
The Presence of Snowgood (2023)

The legend. The deceit. The terror

장르 : 공포, 미스터리, 스릴러

상영시간 : 2시간 10분


A private investigator takes on an audacious local community where they seem to worship an ancient fabled crown and yet are not aware of the deadly horror and consequences that guard its true existence.


Caroline Munro
Caroline Munro
Dolores Blackman
Sarah Maur Ward
Sarah Maur Ward
Lyn Belchor
Tom Malt
Tom Malt
John Knightley


Neill McKenzie
Neill McKenzie
Jeff Crampton
Jeff Crampton

비슷한 영화

Gevangen In Zijn Schaduw
A gambling woman is blackmailed into working with a monster brought to life by a self-proclaimed psychologist. An urban take on the classic Mary Shelly novel. Frankenthug is about a creature sewn from the parts of the deceased and fueled by hate. Worlds collide when the creature is paired with a beautiful compulsive gambler.
The Island Between Tides
A young woman follows a mysterious melody onto a remote tidal island. When she crosses back over at the next low tide, she emerges into a world where 25 years have passed.
The Chain
When Mike finds out that he has he same neurological disease as his father, he decides to enter a chain of assisted suicides, which operates under one rule: if you want to die, you must kill someone first.
The Wicked Dolls
A doctor and a nurse working in a rural hospital take a vow to be faithful over two small dolls. They each wear a doll as a necklace. However he is unable to remain faithful and bad things begin to happen.
Ghost Ghost Ghost!
A film containing four short horror stories. The first involves a dangerous ritual done to capture the image of ghost The second story is about a deadly ghost which returns to attack the person who killed him. The third story is about a girl who is "trapped" in this world. The last story is about a group who investigates the existence of spirits in a old house.
In the Next Room
The story starts with a prologue set in 1889 in which we see an angry husband murdering his wife's lover. The setting then moves to 1929, just as an antiques dealer Philip Vantine (John St. Polis) has finished moving into the same house where the 1889 murder occurred.
혜성의 지구 충돌 속보를 지켜보던 존과 가족들. 미 항공우주국(NASA)의 예측과 달리 해상으로 떨어졌어야 할 파편은 캘리포니아를 비롯해 세계 대도시로 추락해 세계는 순식간에 혼돈에 빠진다. 지구의 3/4을 날려버릴 초대형 혜성 추락까지 남은 시간은 단 48시간. 존과 가족은 지구의 유일한 안전 대피소인 ‘그린란드’의 벙커로 향하는데... 인류의 마지막 카운트다운이 시작된다!
The Pig Walks
A pig walks.
죽음의 영혼
Federico Fellini's adaptation of a story by Edgar Allan Poe. Originally appeared as a segment in the omnibus film "Spirits of the Dead" but has been theatrically presented as a separate film.
Das Gesicht auf der Wand
The Ethics and Morality of Being a Vampire
Ascelin and Killian are vampires who have been best friends for hundreds of years, but their relationship is strained when Ascelin begins feeling guilty for their murderous feasts.
Two men concoct a potion and give it to a third man they don't like. He turns into a mutant monster, which ruins his sex life.
Sex Appeal Mahjong 168 Hours
A 7-day (168-hour) mahjong champion deciding match with a prize of 100 million yen. Four fierce men gathered at the site of the decisive battle of this unprecedented tournament. Akimitsu Uehara (age 58), representative of the Japan Mahjong Federation, which reigns at the top of the professional mahjong world. Kyoka Futaki (24 years old), the female sparrow player representative who stands at the top of the 200-odd female sparrow players nationwide. Jiro Okita (19 years old), representative of the Japan Professional Mahjong Joint Association, also known as “Okita Souji of the Professional Mahjong World”. And Yugo Kijima (36 years old), the representative of “Japan Mahjong Union”. While facing each other’s past and fate, challenge the “Battle of the Century” to fight against the limits of your physical strength and intelligence!
Safe Word
After eloping with her seemingly perfect boyfriend after only a few weeks, Colette realizes too late that his intent is to control her completely.
Devious Deeds
Mariela arrives from Venezuela to the United States to care for the Collins' young daughter, Abbey. But behind this family's seemingly perfect facade hides a sinister secret.
Erzsabet and the Mystery of Iniquity
September 1998. The millennium approaches. As they prepare for Y2K, two teenagers set out to find the legendary Mojave Payphone led by their mentor - the unhinged conspiracy theorist Captain Zeno. When they reach their quarry, however, things take a turn.
In the Defense Against Tyranny
Francisco Suarez has the unique opportunity to interview one of the Presidential candidates. Torn by his desire to be objective he is left with a choice that could mean the end of his career but the deliverance of his country.
El hombre que debía una muerte
A young woman welcomes a stranger into her home who pretends to have an accident. After a fleeting romance, the two marry and she immediately inherits a fortune due to the death of her uncle. Later, the young woman discovered that there is a connection between the events.
루마니아의 깊은 숲, 니콜라이 박사 일행은 13세기 수도원의 폐허 아래 숨겨진 케이브의 입구를 발견한다. 3,400미터 아래 위치한 입구, 200미터가 넘는 폭포, 깎아지른 듯한 빙벽, 게다가 끝이 보이지 않는 강이 흐르는 케이브의 내부는 마치 하나의 지구를 축소시킨듯 놀랍기만 하고 이들은 본격적인 탐사에 나선다. 빠르고 거대하게 무언가 움직이기 시작했다 하지만 한치의 오차도 없던 탐사는 입구가 막히는 불의의 사고와 팀의 리더인 잭이 정체를 알 수 없는 생명체의 공격을 받는 등 불길함에 휩싸인다. 출구가 사라진 케이브! 그리고 괴생명체의 위협까지, 게다가 괴생명체의 공격을 받았던 팀의 리더 잭의 몸에 이상 증세가 나타나기 시작하면서 탐사팀은 점입가경의 위기를 맞게되고 케이브를 탈출하기 위한 이들의 생명을 건 도전이 시작되는데... 어둠 속에 잠들었던 케이브의 비밀은 무엇인가? 이들을 공격한 괴생명체의 정체는 과연 무엇인가?