인간의 마음 (2023)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 12분

연출 : Lim Jin-pyung


‘우리는 연결되어 있다’, ‘동물은 물건이 아니다’, ‘인간의 마음’ 세 개의 챕터를 연결하여 재난과 참사가 치유되지 않는 한국 사회의 풍경을 그리는 옴니버스 스토리이다. 가습기 살균제, 개 식용 문제, 양평에서 발생한 개들의 집단 사체 사건은 피해와 학대가 인간에게만 해당하는 것은 아니라는 것을 이야기한다.



Lim Jin-pyung
Lim Jin-pyung

비슷한 영화

The Condition of Dogs
Shows a market where puppies are bought and sold. Several puppies are placed in a cloth bag, and they struggle to break free. One bites through the bag, pokes his head, and is observed in his triumph and then confusion.
Hopalong Animal Rescue: The Power of Fostering
The power of fostering animals in need is undeniable. Hopalong Animal Rescue, based in Oakland, CA, demonstrates this every day. This short film chronicles Tina Quon and Gary Moore, a couple who have dedicated their life together to fostering dogs in need of forever homes. Their pit bull, Nulo, plays a pivotal role, teaching young puppies how to grow into well-behaved, loving adult dogs. Together, they have fostered over 60 dogs – and counting. This documentary shows the ways in which Tina, Gary, and Nulo – along with Hopalong's larger network of over 600 foster homes throughout the Bay Area – have touched so many lives in profound and deeply moving ways.
강아지와 함께한 날들
사람과 강아지가 나누는 사랑에 관한 영화. 애정 표시, 그들만의 습관과 놀이, 보살핌, 그리고 만남과 작별, 보호와 길들임에 대한 이야기를 담았다. 이 이야기들이 한데 얽혀 사랑과 그에 따르는 수수께끼들의 지도를 만든다.
An Intervention
Chelsea Bledsoe and her husband Graig throw a surprise intervention for her old high school boyfriend, Henry, with a mismatched group of acquaintances from back in the day to fill out the guest list.
Perro, el mejor amigo del hombre
The Dog Walker
Retired actor Lars-Gunnar Persson spends his days with his neighbor's dog, sharing memories of failed relationships and questioning what life might have been. It's a friendship that suits Lars-Gunnar because the dog, Zeb, is an excellent listener.
To Be of Service
A documentary film about veterans with PTSD who find that, after other treatments fall short, a service dog helps them return to an independent feeling life.
The Hardest Day
The Hardest Day is an unprecedented film that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond and the last moments between. A meditation on love, loss and the intersection, the film also offers a profound insight into the veterinarians and support staff who help along the way.
Year of the Dog
Follows musician and DJ Simone Marie Butler as she attempts to understand the life of homeless people and their dogs, and how the charity Dogs on the Street has helped them.
A Dog's Life: A Dogamentary
A Dog's Life: A Dogamentary, a wacky and poignant documentary about the positive effects of the bond between dogs and humans, told through the story of Gayle Kirschenbaum and her dog Chelsea. Chelsea rigged with a "doggie cam", this couple hit the streets of NY looking for love. 9/11 happens. Chelsea emerges as a healing force as a therapy dog.
How to tell if an animal has rabies.
a static shot of my dog
Story of a Dog
Story of a Dog is a 1945 short documentary film under the supervision of Gordon Hollingshead. In the film, a dog trains for the battlefield and becomes a crucial part of the United States military. It was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short, One-Reel.
트러플 헌터스
​맛과 진귀함 때문에 ‘땅 속의 다이아몬드’로 불리는 식재료, 화이트 알바 트러플. 우리에게 산삼을 찾는 심마니들이 있다면, 유럽의 산자락엔 개를 앞세워 버섯을 찾는 사람들이 있다. 이 작품은 북부 이탈리아의 트러플 채취자 4인을 좇는 유머 넘치는 다큐멘터리로, 등장인물들은 각기 개성적이지만, 공통적으로 남다른 소명의식을 가지고 있다. 그들은 모두 ‘탐욕’을 경계하며, 고락을 함께 하는 개들과 동반자적 자세를 견지한다. 엄청난 가격으로 거래되는 트러플 산업의 일면을 엿보는 동시에, 스러져버릴지도 모르는 전통과 자연의 가치를 알려주는 작품.
Esther van Neerbos searches for missing people with her dogs. Her dogs are specially trained to recognize the smell of death. Thanks to Esther's efforts, many bodies are recovered and she puts an end to the uncertainty in which those left behind live.
La toilette du petit chien
A man and a child are washing a small dog in a tub, while a large dog is circling around them, barking.
Martin Rütter - Sprachkurs Hund
Fan Dog
For a Fiery Monkey Year.
Jagaimo Korokoro ~ Saigai Kyūjo Inu e no Nagai Tabi
Midnight Screening
A misty midnight. Music plays in one house, in the other, a man brushes his teeth. More and more sounds are heard yet the darkness hardly reveals where it's all coming from. It's midnight. Isn't anybody asleep?