
Love Actually... Sucks! (2012)

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 1시간 23분

연출 : Scud


It tells a variety of stories about love that has gone wrong: a brother and sister in an illicit relationship, a married painter who falls in love with his young male life model, a dance school teacher who is besotted with his senior student, and a lesbian couple, one of whom has role-play paranoia, and is caught in a complex love triangle.


Osman Hung
Osman Hung
Linda So
Linda So
Haze Leung
Haze Leung
John Tai
John Tai
Tang Wei
Tang Wei
Calvin Wong
Calvin Wong
Boy in sauna
Owen Lee
Owen Lee
Dance teacher
Alice Chen
Alice Chen
Betty Chan
Betty Chan
Dance teacher's girl
Christepher Wee
Christepher Wee
Sherry Lee
Sherry Lee
Lareine Hsu
Lareine Hsu
Celia Chang
Celia Chang
Policewoman's girl
Jackie Chow
Jackie Chow
Winnie Leung
Winnie Leung
Ryo van Kooten
Ryo van Kooten
Ron Heung
Ron Heung
Pianist in wedding
Denis Ng
Denis Ng
Rich woman's boy friend
Byron Pang
Byron Pang
Boy having sex in the balcony
Thomas Price
Thomas Price
Graffiti boy
Herman Yau
Herman Yau
Director in party
Superintendent in party


Yat-Yiu Yu
Yat-Yiu Yu
Chan Chi Wai
Chan Chi Wai
William Chang
William Chang
On Lam
On Lam
Assistant Production Manager
Irving Cheung
Irving Cheung
Art Direction
Larry Lee
Larry Lee
Assistant Director
Haze Leung
Haze Leung
Assistant Director
Mak Ho Fung
Mak Ho Fung
Assistant Director
Ron Heung
Ron Heung
Still Photographer
Ng King-Man
Ng King-Man
Tam Tak-Wing
Tam Tak-Wing
Sound Recordist
Herman Yau
Herman Yau
Irving Cheung
Irving Cheung
Costume Design
Wan-Yee Lau
Wan-Yee Lau
Production Manager
Chris Chan Sze-Ting
Chris Chan Sze-Ting
Unit Manager

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