니라 지역 사회의 산적한 문제를 진보적인 관점에서 해결하고자 했던 그의 노력은 수많은 편견과 장애물에 부딪치게 되고, 결국 그를 죽음에까지 이르게 한다. 1985년도 아카데미 장편 다큐멘터리 작품상을 수상하기도 한 이 작품은, 80년대 미국의 대표적인 독립 다큐멘터리이다. 감독 로버트 엡스타인은, 게이들에 대한 편견을 지니고 있던 좌파 운동가의 고백으로부터 하비가 살해당한 바로 그 날 조직된 45000 명의 촛불 시위 장면에 이르기까지, 주변 인물의 인터뷰 및 방대한 자료 화면을 동원하며, 새로운 세상을 갈구한 사회 운동과 게이 액티비즘에 대한 면밀한 케이스 스터디와도 같은 작품을 만들어냈다. 개인과 사회의 상호작용이 언제나 구체적인 역사적 계기를 통해서 교차하듯, 은 60년대 이후 동성애운동이 발화하기 시작한 샌프란시스코의 정치적·사회적 분위기를 그려냄과 동시에, 장벽을 돌파하려던 활동가, 그의 조직적 활동, 그리고 그를 가로막은 거대한 편견의 요새를 세부묘사한다. 동성애자는 물론 미국내의 모든 정치적 소수자들과 함께 손잡고 권익옹호를 위해 애썼던 한 활동가의 초상은 진정 시대를 초월한 운동가의 의지를 실감하게 한다.
리먼 브러더스의 마지막 날들
The heads of Wall Street's biggest investment banks were summoned to an evening meeting by the US Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, to discuss the plight of another - Lehman Brothers. After six months' turmoil in the world's financial markets, Lehman Brothers was on life support and the government was about to pull the plug. Lehman CEO, Dick Fuld, recently sidelined in a boardroom coup, spends the weekend desperately trying to resuscitate his beloved company through a merger with Bank of America or UK-based Barclays. But without the financial support of Paulson and Lehman's fiercest competitors, Fuld's empire - and with it, the stability of the world economy - teeters on the verge of extinction.
The Last Day of Summer
Luke Malloy is freaking out. He doesn't want tomorrow to come because tomorrow means starting Middle School...saying goodbye to summer break and hello to homework. And even worse, hello to getting picked on by Meat, the terrible torturer of new kids. Luke's dread of tomorrow is casting a shadow on his enjoyment of his last day of summer, so he makes a wish that the Last Day of Summer would last forever... that his one last perfect day of fun and freedom would never end. But when his wish comes true, he discovers that he's stuck repeating the day over and over again, which, as Luke quickly learns, isn't any better. What do you do when the "ultimate do-over" isn't all it's cracked up to be?
세상의 모든 계절
런던에 사는 노부부 톰과 제리는 소박하지만 행복한 일상을 보낸다. 과거의 잘못된 선택과 그로 인한 상처로 힘들어하는 제리의 직장동료 메리, 퇴직을 앞두고 삶의 기쁨을 찾지 못하는 톰의 친구 켄 등 부부는 주위의 가족과 친구들의 외로움과 슬픔, 기쁨과 행복을 함께하는 벗이 되어 준다. 그러던 어느날 아들 조이가 여자친구 케이티를 소개하는 자리에 갑자기 메리가 찾아오고, 그녀는 그간 말하지 않았던 자신의 속마음을 드러내는데...
억만장자의 비밀
16세, 온라인 게임 아이템 판매, +1만 달러, 17세, 생계형 알바로 밤 판매, +63 달러, 18세, 가족 파산, -127만 달러, 19세, 해초 판매 사업 시작, +????? 달러 좌충우돌 인생 성공기는 이제부터!
All for the good of the World and Nosovice
An original portrayal of a small Czech village where – as the locals put it – an UFO has landed in the form of a kilometre-long silverish factory: a Korean Hyundai automobile plant. The village, hitherto famous mostly for its sauerkraut and the “Radegast” beer was thus turned into an industrial zone – the largest greenfield investment project in the Czech Republic’s history. Nonetheless, for a long time many farmers resisted selling the land upon which the factory was now standing. Eventually, they all succumbed under the pressure from the neighbours, and even the anonymous death threats. The filmmakers returned to Nošovice two years after the dramatic property buyouts, at the time when the factory has just started churning out cheap cars. Combining the perspectives of seven characters, they have composed a portrayal of a place suddenly changed beyond recognition that is playful and chilling at the same time: a politically engaged absurd flick about a field that yields cars.
Living with the Enemy
Smart, sexy Allison can't help but fall in love with Philip, a dashing software billionaire, and they quickly marry. But soon this new bride begins to think her hubby was involved in the mysterious death of his first wife. This suspicious newlywed needs to get to the truth - but as things turn dangerous, she may not make it to their first anniversary!
