
Darkness above and below, laying on the bliss

장르 : 공포

상영시간 : 2분

연출 : Reema Abdulaziz


To be, to seek, to wander in darkness.



Reema Abdulaziz
Reema Abdulaziz

비슷한 영화

Trees of Syntax, Leaves of Axis
Flickering lights and trees.
알콜 중독에 전과 기록을 가지고 있는 57세 '조'(니콜라스 케이지)는 벌목 일꾼들의 관리자로 과거를 잊고 새로운 삶을 시작한다. 어느 날, ‘조’의 일터에 낯선 15세 소년 ‘게리’(타이 쉐리던)가 찾아와 일자리를 요구하고, ‘게리’에게 묘한 동질감을 느낀 ‘조’는 그를 지켜보기 시작한다. 어린 나이임에도 불구하고 어른스럽고 믿음직스러운 ‘게리’에게 ‘조’는 점차 신뢰가 가기 시작한다. 어느 날, 게리가 아버지의 모진 학대 속에 동생을 지키기 위해 고군분투 한다는 사실을 알게 된 ‘조’. 늘 즉흥적인 삶을 살아온 ‘조’에게 불우한 환경 속에서도 강한 생활력과 의지를 가진 소년 ‘게리’는 놀랍기만 하다. 아버지에게 맞아 피를 흘리며 자신을 찾아온 ‘게리’를 ‘조’는 성가신 일에 얽히고 싶지 않다며 차갑게 밀어낸다. 조용히 살고 싶던 ‘조’는 애써 ‘게리’를 모른 채 하지만, 결국 ‘게리’의 든든한 조력자가 되어주기로 결심한다. 힘겨운 생활 속에서 서로의 든든한 버팀목이 되어주며 위안을 얻는 두 남자 ‘조’와 ‘게리’. 함께여서 더 이상 무서울 것 없는 이들에게 감당하기 어려운 시련이 찾아오는데…
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78 days: A Tree Planting Documentary
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Beyond the Tree
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A Walt Disney short film.
Trim Time
The film tells the story of a tree that during the course of the year receives a rather radical pruning of its foliage. In the course of this simple story we go through the four seasons of the year; The transfer from season to season is accentuated by the music, as well as by the change of colors from silent grays of the winter to vivid green in the summer. The comic effect in the film is achieved by the contrast between the lazy and sleepy character of the tree and the active and jumpy character of the barber.
Mountains of the Wolf
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Dobrisa Cesaric - Selected Poems
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The Man Who Stopped the Desert
As a child in Burkina Faso, Yacouba was sent away from home to study the Qur'an, where he and his classmates were almost starving. The young boys would trek across miles of wilderness, only to fall and beg at a straw hut for meagre rations. It is from this harsh background that the young farmer became determined to develop techniques that would bring exhausted soil back into production. His efforts have outdone the work of the world's leading scientists and technological advances costing millions of pounds. They may also yet prove crucial to the future of the world's rapidly growing population and global food demands.
Becoming Sons & Daughters
Every major social problem that plagues our nation today can be traced back to one root cause: Fatherlessness. For instance, 71% of pregnant teenagers live in a fatherless home. Additionally, 85% of young men in prison grew up without a dad. They are not stats, they are desperate for stability. From small town American to the heart of New York City, 'Becoming Sons & Daughters' tells the stories of people who are stepping into the lives of fatherless kids. Through adoption, mentoring, and simply paying attention, these men and women are planting hope and security. They are giving kids a future and helping them become sons and daughters.
The Tree
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할로우: 죽음의제물
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The Song of the Birds
A boy gets trigger happy with his BB gun, but soon regrets it.
Na Cha and the Seven Devils
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How to Grow a Planet
Geologist Ian Stewart explain in three stages of natural history the crucial interaction of our very planet's physiology and its unique wildlife. Biological evolution is largely driven bu adaptation to conditions such as climate, soil and irrigation, but biotopes were also shaped by wildlife changing earth's surface and climate significantly, even disregarding human activity.
Now That Summer Is Gone
"Summer is gone" and throughout the forest, squirrels are working hard gathering acorns for the long cold winter ahead. But one young squirrel has a better idea...winning acorns by shooting dice. His father disapproves of the plan but can't make his son stop gambling. Winter comes and the father sends the son to the First Nutional Bank to retrieve the family acorn savings. On the way back, the son meets up with a mysterious squirrel intent on teaching him the evils of gambling...
A narrative poem brought to life and an ode to a grandfather's passing, NAMOO—which translates to “tree” in Korean—follows the journey of a budding artist from beginning to end.
El tesoro de los caracoles
After finding a valuable treasure, Quique commits a crime. His mother arranges a plot to hide the act and keep the gems, but to make it, she'll have to surpass both the stupidity of Quique and the smartness of the policemen who investigate the case.
블레어 위치
불을 켜도, 혼자 보지 않아도 무서운 공포! 1994년, 200년 동안 내려온 블레어 위치의 전설을 찾아 3명의 영화과 학생들이 버키츠빌 숲에 들어간 후 실종된다. 그리고 1년 후 그들이 찍은 필름이 발견된다. 1999년 오랜 법정 싸움 끝에 필름은 유가족에게 돌아가고 영화화가 결정된다. 영화는 전세계를 충격에 빠트린다. 그리고… 2016년 유가족 중 헤더의 동생은 SNS에 올려진 1999년의 영상 속에서 누나가 생존해 있을지 모른다는 단서를 발견한다. 그는 팀을 꾸려 버키츠빌로 떠나는데…