
Shavkatdzhon Rakhimov vs. Joe Cordina (2023)

Retain or Regain

장르 : 액션

상영시간 : 0분


Joe Cordina faces Shavkatdzhon Rakhimov on Saturday 22nd April 2023 at Motorpoint Arena Cardiff in Cardiff.


Shavkatdzhon Rakhimov
Shavkatdzhon Rakhimov
Joe Cordina
Joe Cordina
Gavin Gwynne
Gavin Gwynne
Craig Woodruff
Craig Woodruff
Zelfa Barrett
Zelfa Barrett
Alex Dilmaghani
Alex Dilmaghani
Jordan Thompson
Jordan Thompson
Luke Watkins
Luke Watkins
Sammy Lee
Sammy Lee
Sandy Ryan
Sandy Ryan
Marie-Pier Houle
Marie-Pier Houle
Miles Gordon-Darby
Miles Gordon-Darby
Brandon Scott
Brandon Scott


비슷한 영화

미드나잇 스팅
가브리엘 케인(Gabriel Caine: 제임스 우즈 분)은 아크릴로 만든 모조 골동품을 팔았다는 죄목으로 윈필드 스테이트 감옥에서 복역 중이다. 그러던 그가 환기장치로 탈출하는 동료를 도와주게 되고 그가 밖에서 수감기간을 줄여주게 된다. 자유가 주어진 그에게 구미를 끄는 새로운 사기 분야는. 바로 수감 중 그가 들은 바 있는 딕스타운에 관한 것이었다. 그것은 TV 방영이나 권투협회의 후원이나 또는 간섭도 받지 않는, 마을 교유의 한바탕의 경기로 주민을 환호와 열광의 도가니로 몰아넣는 매력적인 주먹 싸움이었는데... 그러나 예술가적 사기꾼 가브리엘의 이상적 놀음처럼 이 모험은, 사실 존 길론(John Gillon: 브루스 던 분)의 선수들에 의해 우승은 독점되고 있는 실정. 길론은 전설적인 권투선수인 딕스의 메니져였으나 딕스를 배반하고 상대편 선수에게 돈을 걸어 벼락부자가 된 비열한 인간인데...
In a typical English working-class town, the juveniles have nothing more to do than hang around in gangs. One day, Alan Darcy, a highly motivated man with the same kind of youth experience, starts trying to get the young people off the street and into doing something they can believe in: Boxing. Darcy opens a boxing club, aiming to bring the rival gangs together.
육체와 영혼
유태인인 주인공이 프로모터와 악녀의 계략에도 불구하고 난간을 극복하고 결국 월드챔프에 오른다는 권선징악적인 스토리
Les chats boxeurs
Boxing scene between two cats held by their master.
Ringside Maisie
Young undefeated boxer Terry Dolan, who's been lying to his invalid mother about his career, confides to Maisie that he hates and is terrified by boxing and wants out. Not wanting to let down his best friend and manager Skeets Maguire, who has hopes of him becoming the next champion, he is reluctant to bring up the subject with him. Maisie convinces Terry to tell Skeets, whose unexpected reaction induces him to step into the ring again.
The Robot
Bimbo is a mechanic whose girlfriend (not Betty) agrees to marry him if he wins a fight against "One-Round Mike." Quick as a wink, he transforms his car into a robot to help him in the ring!
Lady and Gent
Stag Bailey, a slow-witted prizefighter, and his girlfriend, speakeasy hostess Puff Rogers, take over the upbringing of Ted Streaver after his father, Stag's manager, is killed.
Documentary on the Japanese boxer Unchain Kaji, who retired from the ring at the age of 30 with an eye injury and a losing record. He then tries to start a new life as a civilian.
Ein deutscher Boxer
Johnny Rocket (Arthur Kennedy) needs to fight one more match to have enough money to get married to Angela (Olympe Bradna) and start on his dream to run and then own a gym. However, his manager makes sure that this does not happen and eventually Johnny embraces being a fighter, but Angela becomes increasingly unhappy.
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson is a 1970 documentary film directed by Jim Jacobs about the boxer Jack Johnson.
Never Kick a Woman
Popeye teaches Olive the art of self-defense, which comes in handy when a woman boxer flirts with him.
Let's You and Him Fight
Bluto is the boxing champ, Popeye his challenger, Wimpy the timekeeper. Popeye is pounded mercilessly until Olive comes by with a can of spinach.
A Scrap in Black and White
Shows a young black boy and a white boy in a lively set-to. They finally collapse in the centre of the ring after they have fought themselves to a stand-still. The referee proceeds to count them both out, and the seconds empty buckets of water on the fighters.
The Boxer
Boxer Teddy Wilcox leaves his manager and relocates. He finds Nick, a manager/trainer. Before Wilcox's first fight, Nick receives a threat-- Wilcox loses, or Nick will die.
Blonde Fist
A woman attempts to escape her domestic problems by fleeing to New York in search of her father. She finds him, and also new problems, some friendship, a romance, and an unexpected career as pro-boxer, to make ends meet.
Gymnasium Jim
Keystone comedy about a garage owner pining for the girl next door, coming into money, and betting on a fixed fight.
Fighting Fools
The boys are working at the local boxing arena where their friend, Jimmy Higgins, is boxing. During a crooked match Jimmy is killed. The boys seek out his older brother, Johnny, a former boxer who gave up the sport rather than go crooked, and help train him to get back in the ring. They try to get him a shot at the title, and when they do the same crooked gangsters that were behind Jimmy's death try to get Johnny to take a dive.
International Contest for the Heavyweight Championship: Squires vs. Burns, Ocean View, Cal., July 4th, 1907
The fight is a short one, with the defeated boxer knocked out in the first round after going down for the third time.
왕년의 복싱 챔피언 빌리는 술과 도박의 방탕한 생활을 하다가 아내 애니마저 떠나버리고 지금은 경마장에서 말을 돌보는 일을 하고 있다. 이제는 아들 티제이와 단둘이 사는 빌리는 지금은 술과 도박을 멀리하고 착실하게 살고 있다. 티제이는 언젠가 빌리가 다시 챔피언이 될 것이라고 믿으며 아빠를 챔프라고 부른다. 하지만 나이도 나이거니와 빌리에겐 다시 복귀할 의지가 없다. 어느날 패션 디자이너로 성공한 애니가 그들 앞에 나타나 티제이에게 접근한다. 어릴적에 떠나버린 엄마 애니를 기억 못하는 티제이는 아빠 친구로 알고, 자신에게 무척 잘해주는 애니를 따르는데 그 모습을 지켜 보는 빌리는 묘한 질투와 희망을 차차 품게 된다. 애니의 성공과 여전히 자신이 최고 인줄 아는 티제이의 응원등에 자극을 받은 빌리는 다시 복싱을 하겠다는 결심을 하고 옛 트레이너를 찾아가 훈련을 도와 달라고 청한다. 빌리는 투지를 불태우며 훈련에 돌입하고 그 옆에서 티제이는 열심으로 응원한다. 드디어 빌리의 복귀전이 열리고 복서의 나이로서는 사양길에 접어든 빌리는 죽을 힘을 다해 경기를 치르지만...