Red Bull X-Fighters 2011
The Red Bull X-Fighters 2011 Season Review takes at look back at six events on four continents. Take a look at the best action from all events and find out what happened behind the scenes of the Red Bull X-Fighters!
The Old Man in the Cottage
One year in the life of Ragnar, who lives in Kestina, in the forests of Dalecarlia. The film portrays the everyday life of the retired forest worker without any narration. The life of this lonely man is regulated by the changing of the seasons and the weather just like in times past.
Leeds United: The Champions 1991/92
Brian Moore tells the story of Leeds United's title winning season 91-92 from the first kick to the last, with every one of Leeds 74 league goals, and highlights from the crucial games. In only their second season back in the top flight of English football, Leeds pipped deadly rivals Manchester United to the First Division Title.
Industrial Britain
Grierson set out to make "propaganda," and this film--with it's voice-over proclaiming the great value of the British industrial worker, without a hint of ambiguity or doubt--fits that category well. The authoritatarian narrator feels out-of-date and unsophisticated, but the footage is well shot and interesting, and the transparency of the propaganda aspect is almost a reflief at a time when so many films have hidden agendas.
From the Sea to the Land Beyond
From the Sea to the Land Beyond is a film about the British coast made from 100 years of our film heritage stored in the British Film Institute collection, edited by Penny Woolcock with a soundtrack by British Sea Power
Counterfeit Culture
Documentary - COUNTERFEIT CULTURE is a one-hour documentary that explores the dangerous and sometimes deadly world of fake products. An industry that once dealt in imitation designer handbags and shoes has exploded into a global epidemic of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, foods, toys, electronic goods, car parts and microchips. COUNTERFEIT CULTURE challenges consumers to take a deeper look at what appears to be harmless knock-offs at bargain prices. - Ann-Marie MacDonald, Tim Phillips, Todd Gilmore
Packed Lunch
What is it about Speedos? Well here Australian director Tim Hunter is on a mission to find the answer to the question of why so many gay men can't seem to get enough of hunks in tight fitting trunks? Although somehow I think the answer can be found in the question! Anyway in a bid to discover the truth, Hunter has carried out a series of interviews with men who have more than a passing interest in this briefest of garment, including that of Speedo designer Peter Travis, who here relates his part in the history of 'the male equivalent of the Wonder Bra.'
The Tobacco Conspiracy: The Backroom Deals of a Deadly Industry
This French-Canadian co-production goes behind the scenes of the huge tobacco industry, whose economic power has been expanding for five decades at the expense of public health. A gripping investigation covering three continents, Nadia Collot's film exposes the vast conspiracy of a criminally negligent industry that conquers new markets through corruption and manipulation. To confront the tobacco cartel, anti-smoking groups are organizing and scoring points, but the fight remains fierce. With ist diverse viewpoints, shocking interviews and riveting images, The Tobacco Conspiracy deftly defines the issues in a complex situation where private interests and the public good collide. Enlightening and engrossing, this documentary is a hard-hitting critique of an industry gone mad.
Sup de fric
Two business students hatch a perfect plan: buy their own school.
The causes underlying the collapse of civilizations are usually traced to overuse of resources. As we write this, the world is reeling from economic chaos, peak oil, climate change, environmental degradation, and political turmoil. Every day, the headlines re-hash stories of scandal and betrayal of the public trust. We don't have to make outraged demands for the end of the current global system - it seems to be coming apart already. But acts of courage, compassion and altruism abound, even in the most damaged places. By documenting the resilience of the people hit hardest by war and repression, and the heroism of those coming forward to confront the crisis head-on, END:CIV illuminates a way out of this all-consuming madness and into a saner future. Backed by Jensen's narrative, the film calls on us to act as if we truly love this land. The film trips along at a brisk pace, using music... Written by Franklin Lopez
중국 셴양의 티엑시 공업지구. 이곳은 일제점령기에 생겨나 해방 후 빠른 속도로 성장하기 시작했으나 1990년대에 이르면서 하나 둘씩 문을 닫는다. 한때 100만 명이 넘는 노동자가 일하던 티엑시의 쇠퇴와 이 곳 주민들의 삶을 그린 이 작품은 중국 다큐멘터리 역사에 새로운 획을 그었다. 감독은 철거명령이 내려진 도시에 6밀리 카메라 하나만을 들고 2년여 동안 촬영하는 열정을 보였다.
Aldeia da Roupa Branca
Gracinda, a young laundry washer, lives with her godfather, "Uncle" Jacinto, and together they run a family business, doing the laundry for residents of Lisbon in their small village in the outskirts of that city (Canecas). Unfortunately, the business is not going very well, but that changes when Gracinda decides to go to the city to try to convince Chico, "Uncle" Jacinto's son, with whom she is in love, to return to the village and give new life to the business. The village is preparing for the annual festivities and a dispute erupts between "Uncle" Jacinto and his business rival , the widow Quiteria, when each of them invites different bands to play at the same time during the party and dances