Funny Little Bunnies (1934)
장르 : 애니메이션
상영시간 : 7분
연출 : Wilfred Jackson
We see bunny rabbits preparing for Easter, by making chocolate eggs and rabbits, decorating eggs, and weaving and filling baskets.
"My favourite Things" is a short film created by students at the University of Leeds.
A nurturing farmer in is danger of losing his crop of windmills when he struggles against the cyclical forces of nature.
An unknown virus has destroyed almost the entire human population. Oblivious to the true nature of the disease, the only remaining survivors escape to the sea. In great ships, they set off in search of uninhabited land. So begins the exodus, led by one man ...
Papiroflexia (Spanish for “Origami”) is the animated tale of Fred, a chubby man with a passion for paper folding, who wants to change the world with his art.
Jerry's eccentric uncle, Pecos, a Texan mouse, comes to spend the night with him before his musical performance on television the next day. He decides to rehearse with his guitar for the performance but each time he plays, one of his guitar strings snaps off. Fortunately, he is able to replace them by plucking off one of Tom's whiskers each time. Tom is rather reluctant about this and tries to hide to protect his whiskers from Uncle Pecos.
The couple that owns Tom and Spike decides they can't afford to keep both. They agree that the first one to catch the mouse can stay - bad news for Jerry.
몬테카를로에 잠시 다녀온다더니 영영 무소식인 펭귄일행을 기다리며 아프리카에서 하루하루 고향 뉴욕에 대한 향수에 취해있는 ‘알렉스’(사자), ‘마티’(얼룩말), ‘멜먼’(기린), ‘글로리아’(하마). 결국 뉴욕행을 결심하고, 함께 돌아가기 위해 펭귄 일행을 찾아 몬테카를로로 향한다. 하지만 펭귄 일행과 만나기가 무섭게 동물 통제 관리국 ‘캡틴 듀브아’에게 쫓기는 신세가 된 뉴요커 4인방. 그녀의 맹추격 속 위기에 몰린 이들은 우연히 만난 유럽 서커스단 ‘비탈리’(호랑이), ‘지아’(재규어), ‘스테파노’(바다사자)에게 자신들이 미국 뉴욕의 서커스단이라고 속여 기차를 얻어 타고서야 겨우 위기를 모면하게 된다. 듀브아와의 추격전에 비행기는 망가지고 뉴욕으로 돌아갈 방법이 없어져 좌절하던 4인방은 유럽 서커스단의 공연이 성공적이면 유럽을 넘어 미국 뉴욕으로 갈 수 있다는 말에 이들과 함께할 것을 결심한다. 마침내 로마에서의 첫 공연! 하지만 기대와 달리 기술도 의욕도 평균 이하인 유럽 서커스단의 공연에 뉴요커 4인방의 희망은 절망으로 바뀌고 만다. 뉴욕으로 가기 위해서는 어떻게든 서커스를 성공시켜야 하는 상황! 알렉스는 지금까지 해왔던 서커스가 아닌 새롭고 창의적인 공연을 해보자고 제안한다. 이에 유럽 서커스단과 뉴요커 4인방은 모두 함께 힘을 합쳐 전에 없던 놀랍고, 환상적인 서커스 공연을 준비하기 시작하는데…
Daffy Duck and Speedy Gonzales find a treasure map that leads them to a wishing well, which for a penny will grant any wish (through old cartoon footage). Daffy sets up a resort around the well and various Looney Tunes characters have their dreams come true. Meanwhile, Yosemite Sam and the Tasmanian Devil hunt for the varmints who stole their treasure map!
Donald is preparing a little picnic when he sees some ants passing by. He decides to tease one, ultimately by piling lots of food onto it. The ant eventually stumbles, but realizes Donald is sitting on a veritable gold mine. He rallies his fellow ants, and while Donald is napping, they cart him to a cliff and drop him into the river. When he returns to the raid in progress, he finds himself powerless to stop it. He dynamites the ant hill, but that only separates the ledge he's standing on, and he finds himself in the river again as the ants finish off a cupcake.
A prince discovers an enchanted beauty turned into a frog by Koschei the Immortal. After Koschei steals her again, the prince goes on a dangerous quest to free the land of the evil.
The story of a boy-pig, which does not like to wash, so all the things run away from him.
Every family has its scout.
An antelope and a bear set off to conquer a mighty Caucasian summit.
A parody of the spy movies of the '50s and '60s
The story of a boy raised by wolves; A call to quell fascism before it can arise again.
Four racists plan to assault a local Arab man, but soon things get out of control.
A beautiful and touching story based on Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Steadfast Tin Soldier". A tin soldier without a leg sees a beautiful paper ballerina and falls in love. While trying to reach her, he falls from the window and has to overcome countless obstacles to see her again.