
Bedspacer (2024)

장르 : 스릴러, 드라마

상영시간 : 0분

연출 : Carlo Obispo


Janice's steamy obsession to imitate Lexi propels them to campus stardom. But dark secrets blur the lines between authenticity and seductive deception.


Christine Bermas
Christine Bermas
Micaella Raz
Micaella Raz
Matthew Francisco
Matthew Francisco
JD Aguas
JD Aguas
Aria Bench
Aria Bench
Aila Cruz
Aila Cruz
Rash Flores
Rash Flores


Carlo Obispo
Carlo Obispo

비슷한 영화

Several Conversations About a Very Tall Girl
Two girls begin to chat about another girl, a former lover of both. As they grow closer, the gap between them widens, as one them is looking for answers and love while safely closeted. A try-out for love confined within suffocating prejudices, in today's Romania.
Colorful Picture
The script and the background of the film are inspired by the current situation of LGBTQ+ community in Poland. This is a story about two young men, their mutual love and the difficulties it brings. But first of all it is a story about art, how it is influences the people we love, and how through it we can pass on the love that surrounds us.
1960년 12월 25일, 독실한 카톨릭 집안인 ‘볼리외’가에서 아기 예수와 같은 날에 태어난 특별한 아이 ‘자크’. 특별한 생일만큼 자크에게는 개성 넘치는 독특한 가족들이 있다. 팻시클라인을 광적으로 좋아하시는 아버지, 아들에게 초능력이 있다고 믿는 어머니, 책벌레 큰형, 까칠한 날라리 둘째형, 단순한 스포츠맨 셋째형, 먹을 것에 미친 막내 이런 가족 사이에서 유별나게 성장하는 자크의 이야기와 ‘볼리외’가의 C.R.A.Z.Y한 그들의 좌충우돌 가족사가 펼쳐진다!
A grieving family opens its household to an unknown woman who claims to have been their dearly departed's girlfriend.
Anita grew up on the Seneca Indian reservation, and for the first time ever, she's bringing her partner Rachel to meet her parents.
천재적인 극작가이자, 시인인 오스카 와일드의 생애를 다룬 영화. 오스카 와일드의 연인역을 맡은 주드 로를 비롯해 올랜드 블룸의 색다른 모습도 볼 수 있다. 1883년 아일랜드에서 태어난 오스카 와일드. 그는 오랫동안 미국과 캐나다 등을 돌아다니며 문학적 수양을 쌓은 뒤 런던으로 귀향하여 아름다운 콩스탄스 로이드와 결혼한다. 몇 년 후, 오스카는 천재적인 글솜씨로 명성을 얻고, 사랑스런 두 아들을 얻는 등 만족스러운 삶을 살게 된다. 하지만 손님으로 집에 왔던 로버트 로스에게 유혹을 받은 오스카는 학창시절부터 자신을 옭아매왔던 자신의 동성애적인 성향에 정면으로 부딪힌다. 오스카의 작품들은 자신의 성적 정체성에 대한 자각이 반영되어있지만, 그의 실제 삶은 동성애를 금기시하는 후기 빅토리아 사회에 의해 억눌려있다. 1892년 자신의 연극이 초연되던 날, 오스카는 보시라는 예명을 가진 잘생긴 옥스퍼드 대학원생 알프레드 더글라스 경을 만난다. 그리고 자신을 결국 파멸의 길로 몰고간 자신만만하고 지적이며 세련된 젊은이 보스에게 걷잡을 수 없이 빨려들게 된다.
The Commitment
An interracial gay couple adopting a newborn baby meets the pregnant Asian birthmother and receives a surprise that threatens their relationship.
나의 아름다운 세탁소
영국에 사는 파키스탄인 오마르는 좌파지식인이자 유명한 저널리스트인 아버지의 뜻에 따르지 않고 삼촌 나세르가 운영하는 세탁소의 관리인이 된다. 어느날 오마르는 삼촌 가족과 식사를 하고 돌아오는 길에 인종차별주의자 집단인 민족전선 갱들과 만나게 되는데 그 안에서 옛 친구 죠니를 만나게 된다. 이를 계기로 죠니 또한 오마르를 도와 세탁소 일을 하게 되면서 둘은 서로에게 꼭 필요한 존재가 된다. 하지만 오마르는 영국 사회에서의 성공을 위해 냉혈한 삼촌 나세르를 닮아간다.
While There Is Still Time
Lucas and Caio are studying in the last year of high school and they are two inseparable friends.
My Condolences to Your Future Lovers
Idealist Vicky is desperate to find a way to convince her whirlwind summer love, Stacey, that theirs wasn’t just a holiday romance. She fights passionately for young love and picture-perfect moments, convinced Stacey is just scared or in the closet.
'Naked' is a modern-day drama set in Sweden which centers on two young men, Erik and Anthony. They share a night of passion after a party, and as ostensibly heterosexual men with girlfriends, this event disturbs them greatly and forces them to grapple with issues of identity in every facet of their lives. The two men, increasingly agitated, hurtle toward an explosive and unpredictable confrontation.
정사: 두 여자
감옥에서 출소해 갈 곳이 없던 노라는 감옥에서 받았던 응원의 편지의 주소로 향한다. 레아는 노라의 갑작스러운 방문에 놀라지만, 그녀를 집에 들이기로 한다. 그러던 어느 날 노라의 전 남자친구 레오가 둘을 찾아오고 세 사람은 뜨거운 치정에 휘말리기 시작한다.
