
Pirates - Les Corsaires Barbaresques (2015)

장르 : 다큐멘터리, 역사

상영시간 : 52분

연출 : Robert Schotter


In the 18th century, the Barbary threat became serious. In July 1785 two American ships were brought back to Algiers; in the winter of 1793, eleven American ships, their crews chained, were in the hands of the Dey of Algiers. To ensure the freedom of movement of their merchant fleet, the U.S.A was forced to conclude treaties with the main Barbary states, paying considerable sums of money as a guarantee of non-aggression. With Morocco, treaty of 1786, 30,000 dollars; Tripoli, November 4, 1796, $56,000; Tunis, August 1797, $107,000. But the most expensive and the most humiliating was with the dey of Algiers, on September 5, 1795, "peace and friendship treaty" which cost nearly a million dollars (including 525,000 ransom for freed American slaves) , with the obligation to pay 20,000 dollars on the arrival of each new consul and 17,000 dollars in annual gifts to senior Algerian officials...



Robert Schotter
Robert Schotter
Christoph Weinert
Christoph Weinert
Robert Schotter
Robert Schotter

비슷한 영화

Algérie Tours Détours
A documentary road movie with René Vautier In the aftermath of Algeria's independence, René Vautier, a militant filmmaker, considered "the dad" of Algerian cinema, set up the cine-pops. We recreate with him the device of itinerant projections and we travel the country in ciné-bus (Algiers, Béjaïa, Tizi Ouzou, Tébessa) to hear the voices of the spectators on the political situation, youth and living conditions of men and Of women today.
Douar de Femmes
At a dangerous time in Algeria, 'Douar de Femmes' is a story of ordinary women who manage to defend themselves in extraordinary situations. The film focuses on a small village that has been attacked more often by terrorists from the surrounding mountains. While the men work, the women learn how to handle machine guns and explore the area. “Fear has armed us,” says the young woman Sabrina. But despite that fear, people get married, children come and keep watch.
Glimpses of Morocco and Algiers
This FitzPatrick Traveltalk short visits the cities of Casablanca, Rabat, and Marrakesh in Morocco, as well as the city of Algiers in Algeria.
Rester en Algérie
Algériennes, Trente ans après
Algeria, Year Zero
Documentary on the beginnings of Algerian independence filmed during the summer of 1962 in Algiers. The film was banned in France and Algeria but won the Grand Prize at the Leipzig International Film Festival in 1965. Out of friendship, the production company Images de France sent an operator, Bruno Muel, who later declared: "For those who were called to Algeria (for me, 1956-58), participating in a film on independence was a victory over horror, lies and absurdity. It was also the beginning of my commitment to the cinema."
Tale of an Encounter
Two deaf and dumb children. She is the daughter of an American Oil engineer. He is the son of an Algerian farmer. They meet and manage to communicate, transcending all the cultural barriers that separate them.
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie
A boatload of beloved VeggieTales pals embark on a fun and fresh pirate adventure with their trademark humor and silly songs in The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything - A VeggieTales Movie! Larry the Cucumber, Mr. Lunt and Pa Grape find themselves on the ride of their lives when they are mysteriously whisked back to the time when pirates ruled the high seas.
Algeria in Flames
These are the first images shot in the ALN maquis, camera in hand, at the end of 1956 and in 1957. These war images taken in the Aurès-Nementchas are intended to be the basis of a dialogue between French and Algerians for peace in Algeria, by demonstrating the existence of an armed organization close to the people. Three versions of Algeria in Flames are produced: French, German and Arabic. From the end of the editing, the film circulates without any cuts throughout the world, except in France where the first screening takes place in the occupied Sorbonne in 1968. Certain images of the film have circulated and are found in films, in particular Algerian films. Because of the excitement caused by this film, he was forced to go into hiding for 25 months. After the declaration of independence, he founded the first Algerian Audiovisual Center.
Les Enfants de l’ovale... Un essai qui transforme !
Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie
Get ready as Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber and the rest of the Veggies set sail on a whale of an adventure in Big Idea's first full-length, 3-D animated feature film. This is the story of Jonah and the Whale as you've never seen it before - a story where we learn that one of the best gifts you can give - or get - is a second chance.
Emilie Busquant, une passion algérienne
알제리 전투
1957년 10월 어느 새벽, 알제리 민족 해방 전선(Font de Libration Nationale, FNL) 소속의 나이 든 반군 한 명이 프랑스 군인들의 고문을 견디다 못해 마지막 남은 지도자 알리의 은신처를 누설하고 만다. 은신처를 포위한 프랑스군은 당장이라도 폭파할 태세이다. 오직 해방을 목표로 투쟁해 온 지도자 알리는 생사의 갈림길에서 상념에 잠긴 채 치열했던 지난 3년을 회상한다... 1954년에서 1962년 사이, 9년간 프랑스의 식민 통치에 대항한 FNL의 무장 독립 투쟁과 프랑스군의 정치적 폭력 행위 등을 다큐멘터리 형식으로 재구성한 영화다.
Directed by Abdelaziz Tolbi.
White Mane
In the south of France, in a vast plain region called the Camargue, lives White Mane, a magnificent stallion and the leader of a herd of wild horses too proud to let themselves be broken by humans. Only Folco, a young fisherman, manages to tame him. A strong friendship grows between the boy and the horse, as the two go looking for the freedom that the world of men won’t allow them.
Pepe Le Moko is a notorious thief, who escaped from France. Since his escape, Moko has become a resident and leader of the immense Casbah of Algiers. French officials arrive insisting on Pepe's capture are met with unfazed local detectives, led by Inspector Slimane, who are biding their time. Meanwhile, Pepe meets the beautiful Gaby, which arouses the jealousy of Ines.
Vote off
Fayçal Hammoum recounts the 2014 presidential election through non-voting inhabitants of Algiers who, like him, are in their thirties. Be it Bilel, a grocer by default exposed to his customers’ political babbling, or the more politically-charged comments of Younes, a militant FM radio journalist opposed to President Bouteflika’s fourth term, the variety of conversational scenes in no way changes the determination not to vote for an old man who has been invisible for almost two years. The rappers Omar and Brahim are as bereft of hope and voter’s cards as the Tellek webradio DJ, since “the match is fixed”. Moving away from his focus on this subject to film their daily life, the filmmaker draws the portrait of a generation who, as Bilal says with poignant simplicity, “just wants to live
이야기를 나누고, 생활하고, 사색하는 모습을 통해 5대륙 10개국 주인공들의 생각, 아이디어, 경험, 그리고 꿈이 펼쳐진다. 이 집합적 이야기들은 아르헨티나 작가 호르헤 루이스 보르헤스가 “상상할 수 없는 우주”라 부른 것과의 관련 속에서 퍼즐의 조각들로서 기능한다.
프랑스령인 카스바에서 은둔하고 있는 도둑들의 우두머리인 페페는 그 지역 사람들에게 두터운 신망을 받고 있다. 경찰은 도둑질을 하고 카스바로 숨어드는 그의 일당들을 잡아보려고 하지만 매번 페페를 도와주는 주민들에 의해 실패한다. 그러던 어느 날 밤, 페페는 경찰의 기습을 피해 달아나다가 마침 그곳을 여행 중이던 미모의 여자와 마주치게 되는데...
Barbary Pirate
U.S. agent Major Tom Blake is sent to Tripoli to uncover who it is in Washington that is tipping off the pirates as to what's being shipped where. A fast-moving story with lots of sabers and rapiers.