
Fingerprints Don't Lie (1951)

You Can't Erase The Stamp Of A Killer!

장르 : 범죄, 드라마

상영시간 : 57분

연출 : Sam Newfield
각본 : Orville H. Hampton


A fingerprint expert (Richard Travis) figures out who killed the mayor.


Richard Travis
Richard Travis
James Stover
Sheila Ryan
Sheila Ryan
Carolyn Palmer
Sid Melton
Sid Melton
Hypo Dorton
Tom Neal
Tom Neal
Prosecuting Attorney
Margia Dean
Margia Dean
Nadine Connell
Lyle Talbot
Lyle Talbot
Police Lt. Grayson
Michael Whalen
Michael Whalen
Police Commissioner Frank Kelso
Richard Emory
Richard Emory
Paul Moody
Dee Tatum
Dee Tatum
Connie Duval
George Eldredge
George Eldredge
King Sullivan
Rory Mallinson
Rory Mallinson
Brad Evans
Karl 'Killer' Davis
Karl 'Killer' Davis
Rod Barenger (as Karl Davis)
Zon Murray
Zon Murray
Defense Attorney
Syra Marty
Syra Marty
Syra - the Blonde Model (as Syra)


Sam Newfield
Sam Newfield
Orville H. Hampton
Orville H. Hampton
Rupert Hughes
Rupert Hughes
Jack Greenhalgh
Jack Greenhalgh
Director of Photography
Carl Pierson
Carl Pierson
Sigmund Neufeld
Sigmund Neufeld
Dudley Chambers
Dudley Chambers
Stanley Neufeld
Stanley Neufeld
Assistant Director
Harry Reynolds
Harry Reynolds
Bert Shefter
Bert Shefter
Glen Glenn
Glen Glenn
Ray Mercer
Ray Mercer
Visual Effects
Paul Stanhope
Paul Stanhope
Makeup Artist

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