
Drop Squad (1994)

Come back, brother.

장르 : 드라마, 코미디

상영시간 : 1시간 26분

연출 : David C. Johnson
각본 : David C. Johnson


Controversial film about an underground organization that kidnaps and 'deprograms' African Americans who sell out or deny their cultural heritage. Spike Lee is the Executive Producer.


Eriq La Salle
Eriq La Salle
Bruford Jamison Jr
Vondie Curtis-Hall
Vondie Curtis-Hall
Rocky Seavers
Ving Rhames
Ving Rhames
Kasi Lemmons
Kasi Lemmons
June Vanderpool
Leonard L. Thomas
Leonard L. Thomas
Nicole Powell
Nicole Powell
Lenora Jamison
Eric Payne
Eric Payne
Crystal Fox
Crystal Fox
Vanessa Williams
Vanessa Williams
Michael Ralph
Michael Ralph
Maggie Rush
Maggie Rush
Detective Atkins
Afemo Omilami
Afemo Omilami
Berl (Flip) Mangum


David C. Johnson
David C. Johnson
David C. Johnson
David C. Johnson
David C. Johnson
David C. Johnson
Michael Bennett
Michael Bennett
Line Producer
Shelby Stone
Shelby Stone
Butch Robinson
Butch Robinson
Michael Bearden
Michael Bearden
Original Music Composer
Jaki Brown
Jaki Brown
Ina Mayhew
Ina Mayhew
Production Design
Paul Weathered
Paul Weathered
Art Direction
Judy Rhee
Judy Rhee
Set Decoration
Spike Lee
Spike Lee
Executive Producer
Kevin Lee
Kevin Lee
Ken Kelsch
Ken Kelsch
Director of Photography

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데드 프레지던트
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