Bareback ou la Guerre des sens
A cinephile meets his favourite film maker on a beach in Ramatuelle. He proposes a film project to the director based on the painful adventures that he has just experienced. The two men work on the scenes, each in its own way. The film maker keeps pushing the project, arguing that the shooting is not good. But perhaps there's another reason not to leave the good adventure.
Who Leads
One couple's new intense connection is questioned in the midst of the disintegration of another couple; who leads when four men come together?
Twenty-year-old Cal returns from France to Britain after receiving news that his mother is ill. His finds his home city of Bristol facing hard economic times brought on by the global economic crisis, with poverty and crime on the rise and rioting and looting almost a nightly occurrence. It is not a warm homecoming as his sick mother remains stubbornly homophobic and wants nothing to do with the now openingly gay Cal while his battered Auntie Jane, now living in a run down council house, dulls her stagnation with welfare funded booze and disturbing attempts to sexually seduce her nephew. Navigating his way across this new landscape he meets a young student who needs his help. However his act of kindness brings him into contact with a lawless drug dealing pimp and a race against time to make peace with his mother and get out of town as quickly as possible. An intense tale of a family mired in poverty, angry and lost but still searching for love, respect and acceptance.
Another Story of Love
Diego is a twenty-year-old Chilean boy who spends every day taking pictures of anything he sees. After many years he meets Sebastian, his childhood friend, and they spend a whole summer together drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana and walking around in the blazing sun of Santiago. They both come from dysfunctional families (Diego's mother is an alcoholic and Sebastian feels abandoned by his father and his stepmother), but the need to discover the world around them and explore their inner feelings brings them closer to each other, making their friendship very, very intense. The desire that ties them to each other is palpable, and soon barriers and fears fall, leading them to wonder what they really want.
Something About Alex
A teenager struggling with his gender attempts to reconcile with his identity.
Coming of Age: Vol. 1
A collection of 3 shorts films about teen boys becoming men and the hardship they go through. The shorts films are: A Friend of Dorothy (1994); Baby (2000); A Little Comfort [Juste un peu de réconfort...] (2004).
Coming of Age: Vol. 2
This short film collection again has one thing in common: it shows the differentiated coping with the difficult phase of growing up, the coming of age. From deliciously funny moments to touching intimacy, these 5 shorts take us through the ups and downs of gay encounter as only short film can capture. The shorts films are: A Good Son (1998); Meet Joe Gay (2000); Different (2004); The Neighborly Thing (2005); Is One of You Eddie? (2006).
Coming of Age: Vol. 3
This short films collection deals with coming of age which describes the process of maturing from youth to adult. The unrest and conflicts that go hand in hand with this difficult time are reflected in a wide variety of topics. Deep intimate situations alternate with deliciously funny moments. The short films are: Like a Brother (2002); Late Bloomer (2004); Little Wings (2007); Connected (2008); The Cousin [El primo] (2008); Ready? OK! (2008).